Monday, October 07, 2013

Chris Brown Says He Lost Virginity At 8 - Makes Him The Best At Sex

In a lengthy interview with The Guardian, Chris Brown talks about his life and Rihanna and the beating and how community service sucks. It's all a blah blah I am the greatest kind of article and he tries to be humble but just comes across in his usual a-holey way and when you see what he has done since the Rihanna beating you can see his answers are not actually true.

For example he says that it happened for a reason and now he treats situations more like an adult and doesn't throw temper tantrums or try and get out of things. Umm he has been in multiple fights over stupid things since then and is the biggest cry baby spoiled diva when he doesn't get his own way. If he can't see that while the rest of the world does and also watch him try and get out of doing his community service because he thinks he's too good for it and that he ended up having people get fired and quitting their jobs because of him then there is no hope.

One of the more shocking things he says in the interview is that he lost his virginity at the age of 8 and he thinks that's fine and doesn't see anything wrong with people doing it so early and thinks it makes you a better lover. "So, at eight, being able to do it, it kind of preps you for the long run, so you can be a beast at it," he continued. "You can be the best at it."

He also says that he gets more women everyday then he possibly has time for. Good to know women don't care about being beaten or one of thousands.


  1. Replies
    1. Chris, putrid jizzrag, love it!!! Lol

  2. This explains so much.

  3. So, he was molested as child. 8 years old is not an acceptable age for anything sexual to occur. Who knows at what age he started being groomed. Could it be that his violence towards women stems from the fact that he was victimized by them and instead of people being outraged by it, he's led to believe that it makes him superior somehow?

  4. He was abused by his stepfather as a child. Honestly, considering his actions, I figured it was physical and sexual. Until he gets a handle of his emotions, he'll continue to be an a-hole.

  5. Did he mean dick virginity or ass virginity? It's rather difficult if not impossible to have a boner at eight.

  6. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Can't consent at that age. That's rape.

  7. It definitely sounds like he's trying to rationalize away being abused. He is in denial & would prefer to think this makes him a "beast" instead of a victim.

  8. Pretty sure anyone will interpret that statement as OMG, deluded, you were raped, please seek help.

  9. That's our culture and it is so sad. Men have the pressure to see every sexual encounter as conquest or whatever bs, when there is no way an 8-year old boy can even consent, let alone understand fully what is going on. Where were his parents?? Or the teenage girls parents?? If he was a girl, be a whole nother story.

  10. Losing your virginity at the age of eight doesn't make you the best at sex. It just makes you a fucked-up adult.

  11. He's either lying or REALLY messed up!

  12. He also said that the girl he "lost his virginity" to was 15. And that his cousins encouraged him to do it. Sounds like moleststion to me.

  13. When I was eight, I still think girls have cooties.

  14. What happened - did he beat up and screw a 5 year old?

  15. It's really sad that some men really think the were sexually active as adolescents and don't think it's rape or molestation. It's heart breaking.

  16. What normal 15year girl wants to have sex with an 8 year old? That's sick and very sad.

  17. I'm with Pogue, he's either padding his resume or hiding the pain of abuse behind swagger.

    Whatever, there's never a reason to make 8yo sex sound like a good thing.

  18. It is sad and yet not surprising because it would not be macho to admit you are traumatized by this and if he was molested by a male first, no way because the connotation is people will think I am gay and that's just too much for many molested boys turned to men can handle. I think that is a whole other layer of confusion unique to male victims. Any fans of the HBO Series Ray Donovan. Wow that was one killer show.

  19. Poor Chris Brown is just one big pool of of denial.

  20. Agree early sex traumatizing: he rationalizes it by saying hiw great it was. First class idiot with zero self awareness.

  21. He has been in desperate need of intensive therapy for a while. I hope he gets to a place where he will truly seek help before it's too late.

  22. you mean he is denial about being molested. this is cray!

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. Whether it's true or not, does he really think women find that statement sexy? Announcing you were abused is not a turn-on.

  25. He was abused. I'm sorry for his 8 year old self. The adult Chris Brown should spend some of his money on counseling so he can break the cycle of abuse.

  26. The only thing he is the best at is being a first class asshole.

  27. If miley Cyrus in all her assholiness said the same thing, she would be inundated with sympathy. This guy gets humiliated some more. I'm no Chris Brown apologist, but I read this story earlier on celebtwatty, I mean celebitchy and those hypocrites vilified him even more, which they never would do to a female victim. He was molested, and yes, that fucks you up. He needs help, not insults, I hope he gets it.

  28. Actually I insulted the molester.



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