Monday, October 21, 2013

Britney Spears And Her Singing

If you have never heard Britney Spears sing live and lets face it, chances are you have not and will not, this is what she sounds like while her background pre-recorded vocal plays to a crowd at a concert. Tell me again how she is going to sing live at her Las Vegas gig.

I think we should also remember this gig was from 2009 when Britney was still not 100%. Maybe she sounds amazing now. What she should do is have one night in Vegas where she sings completely unplugged. Yeah, that's never going to happen. Don't forget that it is almost MV clue time. Just a couple more weeks.


  1. That was painful. I had to turn it off after "Lucky". My God.

  2. It is cruel to put this out there even if she is MV.

  3. All PR hype and not much talent.

  4. I don't think its cruel. I think if a person holds themselves out to be a singer,then they should at least be able to carry a tune. I've long suspected this. Remember last year on the X Factor when she sang Happy Birthday to L.A. Reid? It was bad. Very bad.

    Poor thing. And was that an early MV clue? Hmmmmm......

  5. @sarah - I would agree with you except for the fact that she is quite mentally ill.

  6. And I suppose she lip synced on Star Search and the Mickey Mouse club too? We all know that MV is J Lo. This is just a PSA on what happens when you do drugs

  7. What a tough guy/gal you are Enty. Picking on Britney lately, haven't we? You can throw as much shade as you want towards her, but it's not going to stop her fans from seeing her Vegas show or buying her music.

  8. She sounds like shit, but I think we all knew that. And there's no way she's MV. This sounds exactly like she always has, just not engineering her voice to death to make it sound good. There's a difference.

  9. Enty is going hard on Burtnee these days. She sang live on MTV's Diary of... Back in the day. She's not bad, just probably not consistent.

  10. She sounds like shit, but I think we all knew that. And there's no way she's MV. This sounds exactly like she always has, just not engineering her voice to death to make it sound good. There's a difference.

  11. I don't think Brit Brit is MV. This sounds like someone that knows their voice isn't going to be heard and is lipsyncing. There is no way for someone to dance all out, run around the stage and sing flawlessly but I think Brit took those early days as the norm and hasn't sung live in years.

  12. I thought Enty liked Britney?? Oh wait, this must be Evil Enty. So many Enty/s to keep track of.

  13. This was 2009 and it was already confirmed to be alter 4 fucking years ago. Ma late .

    What he'll us ur problem with Brit , enties.

    1. Meant what the hell is ur problem with brit. Fucking phone lol

  14. I don't think she was really trying to sing here. She was lip-syncing at this concert and just singing enough to make it believable. No one was supposed to hear her, so she wasn't trying. She was focused on her routine and making it look good instead of sounding good. I don't think it's fair to judge her on her singing ability based off this.

  15. I'm pretty sure this recording is from 2001, not 2009. In 2001 she was 100% at the top of her game.

  16. I went to her concert (Dream Within a Dream tour?) in Vegas back in the day- 01 or so. When she sang Everytime it was SO bad I could not even believe it- and then I realized she was really singing. The show was taped for her HBO special, but the DVD had a dubbed version of the song, so you couldn't tell how shitty it was live. However- this was shortly after her breakup w/Justin and she was crying during that song.

    I love Britney and I always will. It's sad that she has obvious long term effects from her parents and managers/label turning her into a money machine. She was a natural performer with talent- the talent was her showmanship and dance ability. Singing was never her strong suit, but she was favored over Chrisina Aguilera for many years because of her ability to sell herself.

  17. Secondly it's suppose to be a recording from her Las Va gas 2001 tour. Smh b

  18. Wasn't Enty friends with Britney? Didn't he even come out and say once that the person everyone was guessing was MV was a friend of his (when everyone was guessing Brit) and he wanted to make it clear that it wasn't her? So why the hell is he picking on her now? (A) Yes, this is terrible, but you can still tell it's the same voice on her albums; and (B) since voice relies almost entirely on breath, it's virtually impossible to sing really well while doing an intense dance routine.

