Thursday, October 10, 2013

Kanye West And Jimmy Kimmel

So Kanye West was on Jimmy Kimmel last night. Did you watch? Did you care? Do you think it was a set up? I don't think Kimmel was part of the set up but I think Kanye knew what he was doing. Get angry at Kimmel and then agree to be on the show a couple of weeks later and basically repeat the same thing he said before about being a genius. He also says that Kim Kardashian deserves a star on the Hollywood Walk Of Fame. I don't think so. I understand Kanye's logic but what category are you going to put her under? Television? Is that the reason she is famous? The other thing is will she be famous a couple of yars from now for being on television? No. She is famous for being in a porn and then staying in the limelight and then was cast in an ensemble show starring her family members almost equally. Before you could ever give Kim a star you would have to give Real World its own star and I don't think that is going to happen. You would also have to think about giving Paris Hilton a star and that is never going to happen.

Think about this. Julianne Moore just got a star. Jennifer Aniston only got a star two years ago. Kanye wants Kim to get one? Not going to happen.

I love how Kanye says, "I have never done a publicity stunt in my life."

His whole career seems like one big publicity stunt.


  1. I know I am almost alone on this, but I think he is a musical genius. I will put up with a lot of crazy for his music.

    1. *sigh* you are not alone...although this most recent album sucked, there's always room in my heart for this guy :)

  2. Anonymous6:41 AM

    GOD, I absolutely adore his crazy.

  3. I want him to just go away.

  4. @ talktoomuch - he IS a musical genius but an asshole so it almost cancels out. I'll always love his college dropout album.

  5. @talktoomuch, you're not alone. All the hipster types over at Flavorpill Media think he's a major genius. Personally, I think it's very difficult to judge genius in its own time. You have to see how it ages, how it affects other artists and society in its wake.

  6. He wants Kim to have a star to validate HIS choice to be with her.

    Seriously, he is just one of the most insecure people I have ever seen anywhere. It's sad.

    1. Agree 100% Libby. It's like his version of Henry Higgins, the fashion makeover, trying to make her respectable.

  7. I wouldn't be too sure about KPig not getting a star on the Walk of Fame. If anybody could pull it off, it would be this piece of doo doo. She's got the money for bribes and of course she would boink a donkey if it would help.

    Kanye is about as disconnected from reality as one can get while still being able to function, more or less, in the adult world. I get a kick out of this guy.

  8. I wish for a Kardashian-free world forevermore.

  9. "I'm not into all that snobbery"

    That was my favorite line. Coming from a snob.

  10. I heard someone say this about Kanye and I find it to be true, with Kanye and many celebrities in general:

    We applaud their narcissistic ways when it comes to their art, but then we hate them when we learn that they're actual narcissists in their daily lives.

    Kanye is weird and outrageous and self-absorbed. But he's honest about it. He doesn't claim to be some humble-pie guy. He's loud and brash and all in our faces--but he puts it out there for us from the beginning.

    Now if that's not your thing, that's fine. But I rather deal with someone like Kanye, someone who is honest in their bravado, than deal with the public figure who's puts on a modest persona but is a diva/divo behind the scenes.

    I just wish Kanye wouldn't deal with folks like the Kardashians. Personally, it's beneath him. He's actually talented. Kim just got pissed on.

    1. Applies to John Lennon as well.

  11. "famous for being I'n porn"

    Nothing wrong with being a porn star Porns star get award too. Let them be! :p

  12. They should put a street urinal from Amsterdam on the sidewalk and hang her name above it, if she and her new "boyfriend" want more attention.

  13. So why doesn't he buy Kimmode a star??????

  14. @LanaDay and @Henriette Ditto!

  15. @Layna So talented people should only be with equally talented people?

  16. @Nutty: that's true, it is hard to see what will stand the test of time. But his music is just SO good when it is good.

    I agree with Layna, I cannot even imagine what he was doing with KK, he is just such another level. Maybe he's like that super-earnest guy that gets used by everyone because he really believes all his own shite and can sell these feuds.

