Thursday, October 10, 2013

Craig Robinson Busted For Drugs In An Airport

Craig Robinson is an idiot. Craig was arrested inside the airport at the Bahamas with 18 ecstasy pills and a half gram of pot. He said he had no idea they were illegal in the Bahamas AND that he had brought them from the US. So, he just confessed to trafficking drugs from the US so he could have been busted when he was deported to the US yesterday and asked never to return to the Bahamas. Who brings illegal drugs through an airport? Oh yeah, idiot drug addicts. Craig is no stranger to being arrested and has previously seen the inside of a jail cell after being busted for meth and MDMA and DUI.

If you are going to do drugs, stay at home. Don't bring drugs to a foreign country and think you will get away with it. He could have been sentenced to 4 years in jail but was ordered to just pay $1000 fine.


  1. Too high to even know what's going on!

  2. Damn, I love his acting. Get it together fool!

  3. He didn't have Paris Hilton's special drug carrying case.

  4. I can't even fly anywhere in the US with a mother f*cking lighter.
    Glad to see he can transport drugs.

  5. ..sorry. Still pissed they took away my cool fish shaped lighter when I was flying from NC to Atlanta.

    1. My daughter brought back a chunk off a brick of pot, when we took her when she was 14. She didn't, and still doesn't smoke, but "thought it would be fun" to see if she could. Yes, fun times.

  6. Nutty, what is this about Skanky Skank's special drug carrying case? Her vagina?

  7. Gotta keister that stuff son! If yer not man enough to stuff a condom full of drugs into your colon, then yer not man enough to be taking drugs.

  8. Watched This is the end last night, he was pretty funny in that. Hope he can get it together.

  9. @Bacon Ranch, they let some guy in front of me keep his lighter in Houston.

  10. @Harry, supposedly when someone asked her how she brought drugs with her when she travelled, she put her hand between her knees, made a j-shaped sweeping motion upwards, and whistled.

  11. Now that just pisses me off

  12. I don't blame his lack of trying. It's usually much much easier to sneak drugs out of the country, then in. He was going on vacation! Let him party!

  13. was a cool freaking lighter.

  14. It was purple, shaped like what you would use as heavy bait. Refillable. REFILLABLE.
    But noooo. Couldn't take it onboard.

  15. Thanks for the PSA, Enties!

  16. I've had drugs on me at the airport. In my E days we used to put mix them in aleve pill bottles and it was never a problem. I guess I should've been deported too. and for the record, everyone who has done drugs or does drugs for that matter isn't an 'idiot drug addict'. Loosen up with the judgement.

  17. True enough hollywood. Some of us are just idiots.

    1. @bacon ranch exactly! I'm just dumb. Lol

  18. He got off really easy (whoever he is)

    When I came back from Vegas, I thought I got rid of all my pot but found some months later in my jacket pocket stuck between two of those cards that advertise the naked hookers on them, I had no idea it was in there! It was a really small amount, tho

  19. "Why it must be (turn and face the camera) A Hot Tub Time Machine"

    "Wait I get it. You hate everything and your jeans are too narrow at the ankles. You're a hipster, right?"

    Too many funny moments for me to throw any shade on this guy. 18 ecstasy pills, huh? He must have had quite the party planned.

  20. Maybe he was planning for "the end"...I mean if the apocalypse is coming, you might as well enjoy yourself.

  21. V, did you see "Seeking a Friend For The End of The World"? Steve Carrell attends a suburban party at a friend's house & all the rules of polite behavior are abandoned. At one point the hostess announces "Tim brought heroin! Who wants some?"

    1. I did lazyday, the movie was more entertaining than I expected it to be.

      I have an emergency kit that does contain a fair amount of nicotine and booze. I figured both would come in handy :)

  22. Dang! That watch he's wearing is huge!

    One time during my roaring 20s I went to London with my mom. I was going through a light coke phase and when I was standing in our hotel lobby right next to my mom as we were waiting for our shuttle, I put my hand in my front breast pocket of my shirt and pulled out a vial of cocaine that I had no idea was there. I opened my hand to see what it was, freaked my shit the hell out, casually put it in my pocket, went to the bathroom, did some and flushed the rest. Glad I didn't get busted on the way to London. THAT would have sucked. I haven't done coke in years and years now though.
    True story.