  19. @ella impossible dream within tour was in 2001. Every time came out 4 years later. Wrong concert

  20. @Jeannie I agree! If she made an actual effort to sing, it'd sound different.

  21. @Jeannie I agree! If she made an actual effort to sing, it'd sound different.

  22. Maybe it was her onyx hotel tour? In 2004 I think

  23. Oh, and this is from 2001.

  24. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Oh. Dear. That was excruciatingly painful.

  25. She's doing fucking cardio with all of her dance moves, of course she is out of breath and sounds like shit.

    This Enty is an asshole.

  26. I agree with Pip and VIPblonde. Free Britney!


  27. I was able to sit in the audience for tapings of the Mickey Mouse club the year Britney was in the cast. It would be a full day shoot with take after take being done.

    She did sing and dance for several numbers that I recall. She's more of a dancer though and had good comedic timing with the skits they did.

    1. @AJ Very interesting. I see no signs of that comic timing now.

  28. MV is JoLo. Why will her ID be revealed? I was always under the impression that enty would be in great strife if it was!

  29. This looks totally fake to me. It reminds me that video of Enrique Iglesias which was some dude singing as worse as he could to mock him.

    This is the video I wrote about, but it was famous way before the date said in the description:

  30. I mean, the sound was known when the "song" was notorious, but the person who uploaded the video has changed the dates to make it more actual.

  31. Is this even real? There's a bunch of vids like this going around, there's one of Miley Cyrus, but I thought they were all fake

    1. Stigs - do you have a link to the one of Miley?

  32. Shittany has AIDs. All you need to know.

  33. @Nutty
    She really was a very talented kid. I suspect the cocktail of medications has made her sluggish & mentally unclear, sadly.

    The two years she was on the MMC, also had Keri Russel, Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Ryan Gosling, and also Christina Aguilera. That's a hell of a cast.

    All of those kids were skilled in dancing, singing and acting/comedy. They all had to be triple threats to be part of the cast.

  34. Any pop singer dancing around would sound this crappy if you isolated only their vocals. They are all auto-tuned and breathlessly running around doesn't help.

    I agree with the folks who say that Brit is not MV. Her voice tone sounds like on the albums, and it's very distinctive.

  35. This is Britney on the MMC

    I was in the audience for this one. She really does sing & dance. They would shoot each song multiple times from multiple angles. She had to do multiple takes.

  36. I heard "Jenny from the Block" on the radio this weekend. Solidified for me that JLo is MV. That sounds nothing like her recent stuff.

  37. While she's notMV I'm glad this was released. Maybe her handlers will back off a bit and let the girl stop faking so hard for the $$

    Let her retire already!

  38. No one cares if she can sing. The only reasons people will go to her Vegas shows are Wardrobe Malfunctions and Live On Stage Meltdowns.

  39. Even in the unfortunate clip there are flashes of what her voice sounded like at its prime, auto-tuned, and curated best. She hit some of the more difficult notes and transitions, even if not very well. Someone with no natural talent would not be able to even do that. I don't think she is MV, but clearly she needs practice and a good audio engineer to sound like the Brit we know and love.

  40. Britney has been smoking cigarettes for 15 years. If her voice sounded this bad years ago, there is no way her voice has improved.

  41. J.Ho's real singing voice:

    Guess she really is MV.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I don't know @Shit
    I've heard worse.

  44. There is a story on Dirt Bag saying that Britney's singing in her Las Vegas show is going to be 100% pre recorded and that even though there will be a live band, the music will also be pre recorded. The band is just going to sit there , pretending to play instruments. If people want to pay to see this phoney baloney show, that's their business, but I have to think that everyone involved - Britney, her team, the hotel and promoters are all being very unethical by not making it known that there will be no live singing or music.

