Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Courtney Love Tell All Book Doesn't Include Murder Confession Or Shotgun Cleaning Advice

The amount of brain cells that Courtney Love has killed off the past two decades is probably astonishing. Probably because she is bordering on being brain dead she decided to write a tell all book. That and she needed the money and a place to put all her unused Twitter and Facebook messages. In theory a Courtney Love tell all book should be about as good as it gets when it comes to the genre. She has a full history of sex drugs and murder in her life and is not shy expressing her opinions.

I have no doubts she will nae names but the big problem she has is two fold. No tell all book will ever be complete without a candid discussion about what happened on the day of Kurt Cobain's murder which she will never discuss. Oh she will talk about the day he died but won't tell the truth about it. She can't. The other problem that faces Courtney in the book due out in a few months is most of her stories can't be fact checked which scares publishers. They don't want to get sued so Courtney is going to be left with more of a vanilla swirl of stories rather than straight dark chocolate which she could probably whip out if she would just write down 50,000 random thoughts with the help of a ghost writer and then post the thing to Amazon. With that route though she wouldn't get a huge advance which she has already spent.


  1. Who's the woman in the photo? It sure doesn't look like Love.

  2. What is this murder conspiracy Enty always has for her? Where did it come from?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. A lot of people, especially here in Seattle think that CL had something to do with his death...directly. Lots of theories

  3. please dont imply, tell us yourtheory of how Kurt died.

  4. Awesome fake pic! Not!!!

  5. @cleocat. i was thinking the same thing.

  6. "she could probably whip out if she would just write down 50,000 random thoughts with the help of a ghost writer" - This sounds awfully familiar, Enties!!!

    1. @FSP - you win the internet.

  7. That's not Kurt in the pic either.

  8. She wasn't even in town the day he bit the bullet iirc.
    Her career really did start with a bang, though.
    I have zero doubt she nagged the sh*t out of him, at the same time that was his (heroin influenced) choice to remove himself from his daughter's life, and the planet.


    Just like the NOT-Goop picture last week. Come on, Enties! Do you even LOOK at these?!

  10. Murder? Oy. It just gets worse and worse every day.

  11. It's from a Vogue shoot. I think the model is Carolyn Murphy. Not sure about the dude.

  12. she was never involved with the death of Kurt. I agree that she may have nagged him to death but that is the extent. I will read this book cause no doubt it will be one hell of a ride---although I do think she lies alot...

  13. Personally, I can't wait for the book. Say what you will about Courtney, she's one of the few marginally interesting women in the entertainment pool over the last quarter century.

  14. Cobain's suicide was a real suicide.It was not his first tentative: he had some marital problem,some professional problems,he was depressive

  15. Are you fucking kidding me with that fake picture?!?! I was like, dayum, I so do not remember Courtney looking THAT hot ever.

    I never bought the Courtney murdered Kurt conspiracy. Sounds like folklore to me. He was a hardcore addict through and through.

    I'd prefer a tell-all from David Grohl in collaboration with Francis Bean. My 2 year old has more credibility than Courtney Love.

  16. derek harvey: LMAO re: nag to death.

  17. @FSP: +1

    Courtney Love may be a delusional drama queen but she's clever

  18. She was in another state when he died. Yes, she may have killed his soul. However this ignorant story is about as fresh as month old bread.

    I lived near the home HE shot HIMSELF in. NO other fingerprints in the room but his. AND a suicide note that was written by HIM. Geesh Enty, I expected a little better from a "lawyer". Hearsay is not admitted at trial, so shut thus shit up. Isn't she fucked up enough? I don't think tacking in false murder charges is necessary.

    I suppose this lame ass photo above is a sign that they're now making a movie out of it. Lifetime movie no doubt.

  19. More Cobain conspiracy theory BS. The man had major problems and attempted suicide more than once. People just can't accept their geniuses have flaws.

    @FSP, ha!

  20. This bitter hag of an Enty can fuck off with this hysterical post.

    Yes, I know I sound hysterical myself. LOL

    1. It's ok mouse. Cuz u are right!!! :-)

  21. They were separated when he killed himself, then she came back to his house and roamed the grounds talking to reporters at the gate and has played the widow card ever since.

  22. Anonymous7:35 AM

    She didn't have to actually do it herself. Just saying. Sometimes conspiracy theories have a hell of a lot of facts, or questions.

  23. Wasn't she a sex worker in Japan as a teen then a regular in Elvis Costello's bed for years after?

    Sister lead an interesting life.