  23. Buy and use up your drugs at the vacation destination. Don't bring it with you on the way t or back on the plane.

    Not judging on the drug usage, judging on taking the risk of bring illegal drugs on the plane with you. Some countries have some huge penalties for this kind of thing.

    And these kind of convictions on your record make it hard for you to get into other countries, might even keep you out. So if you don't enjoy travelling, go for it.

  24. I don't know if this guy is an addict or not, but getting a DUI and having a couple drug-related arrests under your belt while traveling with a whole bunch of drug stuff kinda suggests to me that there is a problem, no?

    It's interesting how some celebs are flamed on here for their stupid drug use shenanigans: Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan, etc., but then this guy, because he's had some funny lines on The Office and in some movies, is just a regular joe trying to have some fun.

  25. @Susan it's different people doing the contradictory judging. The pearl clutchers are the ones doing the moral superiority dance about sinful celebrities. Those people don't understand subversive comedy. They probably don't even know who this guy is. Lohan isn't stupid for doing drugs. She's stupid for her delusions of grandeur. She thinks she's famous because of her singing and acting. She's famous because her bad judgement is endlessly entertaining for the masses. And I did way too many drugs in the 70's and 80's to tsk tsk somebody else's drug use.

  26. whoa whoa whoa take it easy "enty" pot and X is hardly an "idiot drug addict" make
    Me thinks somebody has a little sand in their vagina and it is making them a little cranky. It's ok, just go take a shower; that sand will wash right out

  27. Several years ago I went to the Bahamas with a girl I had befriended only a couple months before the trip. I have never used drugs in my life but I don't judge people who do and I knew she did coke. I had no clue she had brought some coke and pills with her on this trip but I found out when she was arrested at the airport when we were leaving. I was right in back of her but when she was stopped I high-tailed it around her and took my luggage to the next check point. I didn't even look over at her. She was arrested and received a two-year sentence but was released after a couple of months. I never saw her again and didn't want to. That was scary. I didn't have any drugs in my luggage but I might have been detained with her if they thought we were together. It's stupid to travel with drugs when they are so easy to find anyplace you're going. (I've heard.)

  28. lol i thought this was the first lady's brother when i saw the headline before scrolling to the picture!

    and i would say that tsa is not as thorough as they could be - i have also been surprised by what i carried along in my bag without knowing. but what a happy surprise to find it once i got there.

  29. Lighters are no longer an issue. Well maybe the fillable ones though I bet.

    And it seems like this was for his own use. Damn put that shit in your own medication and carry it on or tuck the pills at least in your packet. They can't see it.

  30. I think that everybody that says that drugs are cool, drugs are ok, I'm not harming anybody, etc. Don't take into consideration all the road that those drugs traveled to get to their hands, and that a lot of the money goes into the mafia's or narcos, which are always involved in other despicable businesses like human trafficking, kidnappings, extortion, politics, etc.
    Obviously in this comment I exclude drugs that are obtained in a legal way, produced by themselves (you get the idea).
    That's why I hate the nonchalant attitude of many celebrities that make drugs seem cool specially those whose followers are young (mostly stupid at that age) kids.

  31. @BotoncitoRosa: All you are doing is making a case for drugs to be legal.

    A) It would eliminate most (of course not all) of the organized crime element.

    B) It would provide much needed tax revenue

    C) It would "cull the herd".

    Personally, I would gladly spend $600/yr (12 installments of $50) to be able to grow a couple pot plants for personal consumption, with the knowledge that if I transport them from my property I would be subject to increased fines and penalties, as compared to current levels.

  32. Don't do it, dot mpeg!

  33. He's a good actor, but the guy needs to get help, or he will wind up dead and forgotten.
