Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Chris Brown Charge Reduced To Misdeemeanor

Now that a judge in Washington DC, has reduced the Chris Brown felony assault charge to a misdemeanor and blocked the usual order for a drug test it appears that Chris Brown has found a way to extricate himself yet once again from the halls of justice with no lasting harm. Oh sure, there will be an appearance before a judge about violating his probation but there is a big difference between a felony charge and a misdemeanor charge and the jails are full and the population in the jails needs to be reduced so even if Chris' probation was revoked he wouldn't serve any time in jail. By the time Washington DC prosecutors get finished reducing all of the charges and Chris sends in his team of lawyers the charge will be reduced to something like pulling flowers out of the ground illegally on a weekend and he will have to pay $100 fine.

I would wager that Chris won't even have to do anger management classes or any kind of probation or community service related to this incident and will just pay a fine. If this was California he would be free to just reach a financial settlement with the person and have the whole case disappear which you can do when it has been reduced to a misdemeanor.

So enjoy the time Chris spent behind bars over the weekend because that will be it until the next time he goes violent and there will be a next time.


  1. Odds are he'll have more CS and AM classes.
    I'm just surprised that since he so blatantly violated his parole (for another violent offense) the charges were reduced.
    If it's true that he walked up to the guy and punched him for no reason, I agree with the others who say that he is going to end up dead sooner rather than later. He's lucky that guy didn't have a gun. That would have been justifiable self-defense, imo.

  2. err, probation. Not parole. Sorry.

  3. Damn, I wish I had placed that bet. Brown-Lohan gets away again!

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I used to run a Men's Behaviour Change program. Like, 1 out of 15-20 guys were actually repentant and wanted to address their violence. The rest were there (if you can call it that) to look good when they rocked up to court to face DV charges.

    1. A lot of time they are forced into the class by the court so they are showing up to be in compliance not to look good. That being said a good criminal atty would tell their client to enroll in classes ASAP so they could present that to the prosecution to make themselves look repentant.

    2. And boom...headline on TMZ is that Mark Geragos dropped CB off at a Malibu rehab for anger management 10/30/13

  5. continuing to use pictures of a dv victim's battered face is not only disrespectful to that victim but could be a harmful trigger to other victims who visit this site. You can get your point across without using this photo.

  6. Can the guy he punched sue him? I saw an interview with him and unless they have paid him off, he seemed pretty sure he wanted to pursue Chris legally.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. See earlier post about monsters. That is all.

  9. I called this yesterday.

  10. Maybe it's a good thing for other victims to get a good long look at that face and understand that that's them. Not trolling here, just offering another point of view.

  11. This is f'ing ridiculous. Why is the legal system so scared to throw the book at hateful, violent Pissy Chrissy? Is he connected to the mob or something? Shiz is disgusting--his ass needs to go to jail!

  12. He will self destruct eventually, no worries there.

  13. what...no one complaining that a lawyer misspelled misdemeanor?

  14. ^Cindy wins best CDAN comment of the day.

    Like seriously, who is Miss Dee Meanor?

  15. lmao Cindy. That Enty isn't a lawyer and isn't even Enty anymore isn't news, but I still love how he/she/them regularly exposes their own Wizard of Oz man behind the curtain, lol

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Come off it. Half of the blinds here are about guys TWICE CBs age doing way worse shit than this. Rhiannas no damn sweetheart either. They both were assholes and chris was just a male one who had the strength to bruise her face. He didnt make her have an abortion, didnt cheat on her with her sister, didnt lock her outside of the house in front of the kids. Jeez, you guys have alot of jokes when they person in question passes your lil list of approval. In this situation the dude was harrassing His Fans, tried to get on his tour bus. Get the facts people. Dude got his ass beat...be a man and take it. damn pussy. Enough with the CB hate.

  18. I am willing to let him off, as long as he's willing to enter a cage match to the death versus ...LiLo

  19. disgusting. he is out of control and its a shame something real bad has to happen (or someone getting really hurt) for his ass to get some time

    and thats for all of them

  20. Where is the video? This is Washington DC. Come on that city, especially the W, has video everywhere. This should not even be a question who threw the first punch. Run the tape.

  21. And of course, he just entered rehab. Hmmm, wonder why he did that.

  22. Was just going to post about the rehab thing. It's not for drugs or alcohol but to think about his last few years or some shit.
