Thursday, October 24, 2013

Lindsay Lohan And The Wine

In case you turned off your internet early last night and decided to enjoy time with the family or just read a book or like me watched the season finale of Duck Dynasty then you might have missed the photo above. As I told you yesterday Lindsay Lohan partied all night and got into a fight at a club. You and I both know that means she is drinking again. She doesn't ever fight unless she is drunk. She even ditched her sober coach. I did some digging yesterday and she had the money to pay but didn't feel it was necessary any longer and that she has her friends to help her stay sober. The same friends who do the buying of wine for Lindsay so she doesn't have to. The same friends who sell stories of her every second of the day. The same friends who sold her drugs or gave her drugs. The same friends who hold the drugs so she doesn't have to. Lindsay probably thought she could handle one sip. We all know she can't handle one sip or line of anything without completely falling off the wagon. What she should do, but won't is go straight back into rehab for another two months. I bet you anything if she did that Oprah would pick up the tab.


  1. If Lindsay goes back to rehab, who is going to suck dick for Dina's coke? It is obvious Ally's skills aren't up to the task.

  2. Move along, folks...nothing to see here.

  3. Here we go again.

  4. Second verse, same as the first.

  5. The fascination with this young woman is like rubber-necking. There is no one in her life committed to her survival - no so-called friends, no family, no employers. All the therapists and Oprahs in the world won't help her if she won't/can't help herself. Maybe she needs the RDJ treatment plan, i.e. extended prison time.

  6. Oh no! This is horrible!!!

  7. She looks like Debra Messy now.

  8. Anonymous7:00 AM

    I go between irritation about Lindsey then feeling very sorry for her. That pic is sad, she is killing herself... and (stating the obvious) her parents are horrible.

  9. @cookies - it's just the tip of the iceberg what we in the public know about how horrible her parents are

  10. I'm sure it was just "water".....
    Just wish she'd get her act together. She seems rather despite to join the 27 club.

  11. Did anyone really believe she was sober?

  12. Everyone has misunderstood this picture taken by some mean-spirited people who always try to make Lindsay look bad. My innocent child was just pushing the evil wine bottle away from her, and my child is 100 % sober and healthy and working on some truly great projects. *Snooort*
    -- Dina Lohan

  13. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Please Lindsay do it once a week only. we are all young and we need some day off to chillax but do it smart girl!

  14. She has ever available resource to get and stay sober. She is luckier than 99% of the people out there that face addiction problems. She makes a choice to stay this way and not get the help she needs.

    I do not feel sorry for her. There are many people out there that deserve more sorrow and empathy than she does. Just check the news headlines.

  15. Man, she is a sad addict.

  16. I think this picture is staged for Lindsay to get some publicity. She probably is still drinking and drugging but negotiated with the pap for some extra cash and publicity. Remember in the Lohans world there is no such thing as bad publicity...

  17. I wonder if it's good wine.

  18. Lindsay forgot the biggest rule of AA - you have to dump all the friends that enabled you, that drank and did drugs with you and that got booze and drugs for you - in other words you have to change your whole lifestyle UNTIL MAYBE you are strong enough to resist temptations and you are better off just making new friends, making a new life. She needs to find something to do that's meaningful. Anything. Volunteer at a food bank for god sakes. Join the Peace Corps.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. laura ramona, you are a schmuck. I saw you post something similar to this yesterday. She is an ADDICT. She CAN'T "do it one day a week" to relax....she has been on drinking and drug binges for 12 YEARS. Rehab SIX times. What makes you think she can?

    Personally, I don't feel sorry for her- only because she is a horrible person who never takes responsibility for her actions. yes, her parents are that way and are pieces of shit, but she is almost THIRTY years old. You CANNOT blame her parents anymore.

    10:30 AM

  21. I'm sure she's drinking again but why aren't there any pics of her 3 seconds later holding the bottle?

  22. I was really enjoying the "Lindsay's out of rehab and nobody gives a shit about her anymore" news blackout we've been having. Let's extend it for another 50 years or so. When is her 28th birthday?

  23. Anonymous4:00 PM

    As I've said before ... she's of more use to "her people" in a drugged, boozed state, than she is sober ...

  24. I'd feel bad for her, being an addict an all, except for her damn entitled, narcissistic self feeling like somehow she's different and better than other real addicts/alcoholics and the "rules" don't apply to her.

    Sadly, they do, Lindsay. For some, one drink is too many and a hundred never enough. Accept it. You can't do this.
