Thursday, October 31, 2013

Chad Michael Murray Cheated On Girlfriend Before Leaving Her

For seven long years Kenzie Dalton put up with Chad Michael Murray. They met when he cheated and the broke up when he cheated. In between? Well, it is not exactly like Chad is known as the most faithful of guys. Two days after splitting with Kenzie Chad decided to go public with his new girlfriend Nicky Whelan who he stars with in the upcoming movie Left Behind. Chad says he is in love with Nicky and wants to get married to her as quickly as possible. That is the same thing he said about Kenzie but he strung her along for an engagement of almost a decade.

Chad Tweeted a photo of himself and Nicky (above) in the past couple of days and said that he is a very lucky man and that everyone should be as in love as he is with her. Yeah, that is the same thing he said about Kenzie before he started to film this movie.


  1. I'm tellin' ya, honey, she meant nothin' to me. Nothin' at all!

  2. I'm your boyfriend now, Kenzie

  3. Why do witches use brooms to fly on?

    Because vacuum cleaners are too heavy!!!!!!!

  4. Q: Why didn’t the skeleton go to the ball?

    A: Because he had no BODY to go with.

  5. You left out the 'N' at the end of "then" in the first sentence. Please proofread before you ruin my site even more.


  6. My name is Talky Tina and I'm going to kill you.

  7. Hatee-hatee-hatee-ho!

  8. Happy Halloween my CdAn Detective unit!

    May Carrot top haunt ur dreams tonignt

  9. Somebody has way too much free time. Lol

    1. Tell me about! You're here everyda, @Reno.

    2. Hocus Pocus, Habeas Corpus, Tempus Tempore, Nunc Transportus!

  10. Oh, yeah. Here I am come, baby

  11. @The Real Dragon, oh, you mention karrots, it's like conjuring up the devil...

  12. Where does a witch go to get a new cat?

    From a cat-alog!!!!!

  13. Ps. Who the hell is checking for Lucas Scott(chad)

  14. I've always had a thing for the whores that live in this house

  15. Lol @him and sharkweek

  16. Though, I guess it's really halloween...

  17. @Freddy Krueger, Me? Why, yes!!

  18. Who wants to help me kill The Fox?

    1. Wa-wa-way-do Wub-wid-bid-dum-way-do Wa-wa-way-do

  19. I still remember Katie Holmes with him in the Dawson's Creek blooper reels rolling her eyes at him etc., so obvious she couldn't stand him. Actually I don't think any of them could stand him. lol

  20. Why do witches wear name tags?

    So, they would know which witch is which!!!!!!!!

  21. I banged lesbians like Kenzie and Nikki in college, when they're done with the pretty boy, they know where I'll be: rubbing my tattoos in a bar with my lawyer on speed dial.

    1. @ProfBraaaaains

      Were they less actresses on a skit?


    3. Will that be all, Professor?

  22. Maybe its just me but i haven't a clue who any of these people are. Grammatically unsound sentence but still true!

  23. (Please excuse the run-on un-spellchecked writing - I'm not on a keyboard:-)

    Sorry I'm late fellas...I'm on a short "vacation". Wow, It's good to know that so many people like this RDJ actor person and are pulling for him. I'll bet if he knew that - it would really warm his heart and make him feel very touched. All of you are so wonderful and kind, I'm sure he would THANK YOU EACH AND ALL SINCERELY if he read these.

    Anytime an actor/actress is on a talk show, it can be disorienting. Imagine your normal holiday rush and bustle, PLUS trying to do press and open a big movie with all the junkets and meet-ups, etc. Covering 16 states in USA then 12 foreign countries - each with their own languages and challenges - all the while trying to finish up TWO MORE movies and begin a THIRD. THEN flying back to USA from London on a LONG, LONG flight (and you cannot even drink - because anyone seeing you with a wine glass assumes you're off the wagon and tweets it to a nosey nelly who posts it as a blind item). Sorry, I digress...