  17. Yeah, I think Kanye is generally fine. Outrageous, but in a way that makes me giggle, like when I see a small child throwing a temper tantrum.

    Historically, I'd never been offended by any of his behavior. George Bush does hate black people. Taylor Swift isn't all she's cracked up to be. Etc. But really, this Kim Kardashian thing is absolutely nuts, he's above it, and his participation in it makes me look at him in a whole new way (contempt, disgust, etc.).

    1. Staple, let's not forget, his Taylor Swift rant jacked up her popularity. I think she owes him a bit of gratitude :)

      I like Ye's music. I'll be at his concert in 9 days and am very much looking forward to it!

  18. I like Kanye's music, imma admit it. I know he's not an example of a pillar of society. I was actually okay with him being "himself" (a narcissistic, possibly closeted, a-hole)until he started dating(?) this slutty famewhore ditz. Why, Kanye. Why.

  19. @Renoblondee: in a perfect world, people would gravitate others who have legitimate ambition, IMO. It's not about being equal in terms of talent. But there needs to be a 'meeting of the minds' regarding doing things that are tangible and worthwhile.

    I have nothing against porn stars. IMO, Kim is beneath that. At least porn stars made a career choice. Kim just laid there like a human toilet and she's famous for it.

  20. Human toilet tee hee. I"m a gonna steal that.

  21. @Layna I do see your point. I agree except with Kanye, while very talented musically, I have zero respect for him personally. That puts him equal to Kim in my book.

  22. @STaple611 I just need to correct you ont he "hates Black People" thing. He said George Bush doesn't care about black people. Which is very true.THAT was the Kanye that i loved. When his mother died he fell apart, i think that he was and still is very lost and has no one good around him except Jay. When he is with Jay you see a totally different Ye who is actually very likeable. I personally believe he has such a strong sense of insecurity to the point of it making him manic when he doesn't get the reassurance he craves. Jay always praises him and you can see how much it means to him, he grins like a little kid and is cute and bashful. I wish he had more people like that in his life.

  23. Did he really say on national television to Jimmy Kimmel "You don't want to antagonize me. It's not safe"? He threatened Jimmy Kimmel on camera? What does he think, that nobody will notice Jimmy Kimmel getting shot to death. He's not only insane (His behavior was full on psychosis last night) he's also quite stupid. Kimmel needs to take the transcript of Kanye's rant last night & have the 5 year old kids do dramatic readings. It may take a week to get through it all, but it will be comic gold.

  24. Lazy, i so hope kimmel does. I cant stand kanye and all his bullshit performance art shit. I dont have time for idiocy. He really is delusional.

  25. New categories for Walk of Fame Stars:

    Sex Tape

    Would work for so many new entrants when someone buys them their star.

  26. You're not alone Talktoomuch! Kanye is a musical genius and his music will stand the test of time. What he's done for the hip hop industry/community alone makes him a legend in my opinion. I can forgive his rants and narcissism because, to me, he's the only rapper/musician/producer that has the actual talent, drive, and performance value to back it up. The one thing I can't forgive? That he's willing to associate himself with Kim fucking Kardashian AND get her knocked up.

    18 yrs, she got you for 18 yrs.

  27. Walk of Fame stars are bought, not conferred. Higher level stars buy them when they need career boosts, more visibility, are promoting some big project, etc. Placement of the star is key and of course the better the location, the higher the price.

    If Kanye and Kartrashian are willing to shell out the bucks, she can get a star. I agree with Rosso about how the Hollywood Chamber of Commerce will be hard-pressed to find a category for her, though (I think "Famewhore" is the most accurate). I also agree with the notion that Kanye is trying to make her palatable (not respectable) - but a star on the Walk of Fame won't impress Wintour, dude.

  28. "I have never done a publicity stunt in my life."

    Well if it turns out that baby really is his, we'll know he's done a publicity twunt!

  29. What the hell is that? Is he carrying his own man-bag ("It's European!!"), or is he carrying Kim's purse???
