Monday, October 14, 2013

Jenny McCarthy's Contract With The View Will Not Be Renewed

It appears that that The View will soon be looking for another replacement. Several people have told me that when Jenny McCarthy's current contract finishes it will not be renewed. Apparently not only is she not particularly liked by the crew and other hosts but she is not liked at all by the viewing public and there is talk that if the numbers don't increase during sweeps that her contract might just be bought out and someone brought in to replace her. Want to know the really crazy thing? One of the main factors for deciding when she goes is when Bethenny Frankel's show gets canceled because the producers of The View think she would be a great fit for their show even though she does not do well on her own.

I think it would be a terrible idea for one big reason. Bethenny's ego. Bethenny doesn't want to be going from being the star of her very own show to one of a group who barely can get a word in and doesn't stick out. She would try and dominate the show and that isn't going to make her appeal to viewers.


  1. I watched once, very briefly and thought she was in over her head..

  2. Yay. Now I can continue not watching.

  3. Now I know what blond Zooey Deschanel looks like.

    1. @Karen: Zooey was hot as a blonde in Elf. I'd take Zooey in her Elf outfit over Jenny, even if Jenny was ball gagged.

  4. Bullsh*t on your sources. She hasn't been around long enough to even be the subject of the focus groups they do. Frankel? Shocked you didn't say Dina. Ha or Kris.
    I don't think she fits for the View at all but then again I don't care for that show.
    It's a lot like this blog, come to think of it. A bunch of people contributing (writing wise) but not getting where one another are coming from and certainly not comparing notes.

    1. @bacon ranch they actually start doing focus groups from her first appearance on the show, she may not be doing that well in them BUT I highly doubt that she is going anywhere. This sounds like a bunch of bullshit.

  5. Enty/s are late today!!! /outraged and now gonna bitch all the day long

    I'm laughing at her with those specs (and I'm a bespectacled one!)...she looks so uncomfortable. :)

  6. Love her, hate The View.

  7. Actually, that's not a bad idea for a talk show. For real. Dina Lohan, PMK, Courtney Stodden, Tan Mom and Paz De La Heurta. Geez who wouldn't watch that?

    1. Will it be called The Mess?

      How can we fit in Tila and Bai?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I enjoy The View, I catch once or twice a week. I think Jenny is doing a great job. If the numbers are down, it's probably in relation to 2 long-time hosts who aren't there anymore. Replacing her with Bethenny is a bad idea.

  9. Call me crazy, but I miss Joy and Elisabeth. I can't even stand watching The View anymore.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I saw an episode where Jenny was talking and Barbara didn't agree and was trying to talk over her. Barbara end up clapping her hands at her, like you would a child, to shut her up. I knew then, that she wasn't going to last long.

  12. "Wow, that didnt work out?!", said no one with a brain anywhere.

  13. Anonymous6:56 AM

    One of those dumb blondes who think wearing glasses will make her look smarter. Epic fail.

  14. WTF! Enough with the fake hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. Maybe the producers have finally taken the time to read some of the dumb ass things she has said about autism and vaccines over the years.

    Although since the show already has one host who doesn't believe the earth is round and another who doesn't believe we landed on the moon or think that having sex with a child is real rape maybe she fits right in.

  16. Harry has a point!

  17. The View has been absolutely awful since Joy left. She did a lot to smooth over some of the foolishness that the other hosts brought to the table.

    Jenny is not the worst one on the show---Barbara is getting more and more out of it, Whoopi is phoning it in, and Sheri is just ....Sheri.

    At least Jenny is trying--I wasn't in favor of hiring her in the first place, but she's at least awake and making some effort.

    They need to re-tool --clean house and give the show to Katie Couric. I don't think her show will go past this year--and I think she would bring back some decent intelligent discussion of they cleared out the current group.

  18. I agree, it's really gone downhill this season.

  19. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Time to check the Jenny McCarthy body count!

  20. Jenny MCCarthy and her anti-vaccination nutbag ilk need to disappear from public life of any kind.

    They kill children. It's that simple.

  21. Sigh. Those glasses remind me that I need to make sure I don't have five-head when I do my hair. @Baby, wasn't she wearing weird wire frames last week?

    LOL @ Bacon & Karen! I can't stand Jenny McCarthy and her pseudo-science at all. I have a relative with autism and you don't "cure" it with special diets, energy enemas, and calling yourself a moon mother. Good news is, you can spread potentially lethal misinformation via your celebrity and kill kids! WTG, Jenny!

  22. STand on your head if you didn't see this coming. Jenny is a bad fit. She's like a D list actress playing a wacky newscaster in a rom com.

    The entire show needs to be redone. Where are all of the smart, young conservatives? SE Cupp anyone?

  23. She is a loud mouth not terribly bright female who likes to pretend she is smart. She doesn't fit into the view and would never be able to keep a talk show alive. She acts like a dipwad most of the time.

  24. I'm with Harry..I'd rather watch that train wreck any day that this one. And I actually like Jenny but she's more suited for sitcoms.

  25. A lot of people hate Jenny because of her "Vaccines cause autism" stance. It was a bad idea to bring her on the show in the first place.

    Personally I've never understood why her nonsense got so much press. Who in their right mind says, "I decided not to vaccinate my kid because Jenny McCarthy thinks it's a bad idea"? I mean, they do know she's nothing but a D-list celebrity and ex-Playmate, not a doctor, don't they? Jesus.

  26. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Great, now she can focus on doing more e-cigarette commercials all while denouncing childhood vaccinations based on it's proven medically fraudulent links to autism. Doh!

  27. This is as bad as when The Doctors made Jillian Michaels one of their 'expert' panel members.

  28. Are these producers idiots? I could have told them that no one likes Jenny McCarthy and saved them a lot of bad ratings. And Bethenney -- no one likes her either. Maybe they can get that pregnant teen idiot to do it next, because she's very popular with women (NOT).

  29. I hate the glasses! Sorry, but glasses won't raise your IQ Jenny. I hope you Google that.

    I was just reading about how bad this idiot was doing in some newsstand rag at Target. She's really bombing in the ratings and oddly enough, is extremely boring and not as controversial as the producers thought.

    I also think she is a huge hypocrite for selling e cigarettes, but sprouting off about vaccines. Wonder if she smokes her cigarettes around her kid.



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