    Anyway, yes - recovery is a lifelong process especially when you have tried every drug created - and found your brain receptors enjoy most of them! All it takes to slip up is one sprained ankle from a stunt on a shoot in the woods, and the medic or doc gives you some painkillers - just a few prescribed so it's legit right? - and your brain says: "AH-HAH! That feels GREAT ALL OVER!". Next thing you know, you want to feel good again, repeat, rinse, repeat. THEN guess what? You're going - HOLY SHIT! I'm off the wagon again! So you have to go take a little vacation and get back on that wagon because you have an amazing wife and an incoming child/existing child/children whom you would never want to disappoint or hurt! Not to mention you don't wanna jeopardize your insurance completion bond and risk being unemployable again (esp. when 100s of people depend on you for THEIR jobs!).

    So you go, get smart again, find your center, and life goes on. But we never truly beat the demons of addiction, just keep them at bay and stay on our "diet from destruction" because some things mean more to us than ourselves (those we love and love us).

    So yes, everyone is human and fallible. Meantime, I hope all of you AWESOME people are safe, well, healthy, and are blessed and blissed. Remeber that EVERYONE is important to SOMEONE and you're all HEROES just for staying with the grind! I'm POSITIVE this actor you discuss would be humbled at your kindness. Totally positive. That is...IF he read it. Happy belated New Year!

    1. Dun dun DUNNNN!!

    2. Well, everybody's got something. You dont get through this life without a monkey or 2 riding your back. Good luck with the sobriety and kudos on the interesting read.

    3. Mee mee mee mee

  24. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Chad Michael Murphy Brown has the worst rug I've ever seen! I don't know how he gets poon!

  25. Chad Michael Murray scares me.

  26. 7 years isn't that long when she was 16 or 17 when they started dating

  27. Kenzie Dalton scares me.

  28. Look who's starring in a Left Behind movie! Chad Michael Murray! The One Tree Hill star is tempting the wrath of the Rev. Kirk Cameron. Two days after leaving the woman he has been engaged to for seven (count that: SEVEN) years, he hooked up with his co-star and posted some PDA selfies.

    Do you know what Left Behind is about? It's about the Rapture, aka The Great Ending If You're a Christian but It Will Suck If You're Not.

    Rev. Cameron is going to have a heart attack. First of all, he was in the original Left Behind movie and is a much better actor than that cheating bastard who was married once before and DIVORCED (sin), then cheated (sin) on his fiance with his Left Behind co-star (workplace romance, sin). He was also in a teen drama (sin) that was successful (sin). Kirk will be on his knees praying that the set will be destroyed like Sodom and Gomorrha (sin cities).

    But wait until Kirk sees this.

    I predict head explosions.

    Kirk: I saw you on The Soup.
    Chad: That wasn't me.
    Kirk: He said "Chad." I heard it.
    Chad: Not me, different Chad.
    Kirk: You know it's a sin to lie. You're starring in a movie about the Rapture. Do you know what's going to happen if you keep lying?
    Chad: OK, it was me.
    Kirk: Thank you for being honest. Hey, this may sound crazy... but call me maybe?

  29. I don't know who this old guy is but he sounds like some D list douche.
    Why are we talking about him??? Lets talk about that bitch Hailey Steinfeld sleeping with my leftovers and taking all the best coke, suck it Hailey!

  30. These comments are hilarious! Reading them is like being on an acid trip. Happy Halloween indeed.

    1. Alverix Orcus, Transfrogamorphus, Habulatas, Hourte Couturus, Fabricatas, Feelafina, Instantatus, Topdesina!

  31. What is the fox saying? Hehe

    But really, Wtf is going on today!


  32. These comments are nothing like an acid trip. Go take a tab and then get back to me. Hmmm...if I WAS on acid, maybe I'd find something mildly amusing in all the idiot comments. I'll get back to you.

    1. Aww Cee Kay, cat piss in your morning coffee?

    2. Judging from your comments, that is not a mathematical possibility. You have no sense of humor, I am sorry to tell you. SCIENCE!

  33. Blind Gossip website must be down again. All their goons flood the place when it is, or when they get banned.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      I would never patronize that shithole! Cdan is the lowest I sink!

  34. I think someone went off their meds again...

  35. Sophia Bush can tell you what a d___bag he is. He married her, went on location (in Canada I think) w/Paris Hilton of all skags & screwed her, Sophia divorced him ASAP. Smart girl/woman. Then he started in w/Kenzie when she was still a minor.

  36. Oops, silly me. I thought it was ok to comment re: the post about CMM. Sorry to interrupt your game / scam.

  37. Anonymous4:42 PM

    I like turtles
