Sunday, October 06, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 8, 2013

This former almost A list tweener is still a solid B list celebrity. She has admitted that she despite the help of a great therapist that she still has a long way to go in having a healthy relationship. She can't break the cycle of being dumped on and she says her therapist told her that she will end up doing something self-destructive until she can break away from the one guy who has been bringing her down. He cheats on her daily but she always takes him back no matter what. She refuses to leave him despite this and the fact that in the few years they have been dating she has caught him 20-30 times. She thinks he will change.

Demi Lovato/Wilmer Valderrama


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Have they broke up since then?

  3. I don't get Fez's appeal at all, but am wondering if he has a magical penis that somehow dicktraumatizes all the women who have sex with him.

  4. I found promiscuous men to typically suck in bed. Hence the need to continuously conquer.

    1. Anonymous11:16 AM

      @ Sherry : I LOVE this! I reckon that bad lays need to stick to one night stands, because no sensible person would go back for crappy seconds.

  5. I love that girl! She's so pretty too. She can do much better.

  6. Shes just young and stupid right now. We all were once. (I hear an echo in this room :)

  7. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Fez is repugnant. *spews up in own mouth*

  8. Interesting Sherry and Rach Around, many promiscuous men could just be the bad lays that couldn't get a return engagement even if they wanted one and if there were some women who figured the bad lay was a one off, it happens to everyone once in a while, male and female for different reasons, he doesn't want those women to find out that it wasn't a one off.

    1. Anonymous11:45 AM

      Agree Tina. That's why I married the man who was the best lay I had.

    2. Tina I think it's because it takes a while to understand how to please a woman after the initial lust phase and they must work harder. Men.who bounce from woman to woman never learn this. Sad really. And I got lucky with my husband too. Still madly in love with him after lo these many years.

  9. Demi just has to visualize Fez begging for money, homeless on the streets of LA, after he was fired from his most recent job as a waiter, probably the same place as Jon Gosselin, as she walks by with some decent hot guy and flips him a quarter.

    1. Anonymous12:11 PM

      Tina, If we all visualise this, perhaps we can will it to happen!

  10. Very smart Rach! I wish I could have married the best lay ever...unfortunately our relationship is the definition of "it's complicated"

  11. Unfortunately, V, I'm in the same boat :( And it sucks.

  12. Anonymous12:10 PM

    I should add that aside from being awesome in the sack, he's a sweetheart with a great sense of humour, really smart and the most amazing person I've ever met!
    He doesn't read this so I can say all this without inflating his ego further (cos I tell him every day how fucking rad he is)

  13. Rach - you're a lucky betch! Just kidding. I am sure your feelings are mutual :)

    Bravura - I feel your pain! Hopefully, one day I'll get things right.

  14. Anonymous12:18 PM

    I am lucky. I even shave my legs and cook him gourmet meals. He deserves it.

  15. Anonymous12:20 PM

    And V - you deserve the BEST. Don't settle for less.

  16. Aww, thanks Rach! I try...

  17. He has a 22+ centimetres long (I won't translate it into inches, use a calculator) wang, which has an experience getting inside famous chick I sincerely envy.
    That is his magic, not his appearance, charm or shit like that.

    1. How do you know precise penis lenghths?

  18. Sherry, I think you're absolutely correct. It's been my experience, too.

  19. I believe 22+cm is something over 8 1/2 inches.

  20. I wld ask her why do you think he will change? Has he given you any indication he WANTS to change? Whats making u think he will?? Maya says, when people show u who they are, believe them!!!!! Hes a cheater and prob always will be.

  21. 22 cm = almost 9 inches. Not shabby, but still not worth it if it's attached to an even bigger tool...

  22. Women still go this crazy over Wilmer Valderrama?? He's not even famous anymore.

  23. sandybrook, speak for yourself.
    And Demi is probably weak, not stupid.

  24. I think she needs to get over herself. Part of this is probably her ego at play.

    Unable to truly admit to herself that she made a mistake with this guy and should just accept that and move on. Nope, that would mean admitting she isn't perfect, and she (and others before her) delude themselves into thinking they have the power to change this person (through love, caring etc.), and once they do, all will be well. It is a childish, egotistic fantasy. And some people need to be kicked in the teeth before they smarten up. Unfortunately.

    Insecurity is still your ego and self-absorption doing their thing.

  25. Agree that most manwhores are usually selfish and dead lays in bed, ugh
    Why go there?

  26. Wilmer's packing some heat but the real issue is Demi's low self-esteem. Her motto needs to be: To get OVER the old one, get UNDER a new one...but not an emotional vampire this time!

  27. She will always take him back because she has no self esteem. I have been there too. You only stand up and walk away once you build self esteem and self worth otherwise the cycle will keep repeating like an old record.

  28. His "magical penis" is: he is coca dealer.
    She is dependent on him for her self-esteem problems, not for sex or addiction, but because unconsciously she knows he is the worst destructive relationship she can be found, she will be attracted to any relationship in which she is a trash and he is the winner in that category.

  29. Remember that HIMYM episode where Katy P plays a character so naive they can only say, "Oh, Honey...."?



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