  45. What MV clue time? And MV is most definitely NOT JLo. I wish it was, because I can't stand her...but it's definitely without a doubt, NOT JLo. JLo's voice sucks and she has put out an album this past spring/summer. MV will never put out another album ever again, because the real singer has died.

    I'm convinced it's Shania. I don't care what Enty says about being born in the U.S. Shania fits everything else.

  46. @crila16 - Isn't the name also 13 letters as well? I also heard Shania is going to be doing Vegas shows soon.

    In this day and age, so many 'artists' are manufactured that it would be difficult to ever know the true identity. Heck it might reach a point where no one will care because so many suck now anyways. Who knows?

  47. @Mamalikes gossip, MV is short for Milli Vanilli. (You know, the "band" that got busted lip synching in the early 1990s.) It's a nickname Enty gave. He claims MV is a very famous "singer" whom only lip synchs because she has no talent, and someone else is actually singing for her. He's been talking about her for years but hasn't said who it is.

    I'm not sure why anyone guesses Britney for MV. She has a terrible voice. I'm sure it's someone who sounds really good; why try to hide a singer's lack of talent by hiring a replacement singer who is also not talented?

  48. crila16, you and I seem to be the only ones adamant about MV NOT being JLo.

    No way is it Britney, either.

    1. @Paris, @crila, I've never understood jlo as MV either. To me she always sounds like JLo (even her singing voice has that Bronx tinge).

  49. Cool I'd love to hear the actual microphone of every single pop singer and lead singer of every band who sold tickets to live concerts.

  50. Oh Britney. I wish her family would just let her retire in peace somewhere and enjoy her life. It is so obvious she doesn't want to be in show business anymore.

  51. I saw Brit at Six Flags very early in her career. She had just had her first song out.My daughter and some of her little friends begged to go see her. She was God awful. She didn't really have any songs of her own yet so she was mutilating Papa Don't Preach by Madonna and some Cher song from the 70's. She sounded like a really bad drunk person trying to sing Karaoke. I was amazed when she wound up being so famous.

  52. @8=====D - RememberKermitGosnell - you are right.. this was an old video and it was declared a hoax with quite a degree of certainty.
    I am not saying Brit Brit can sing but this is a fake

  53. Anonymous4:09 PM

    In Britney's defence, a LOT of singers don't sound that great in 'real life'. Beyonce for one, whose music is so darned loud that you can hardly hear her voice.

    I think people want her to fail in Vegas ... hence the release of this video and other 'stories' about her performance.

  54. Good god. My dog howls in better pitch.

  55. @Krissie...Millie Vanilli did something way worse than lip syncing. It was revealed that they did not actually sing on their record that won Grammy Awards. The album was done by studio musicians and the two dudes who were Milli Vanilli were hired to be the singers in videos, and for personal appearances that required nothing more than lip syncing performances. When it was discovered that they didn't sing, and in fact really couldn't sing mayhem ensued.

  56. I made it through 55 seconds of Brit. I've heard that JLo thing before.

    @V @Paris @crila I'm not a big regular here but I never thought that JLo or Brit are MV. The speaking voices of both women sound just like their attempts at singing. Are their voices digitally redone? Yes. But the voice is the voice and both of them sound like themselves.

    Also both Brit and JLo were/are dancers. Brit injured her knee IIRC and many of her issues began after that happened.

    JLo owes everything she is to the man who now calls himself Diddy. He put her in that dress and her career took off from there. Not that he didn't owe her...

    Whoever MV is will never do another original album because the original singer passed away. Greatest hits? Remixes? The Ballads? Yes but no original work.

  57. Oh and I heard a news broadcast Monday that said that Brit would not be singing live and that the band will be there as props.

  58. Wow! I could've been Britney Spears! That's about how I sound when I sing. Anyway, that was golden, very enjoyable. I guess Brit is the famous singer who can't really sing?

    She did look damn fine back then, though. Was that before she had kids? I wonder if she really tried super hard if she could get that shape back...
