Meg Ryan Got A Kneepads Cover
I Tweeted yesterday about this but wanted to write a little bit about it today. I think Kneepads should just go ahead and fire the editor over there now because they are already not renewing his contract and the guy is just mailing it in at this point and there were rumors last week he was sleeping with one of his staffers so I don't see the point of keeping him around.
Am I curious about what happened to Meg Ryan? Yeah, but a nice little side bar photo on the cover would have sufficed. The cover isn't going to make me buy the magazine. I think they forget that the idea of a magazine is to get customers to purchase it. Customers are reluctant to shell out almost $5 when they see Meg Ryan on the cover.
Of course the rest of the stories on the cover seem pretty boring and tame too. Kneepads' sales are down fifty percent. I know that any of you could walk in to that place tomorrow and do better than that.
In the article Meg Ryan says she prefers to be out of the spotlight and away from acting and is happy just living her life. They let her get away with that answer. Meg Ryan would love to be in front of a camera. if you came to her tomorrow and said Tom Hanks wants to do a Sleepless 2 she would be the first person at work and ready to go. The affair with Russell Crowe killed her career. It isn't fair but that's what happened. Kneepads doesn't even mention it in their article.
They also tread lightly on the whole timing of the John Mellencamp dating thing. Everyone knows they started dating before he said he was splitting with his wife but that's isn't in there either. They go with the whole dating shortly after he split with his wife version.