Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Jermaine Jackson Skips Child Support Again

Even if Jermaine Jackson received millions of dollars as his portion of the AEG trial he probably still wouldn't pay child support to his kids. The guy is a deadbeat. He is actually worse than a deadbeat because he is a deadbeat who has money for things like $200K cars but not a measly $3K a month in child support. I say measly because if you can drop $200K on a car you can cough up $3K a month to feed your kids.

For the millionth time Jermaine is being dragged back into court and faces a jail sentence if he doesn't pay. He will pay of course. He will go to his mom and ask her for the money and she will give it to him and he will pay off his baby mama(above) so he doesn't have to go to jail. Meanwhile his wife will continue to keep every dollar of their income in solely her name so none of his other creditors can get his money. The guy is a sleaze and is probably counting down the days until he doesn't have to pay for his kids any longer. Why have kids f you are not going to support them?

Guess how much he has paid o the $12K bill? $85. He spends more on his hair every day.


  1. Guess mom hasn't got any spare cash to hand out...

  2. His ex wife is gorgeous.

    1. @tish yeah his brother thought so too.

  3. His hair looks like a reverse cheese wedge. She's beautiful. I hope she keeps up with this.

  4. It's JACKSUN now. Lol

  5. The way he is fiddling with his fingers clearly demonstrates that he would prefer to be anywhere but there. Jerk

  6. Now is this the wife who was married to another Jackson brother?

  7. Freya -I believe this lady used to be Randy's girlfriend, had two children with him, then married Jermaine and had two more kids with him (and adopted a third). Apparently Jermaine's natural kids are 17 and 13; so he may only have to pay another year (to 18) for the eldest. For the record the youngest is named Jermajesty (no ego here!).

    1. @D Brown - Thank you. I wasn't sure.
      When it comes to celebrity offspring names, Jermajesty is still one of the more normal sounding names. Lol

  8. They really need to fire up Dachau and ship the entire Jackson family over there for a visit. There aint a one of them worth their weight in shit.

  9. Wasn't there word on the street, that Mama Jackson was super pissed about Jermane's car purchase?

  10. In California can't the wife make him sell assets to satisfy his child support, just like if someone sued you, got a judgment against you, they'd be seizing assets and garnishing your bank account so fast your head would spin! Unless of course all his assets are mortgaged and leased which is usually the case with deadbeats who like to look they are rich to impress everyone else. Surely he has royalty money coming in regularly.

  11. If he bought that car, the wife should be able to seize it and sell it and do it quickly these things depreciate fast.

  12. Yep, she is gorgeous but why is she pointing at Jermaine's peen?

  13. The ex is never going to see that money. She should write a tell-all about the family or at least threaten to, I bet the money would magically appear then.

  14. He should have to pay mor money for naming one Jermajesty

  15. Anonymous5:16 PM

    ... That family!

    He looks like a major douche ... 'You get the face you deserve at 50' definitely rings true in his case.

  16. Anonymous5:16 PM

    She reminds me of Dina Eastwood - a younger version with less eye make-up ...

  17. Is he afraid to hit Janet up for some cash?