  24. She may have wanted him dead, may have fantasized about his death, but sometimes the boring old truth is just that--boring but true. KC offed himself--he had some serious gastrointestinal problems that had plagued him for many many years and he'd just had enough of the constant pain. That, and becoming rich and famous, married to Slagador, drug addiction, etc. drove KC to punch his ticket himself.

  25. ..and sometimes the easiest answer is indeed the answer.
    Sounds like they were a toxic match, she didn't help him with recovery. At the same time that doesn't mean she killed him.
    He was just broken.
    Her dad is a good indication of why she is the way she is, btw. I say this as someone who has never been a fan.

    1. Yea, the fact that courts dad took her on the road with the grateful dead at age 6 when he was their roadie kinda says it all. They treated her like a pet. They gave her LSD constantly for entertainment. This is all after her mom remarried, had more kids & dumped Court with dad. Then daddy dumped her off in yet another foreign land with an aunt (or grandmother) can't remember. She ran away at 14 & stripped for it's no suprise to me. Sad tho, cuz bitch is for real got an extremely high IQ.

  26. Yeah, let's casually throw around murder accusations. No big deal.

    1. Exactly Erin, 18 yrs later, no less. :\ slow news day or what?!

  27. Wow...the woman in that photo is pretty

  28. Courtney is one hell of a mouth piece as well so this book will be a must read for any celeb gossip lover. She is never afraid to name names and tell all about other celebs. The question is whether to believe her or not...kinda like this site I guess ; )

  29. Hmm no post about Corey Feldmans book? Thought that would be right up your alley Ent

    All the plus ones for FSP

  30. Put some bloody punctuation in there. Everyone loves a comma,

  31. Whatever. She didn't kill him.

    He had mental issues and a drug addiction with no clue how to handle fame or fix his damaged self.

    That's the extent of it.

    His former stepmother talked about a video he was a preteen entitled "KURT COMMITS SUICIDE" and said it disturbed her at the time because his thoughts on death and such matters were not normal.

    A friend when he was 15 recalls him saying he would become a famous rock star then blow his head off.

    He had his ending in his mind a long, long time.

    I have no doubt they were a volatile drug fueled pair and she was hell to deal with. So was he though.

  32. i'm gonna keep my mouth shut on the hate i have for Nirvana,

    this is the only Cobain song i like.

    1. Anonymous10:21 PM

      WareCat: blasphemy!!!

  33. Cobain was a drug addicted pussy who took his own life. No chance in hell Courtney had enough brains to concoct a faux suicide murder and get away with it.

  34. Did Courtney help drive him to suicide? Abso-friggin-luetly. That is what crazy bitches do when they get their claws into pussies.

    Did Courtney orchestrate the affair, put the gun in his mouth, set up the crime scene, etc? Hell no, she isn't bright enough.

  35. I thought the conspiracy was that she paid to have him killed, not that she actually killed him, which is why people saw her being out of state as a deliberate move.

  36. Enty has posted for years that she killed him.

  37. Enty talks about it because there is always a reaction: like zo! And Courtney Love always gets a lot of attention in the comments.

    Kurt Cobain had a lot of issues, besides his inability to clean a rifle safely. Never a fan of him or her, but I do like her brutal honesty about some things. She's an opportunist that has a talent for survival.

  38. You had me messed up on that picture at first. Bizarre.

  39. I read the book written by the two Rolling Stone writers who put forth the Courtney Love murdered Kurt Cobain theory, and they had an impressive amount of information about both Love and her toxic relationship with Kurt.

    It was hard to dismiss the murder theory after reading the book, which raised a lot of questions.

    Quite a few people associated with Love have ended up dead.

    And no fingerprints were found on the gun Kurt supposedly killed himself with...not even his.

    And, the amount of heroin found in his system would have rendered him unconscious immediately - yet he somehow was able to shoot himself and wipe off the gun before placing it on his chest.

    There is a website I used to visit occasionally put up by a private detective who was trying to get the case reopened...interesting stuff.

    1. also, wasn't it a full size shot gun, and with his height he would have had to pull the trigger with his toe, when he was wearing converse?

      and the note ws a rumored resignation note...the "ps" was in different handwriting?
      I dislike her and while I like Nirvana I am not a loony and definitely think Kurt was a troubled asshole a lot too. But yeah some shit is weird there. Just my opinion.

