Kris Jenner Needs A Favor
Kris - (in a very drunken voice) Kim I need a favor. You are going to love it.
Kim - (while cruising from one mirror to another in her room) What is it?
Kris - I need you to pose half naked and Instagram it. Also, try and get Kanye to pretend he likes it.
Kim- Why wouldn't he like it?
Kris - I don't have time to talk about that now I just hired an 18 year old male stripper and mama needs a tequila shot off his body. Can you take a photo and post it? I need to take away some of the bad publicity that keeps raining down on me from every one not named Harvey. Hang on honey. (in the background you can hear Kris yelling, "Grind it. Yeah, show me how you use it. That is what I call a gold medal. Your name isn't Bruce is it kid?")
Kim- I have lots of photos ready to go. What do you think I do all day?
Kris - I thought you might be playing with North.
Kim - Who?
Kris- Your kid
Kim- Oh yeah. I should go find her.
Kris- So what kind of photos do you have?
Kim- Everything from full spread naked to bikini to topless. Just like you taught me.
Kris- Something classy. Make it something in white. (in the background you hear Kris saying, "Is that real? It's so so big.") I have to go Kim.