Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Lindsay Lohan Is Boozing Again - Pills - Oprah Taping Over

With Lindsay Lohan's reality show finished and Lindsay's pockets flush with Oprah's cash she decided to spend some of her money boozing again. She is probably also taking pills and your guess is as good as mine if she is doing drugs. I would guess not at this point because she is probably scared of a drug test but when her show airs it is going to portray her as some kind of clean living reformed addict and nothing could be further from the truth. The thing is people tuning into Oprah's show might not read gossip sites so unless there is another reaching for the wine bottle kind of photo op that ends up splashed on the cover of a weekly tabloid chances are good that people will keep being ignorant.

What I am looking forward to is having Oprah's show being in the middle of its run and Lindsay arrested or getting into a fight for something booze related and then having that show look like the mockery it is. You know what is really scary? That Lindsay is doing so much drinking in public. How addicted is she to going clubbing that she can't even do her drinking at home away from windows? Is she that desperate to be seen and to be around people that she needs to go to clubs? Why can't she just be like a true Hollywood addict and do it quietly in her home away from people and press?

Her incessant need to party in public is going to be her downfall because she is confrontational and does not surround herself with people who care about her. If she drank and drugged at home she would be much less likely to get caught or to get into a situation that spins out of control.


  1. She needs to hold off on offing herself; The 27 Club is for talented people.

  2. I'm sure Lind's parents are hoping for the 27 club so they can make a bunch of money off of her instead of waiting for handouts.

  3. She's also addicted to fame, hence the out-in-public thang.

    I can't believe Oprah attached herself to Lindsay. How is this going to bode for her credibility?

    I loathe Oprah. We saw her this summer in Stone Harbor, NJ. My sisters were losing their minds. They are her biggest fans. I just rolled my eyes and chugged my wine. Her hair did look good. And it was hella humid. Gayle and Steadman were with her.

  4. Let's face it; in addition to her addiction issues, Lindsay isn't terribly bright. One glance at the email she sent to Al Gore is proof enough of that. So, in no particular order, she's a pot-head, a pill-head, and a coke-head (to mention only her drugs of choice that we know of) who was raised in a home by a shamelessly parasitic mother with addiction issues of her own and by an abusive, felonious father who is at least equally parasitic. And on top of all that, she doesn't have the brains God gave a grapefruit.

    I don't think she could do or say anything which could surprise me too much.

  5. A once talented individual who is an alcoholic/addict and turning tricks to make money. Oldest story in the world like millions of other addicts out there. No friends, no family, no employer who actually cares. Fans? Who actually thinks this woman has any talent anymore? There is no happy ending to this story if she doesn't want to change.

  6. In other news the Pope is Catholic.

  7. This photo is so sad. I really feel sorry for her. Of course she is accountable for what happens to her, but I really find her story and her demise very sad to watch.

    As far as I can tell she is stuck in a very bad place. Sometimes there is nothing to do for an addict except hold them down and physically remove them from their intoxicants long enough for them to gain the motivation to remain sober. I don't see it as possible for her.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I think Lindsay can be summed up in that one half-sentence: does not surround herself with people that care about her. If she makes it out of this stage alive, she'll be fine and wiser for it. That rye chair is a huge IF

  10. Just a family of grifters. No more, no less.

  11. She a very sick girl…

  12. Your asessment of her id probably spot on, but do you have to sound so happy about it? She is very sick, as others have mentioned. This cannot end well.

  13. Nowhere did I have anything near the magnitude of her problems, but I would have been horrified to live my young adult life under the magnifying glass, as Lindsey has. How anyone can casually speak of this girl's death is beyond my comprehension, excepting the fact she needs help.

  14. She needs to hook up with Chris Brown. That way nobody else is hurt.

  15. The way people feel about this girl is so humourous. Like she's the only druggie/alkie in the world.

  16. Moriah----good point! I am tired of this train wreck that is Lindsay Lohan. It is getting kinda scary now and uncomfortable to watch. It is just very very sad. I use to think her shenanigans were hilarious to read about but now its gotten to a really dark and pathetic place.

  17. Ditto on the sad. I cannot and will not get upset, angry, or revel with glee in any way to someone else's severe illness, and Lindsay is a very sick woman.

  18. The problem is a justice system that gives celebrities preferential treatment. If she was treated like a regular person for all her transgressions, maybe she would have learned her lesson. She thinks she is above the law because she's been treated as above the law.

  19. Did anyone see her in the new 30 Seconds to Mars video? Her eyes are so glassy and she looks like absolute hell.

  20. "You know what is really scary? That Lindsay is doing so much drinking in public. How addicted is she to going clubbing that she can't even do her drinking at home away from windows?"

    Yeah. That's an addict all right. Once you pick up that first drink/drug, it's all over. Bad judgement rules. She's also addicted to fame. Fame/Booze/Drugs make a deadly combination.

    I think she might die this time around. Just a feeling. Tragic.
