Thursday, October 31, 2013

LeAnn Rimes And Eddie Cibrian Marriage Is On The Rocks

Star says that Eddie Cibrian wants out of his marriage to LeAnn Rimes. As great as this would be for tabloids and gossip I don't see it happening. Are you telling me that Eddie would rather be a poor D lister than a rich D lister? He would like to go back to hustling for acting parts he isn't going to get because he isn't a good actor and has not worked very much since he hooked up with LeAnn.

I would also like to remind everyone there is a reality show being filmed right now and what better way to bring publicity to your efforts than to create some artificial drama for the tabloids. If there is anything that LeAnn can do it is to create drama out of nothing.

Do I think Eddie hates being married to LeAnn? I think he probably wishes he had more control of his life and wasn't watched 24/7 by Miss Jealousy but just like Dean McDermott would never walk away from his meal ticket Eddie isn't going anywhere unless he is an even bigger idiot than he has proven so far.


  1. One, two, Freddy's coming for you

  2. I'm a ghost with the most, babe

  3. Three, four, better lock your door

  4. What do skeletons say before they begin dining?

    Bone appetit!

  5. Five, six, grab your crucifix

  6. What do you get when you cross a black cat with a lemon.

    A sour-puss.

  7. I don't know, sometimes they money is just not worth the grief and someone that dependant has got to be draining. Anyway, don't all these reality shows precursor divorce?

  8. Seven, eight, better stay up late

  9. Does she have a prenup?

  10. Nine, ten, he's back again...

  11. Oh geez, I don't know. I mean, it's kind of a big decision isn't it? I mean, I always said if I ever did it, I was gonna do it once and that was it.

  12. My name is Talky Tina and you'd better be nice to me.

  13. You are all my children now

  14. Soooo, is this trick or is it treat? LOL

  15. Ring-ding-ding-ding-dingeringeding!

  16. Give me my site back.


  17. Worst gift was not really a gift, but a tragedy. I don't wanna ruin anyone's romance, so skip this if you're queasy.

    Lovely Vday dinner, complete with flowers, and violins. I was 18yo had just gotten married over Xmas impulsively like you do only when you're young. On the way home from dinner that night, a tractor-trailer eased into our lane, and sent us flipping (about 10 times) over an embankment and I sat there with 2 broken legs and a cracked skull as my new bride died in my arms. That was Valentine's Day 1991 for me.

    Best gift...truly a gift, was 6 years later when my precious first daughter was born to my new wife and I exactly 2 days before Vday. It didn't erase the pain, but kinda made up for it. Sometimes life is extreme...which is why it's hard to get riled up about the silly shit.

    Best romantic movie? Well, it has to be "FALL". And yes, I am biased. Since I actually wrote the poem that was used in the movie (titled "To All Slain Hope"). I even still have my framed check and letter from the writer/director thanking me for it. So go rent FALL and watch it. Not that I get royalties, lol, but I still like it. Maybe now that I'm divorced, I'll write another poem! For anyone out there in a relationship but thinking of breaking it off? Remember - the grass is not always greener. Just follow your heart and ask if the good times are better than the bad. If they are? Then stay and work it out. Life's too short and it can stop on a dime.

    1. Dun dun DUNNNN!!

    2. I'm sitting here in tears. I can't believe you shared that.

  18. How do witches keep their hair looking ugly?

    With Scare Spray!!!!!

  19. Himmmm, it's Halloween, not Valentine's day!

  20. Q: Why are ghosts so bad at lying?

    A: Because you can see right through them!

  21. When does a witch know it's time to trick or treat?

    She looks at her witch-watch!!!!!

  22. It's a sketch, honey, NOT A SKIT

    1. Pretty sure its a SKIT buddy

    2. I know people in the INDUSTRY, okay, it has never been a SKIT, they have always been SKETCHES. I weep for the future.

  23. He's only moving on if he has another side piece with some kind of celebrity. It wouldn't be surprising if he's cheating. What would be surprising, would be if another woman is interested in Eddie Cibrian.

  24. I'm seriously using these jokes on my kids later today, they love them!

  25. So Himmmm is Eric Shaeffer?

    1. I thought that too when googling

  26. The tablouds were screaming she was preggers. I guess not so much huh?

  27. Marriage? Noooooooo!

    Not everyone is surprised by this news because, well, I mean look at her. Can you imagine banging the Luck Dragon every night? When he can't find her, do the words "FALCOR! WHERE ARE YOU?!" ring through the halls of their plastic mansion?

    One marriage ending paves the way for these so-called "stars" though. Meanwhile, on post 2, guess what Chad isn't?

  28. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I have seen some scary shit in my career but nothing compares to Leann Rimes. Run, Eddie, run!

  29. Eddie Cibrian scares me.

  30. Leigh Anne Rhymes scares me.

  31. And God made Eve from the rib of Adam. And Eve was weak and loosed
    the raven on the world. And the raven was called sin. Say it, the raven was
    called sin.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Oh, Lord! Help this sinning woman see
    the sin of her days and ways. Show her that if she had remained sinless,
    this curse of blood would never have come on her!

  34. With all LeAnn's evil antics, this marriage

    *puts on sunglasses*

    Doesn't stand a ghost of a chance

  35. I hope Cibrian took plenty of pics and videos so he can have a good retirement. Naked pics and sex videos for anyone confused. I wouldn't mind seeing Leeane's turd cutter. I would mind having to touch it cause I heard there is a new anti-biotic resistant strain of batshit crazy that may be contagious. I don't know if that is the particular strain of crazy this betch got, but I ain't takin any chances.

  36. Looks like the trolls are out for Halloween.

  37. I had to laugh at the silly jokes. Reminded me of third grade. And I mean that in a nice way.

  38. Eleven twelve they're going to...

  39. Of course he wants to leave. Who wouldn't? I'm sure she's crazy jealous and clingy. I'm also sure he's got a side piece (or 12). He's the kind of guy who leaves no cocktail waitress unturned!

    At the same time he's an actor. The best acting he does is at home. This boy is no fool. Keep Mrs. Cra-cra happy and live in luxury. Yes please!

  40. If she thinks she can move on and date MY HARRY, she's sorely mistaken. He's MINE!

  41. He wont leave her, Maybe he likes the drama too. And wouldnt he look like a jerk to upset his marriage with nutty Brandy just to divorce again?

  42. The "Himmmm" that is posting in this thread used to be one of the many "Unknown"s out there

    This is not the original Himmmm, that's for sure.

    The Original Himmmm has another profile #.

    1. That one was traced and hasn't been used in a long time.

  43. Anonymous4:51 PM

    I like turtles

  44. It's a law that the better looking of the couple divorcing gets everything. That's why all the money will go to charity.

  45. No amount of money can make a miserable marriage worth it. Trust me.
