Monday, October 21, 2013

Man Spends Life Savings To Look Like Justin Bieber

A Los Angeles man did something most of us would be unthinkable. He listened to an entire Justin Bieber record. Actually he never says if he has done that but what he does say is that Justin Bieber has the most flawless face he has ever seen. Yeah, well just wait until Justin hits puberty because then we will see how it looks. The man spent $100,000 which represented his entire life savings just to look like Bieber. The 33 year old man says he is thrilled with the way he looks and I'm sure 12 year old girls must be swarming over him now. I'm guessing that judging by his old photos that he spent his other life savings trying to look like a cross between Zach Morris and Andy Warhol with a splash of Liza Minelli.

Does heat least use a belt on his pants and walk without being carried?


  1. He's got crazy eyes!!

  2. WTF?!?
    It is too gawd d@mn early on a Monday morning to read this train wreck. I can't, I just can't

  3. It's pick on the mentally ill day!

  4. kidding!?

    I saw this this weekend and my gawd, this is effin' sad!

    By the way, 12 y/o me probably would've thought Beibs was cute. Gawd, I hate myself for admitting that.

  5. I'm sorry, it's true he must be ill, but that was damn funny!

  6. He looks more like Justin in the top photo to me. Is that a before shot?

    1. @Lotta, I thought the same thing when I saw this the other day.

  7. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Enty, your comment about 12 yr old girls swarming him is just creepy.
    Dude already looks like a paedo.

  8. Anonymous6:55 AM

    And dude wasted $100 G's
    He looks like a burns victim.

  9. He should have used some of that money and gotten a tan...his arms almost match his shirt

  10. He should have used some of that money and gotten a tan...his arms almost match his shirt

  11. Cheaper than a sex change?

  12. 100,000 dollars to look like a 12 year old prepubescent girl. Wow. He looked better as Zack Morris.

    here's my question though, when beiber becomes the next Leif Garrett, what does this guy do? Does he pay another 100k to look like someone else?

  13. He got what he wanted...lots of attention and his 15 minutes. It should be mandatory that when a potential client walks into a plastic surgeon's office and requests to look like a celebrity, that they be required to undergo some form of evaluation prior to the work getting done.

  14. This is beyond creepy.

  15. I think lots of potential plastic surgery patients should have a psych evaluation before going under the knife. This is just sad.

  16. Dude looks like a lady.

  17. He looks scary and unnatural.

  18. He should demand a refund.

  19. He looks like a girl.

  20. He looks like Stewart from MadTv.

  21. Like a cross between Stuart and Cameron from Ferris Bueller (the actors name escapes me!)

    What was he thinking?

  22. Looks like a rather masculine girl, but so does Bieber, so a job well done then! I still think he should have spent that money on a good psychiatrist, though.

  23. So if you want to date him you have to have your own starp-on if you're a girl and be a top if you're a guy???

  24. That $100,000 could have been used for something better than looking like that idiot Beaver.

    Also he looks very weird.

  25. @Hollywood Dime

    "Look what I can do!"


  26. Anonymous10:20 AM

    Mentally ill and gay

  27. As a resident of Los Angeles, I sincerely hope this weirdo is on some sort of law enforcement watch list.

  28. How do we break it to this guy, that he looks absolutely nothing like the Biebs? That's a compliment actually.

  29. someone clearly has some issues! YIKES

  30. @Hollywood Dime - I thought the same thing when I saw him! Just creepy looking.

  31. To me he looks like Jack McBrayer from 30 Rock.

    1. Anonymous3:02 PM

      Ha @ Tina.
      I was just thinking, I wouldn't let him teach my kids soccer or piano.

  32. Anonymous4:03 PM

    He looks very "feminine"

    I'm going to steal a funny quote I read on another site yesterday about this - "The penis reduction must have really hurt"! Ha ha ha ha ha ha HA!

  33. How...disturbing.

    And I'm really pissed because I'm way over 33 and have nothing close to 100K saved.

  34. So disturbing and shld be against the law. And he doesnt even look good!

  35. He ruined his face to look like someone who desperately hates the way he looks and is trying to change to seem more manly. What a farce. Beieber would rather look like anybody but himself. He's a very girly looking man, and the before photo of the faux Bieber wasn't manly, now he's just an ugly man who paid a lot of money to look like a lesbian. The money would have been better spent with a lot of counseling.