  40. It's model Carolyn Murphy in the photo, must be a fashion pic.

  41. The only strange thing about Kurt's suicide to me was that didn't he shoot himself with his right hand and he was left-handed? I don't know if that is true or not but that sets off red flags. Otherwise, he was a very depressed, suicidal man for many years and was in a lot of physical pain. Not a good combination.

    Is Enty purposely trying to put up misleading pictures of celebs? If this is accidental, Enty really needs to step it up or get new helpers. Putting up a fake picture of people who are obviously not the real celebs is making this blog look really bad.

  42. Alexa, I'm a lefty and it's not a surprise that he'd use his right hand. Lots of lefties use things like scissors with their right hands because schools don't have things for left handed kids. So if I use a squirt gun or if I pictured myself shooting it would be with my right hand.

  43. @Ellen, I am a lefty too and do everything lefty so I guess it would be weird to me. Interesting to know you'd do it with your right, I know left-handed men tend to use both their hands more. I wonder if Kurt was one of those? They say using both hands helps make people smarter!

  44. Anonymous3:56 PM

    courtney is incredibly smart and fascinating so the book could be good. but why do you keep harping on this murder thing enty? come on the guy was suicidal that's no secret. she had no reason to want him dead just drop it already.

  45. Another thing about Cobain is he had IBS, that "fun" disorder where your body turns food into hand grenades.

    I also have IBS. It's been so severe that I've been in the ER and given shots of dilaudid that did nothing to stop the stabbing pain. When it's that bad, and you know every meal you eat in the future may put you right back to level 10 pain, you wanna die.

    I'm not saying that was his only reason, but when you're so sick that heroin becomes therapeutic, it's gonna factor in.

  46. I'm with Tara and nikita - people need to read more associated with the case rather than just blindly accept the suicide conclusion. Look up the lead detective on the case and see what habits he had. Guess what the easiest method is for offing a drug addict? Divorce was on the horizon and Kurt was refusing to tour again = passing on a major paycheck someone really wanted. Pull up the 1998 interview with the LA Times: "i'll never forget the sound of that gun going off..." Who has recall of an incident they supposedly weren't present for or privy to. Doesn't hurt to think critically now and then.

  47. Cobain was having an affair with Hole's bassist. She killed herself soon after Kurt did.

  48. @Harlow17- Actually, she had a lot to gain from his death. She was the sole beneficiary and gained millions, in addition to the rights to Nirvana's portfolio which she convinced Kurt to have signed over to him from the band before his death. His attorney, who also friendly with Love stated that she believed Love has something to do with his death as Cobain has discussed filing for divorce with her.

    @himynameischloe, yes that is what I read too - that the gun/height ratio wasn't jibing with how the gun was found on his chest, and he would have had to have pulled the trigger with his sneakered toe.

    mannyv, I didn't read anything about an affair with Hole's bassist, but she did die after stating she was leaving the band, and under similar circumstances as Cobain...supposedly clean, with a huge amount of heroin in her system, far more than a typical injection and immediately lethal.

    The theory put forth in the book is that someone was put up to killing both Cobain and the Hole bassist, Kristin something, with 'hot shots', lethal doses of heroin where the victim was unaware of the concentration.

    It's been a while since I read the book, but I believe that Love's male babysitter was the last person to see both Cobain and Kristin alive, and he was an addict as well who mysteriously survived the high doses of heroin of which his friends were partaking.

  49. I find it really offensive that in addition to the pathetic murder theories that keep persisting in this case, we're now seeing Kristen Pfaff's memory tarnished this way. Screwing Kurt? Really? Say what you will about Kurt and Courtney; he wasn't the type to fuck around. And Kristen sure as hell wouldn't risk alienating her meal ticket that way. Yes, Courtney was a meal ticket for the other members of Hole at that point. Eric even acknowledged that pretty frankly. I'm a bit surprised that nobody is bringing up the really spectacular theory that Courtney gave Eric the heroin to pass on to Kristen on her last night in town before heading home, and after being the one to kill her, Eric freaked and called Courtney in to help stage the scene. You guys are slacking, come on now. Was it Courtney in the library with the candlestick, Eric in the bathroom with the crowbar, or Patty in the kitchen with the knife?
    Sometimes junkies die of overdoses. Sometimes recovering addicts relapse. Sometimes people commit suicide. Not everything needs to be a conspiracy.

  50. Zeek, I to have the misery of IBS. I feel for you. Its so hard to explain to non sufferers exactly how it feels. So hard to get under control. I dont see how he could ever perform with that hanging over your head. Hopefully they will find a cure for this bitch of a disease.
