Tuesday, October 29, 2013

George Clooney's Mystery Date Was Voted Hottest UK Lawyer

I think it is probably fair to say that George Clooney is not going to start dating a lawyer. Last week he was spotted in a cab with the woman above. No one could figure out who she was until now. It turns out she is a lawyer in the UK and is also the attorney for WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. George usually goes for the waitress type or D lister who are looking for money and fame in exchange for time spent with George. I doubt that Amal Ammuddin needs either but maybe she wanted a chance to break bed at dinner and his place so the pair went out. Maybe George is trying to pick her mind about world events and since she is Julian's lawyer thought she would be a better pick than some old guy in his 60's who might also know something.

Every two years George goes on a charity kick or an awareness campaign and then promptly forgets about it when he finds a new woman to cavort with so that is probably what this is. You could guess that it is movie research but there is no way Hollywood is going to make another Julian Assange movie or anything resembling it after the disaster that was released two weeks ago. Benedict Cumberbatch is lucky he has a television job because he has gone from movie bomb to bomb with alarmingly regularity.


  1. Those unfortunate earrings make her look like she has a parasite sticking to her neck...

    Cumberbatch bomb? Sherlock never bombed.

    1. Star Trek into Darkness didnt bomb.

    2. @Seven Enty's talking about his movies. Said he should be happy he has Sherlock to fall back on.

    3. Anonymous7:11 AM

      The earrings look like fake plastic vomit

    4. Anonymous7:11 AM

      That, or mucoid plaque.

    5. Anonymous8:31 AM

      Hot where? Im in London and her look is cheap. A waitress in Nottin Hill has more style than this one

  2. Woah with the Cumberbatch hate.

  3. She doesn't look hot.

    1. Anonymous7:48 AM

      Renoblondee: based on the collective gene pool, she probs does qualify as hot. Have you seen Camilla or Beatrice lately? It's like being voted the smartest person on the short bus. Which I ride. Every day.

  4. Those eyebrows are gonna come over and kick Ent's ass.

  5. Only one of his movies bombed?

  6. Well, hotness is subjective. All I could think was 'Rumpled of tge Bailey'.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      Rumpole (Leo Mckern) is waaaaaaay hotter!

  7. Star trek didn't bomb.....

  8. The ensemble movies aren't bombs, but he hasn't been able to carry a film as the lead. At least not yet.

  9. I will never get the obsession with Cumberbatch. I knew as soon I saw his name in a post about George Clooney that all of the commenters would be rushing to his defense. His move - that HE headlines - just bombed.

  10. Sober, pass. 8beers & some weed, yep.

    1. Anonymous7:53 AM

      Count: cheers! I'm on can # 7 of JB. It was my farewell dinner tonight so I'm now home, becoming very messy to celebrate no longer being nocturnal. (Nocturdhole)

  11. Yeah...no, not hot. But maybe George decided he'd FINALLY like to have an intelligent conversation for once?

  12. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Ha ha Cee Kay: yeah, good one mate!

  13. Love the fake eyelashes! So real!! Wrong shade of whore-red lipstick though.

  14. I really don't get why so many of you ladies are so goofy for Cumberbatch. He's gay and he's odd looking and he has no personality. This guy couldn't be a bigger pile of nothing.

    I'm starting to think that Clooney isn't gay. I was convinced he was for a long time, but now I'm not so sure. It was the paying girls to be with him that made me think that, but now I'm starting to think that Georgie has some very freaky kink that necessitates the $$$.

    1. Anonymous8:35 AM

      Bisexual with his eternal lover. Cindy s husband. don t know why he goes after cheap women but I guess you are right: he must have an odd kink. Curious which one

  15. You could not be more wrong about Clooney forgetting his causes. He is int he sudan all the time; got malaria from it, still gets ill sometimes. Just because he doesnt throw it in everyones face all the time doesnt mean he forgot. Now you take that back, Enty, or Im hiding the bacon!!! And! I think he dated a lawyer before!

  16. I think there was a blind a day or so ago about an actor, whose movie bombed, in a gay encounter. Cumberbatch was a popular guess but several people said that Fifth Estate hadn't bombed. I don't know if he is the actor in the blind but Enty is definately saying he is an actor whose movies bomb.

    Harry K - a few months ago there was a blind about George Clooney being unable to "perform" with a willing female co-star. I believe there was also reference to his not having a little blue pill with him. Thus one explaination suggested for his well paid female contract employees was that they could deal with and keep quiet about erectile difficulties. I suspect that George would rather have people suspect he's gay.

  17. I checked out some of the other pics of her online and I think she is pretty hot, and smart, mmm. But I doubt it was that kind of date, knowing Clooney.

    And re: that wikileaks movie, I think maybe it is a little too soon? As for me, I wouldn't pay to see a movie about that douche no matter who the lead is.

  18. Laura, you might be right about Clooney being bi and being sweethearts with Gerber. I just can't figure him out anymore.

    D Brown, you might be right too about George needing a little help with the boners. I think though that there might be something else as well. It may be that George is into serious pain being inflicted on himself. There have been blinds suggesting that George gets himself pretty banged up from time to time. That's also something that he might not want to get out.

  19. I saw this on another site. Given her specialty (int'l law) I think this was strictly business (or rather charity related). I don't think she's ugly but she's no cocktail waitress. I would like to see Clooney date someone smart and age appropriate at least ONCE.

  20. She must be hot business wise because of her client she isn't hot looks wise.

  21. Or maybe, ya know, he met her somewhere and they liked each other and went to dinner and enjoyed each others company. I know, strange right?

  22. @Sandybrook I was thinking the same thing. She's up and coming, not hot looks wise.

  23. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I'm still gunna rub one out to Bernie

  24. Anonymous10:17 AM

    What films bombed with Cumberbatch?
    12 years a slave?
    War horse?
    Star Trek?
    Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy?
    Other Boleyn Girl?

    For arguments sake: most of his films are ensembles so hardly his fault if a good movie doesn't "perform" well by Hollywood standards - doesn't mean they didn't perform well overseas or that the performances aren't really good. Lainey Gossip or either Celebitchy has a good explanation for Fifth Estate's poor performance: the film should have been released to smaller indie audiences not wide release. Additionally I don't think American audiences wanted to see a film about Assange. just my 2 cents. I don't think it is accurate to say Cumberbatch is a movie killer like Nicole Kidman etc.

  25. Cumby had one bomb, and whether you like him or not, I don't get the hate Enty has for him. To stick him in a Clooney post out of the blue. I think Benedict must have rebuffed Enty's advances!

  26. If Joan Crawford and Kristin Davis had a baby, this is what she would look like.

  27. I think she looks like a cross between Alexa Joel and AnnE Hathaway.

    Wow @ all the Benedict Cumberbatch defenders. Who knew?

  28. Insiders have been asked about Clooney being gay, and they have all said he was straight. This includes a well-known gossip columnist, and you KNOW they would go there.

    What I think is that Clooney suffers from the Kink, and he's willing to pay for a little discreet rough stuff.

  29. I think Enty gets bored and wants to see if he can get the Cumbercollective frothing at the mouth. :)



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