Sunday, October 06, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 12, 2013

They used to hate each other. A lot. He creeped her out. She used to feel sick when she saw him. Now though, this A list all movie actress has changed her tuned and has been sharing the bed with this A+ list all movie actor. The problem is that she will get hurt. He will cheat. He was cheating on his girlfriend with the A list actress so you know that will continue.

Jennifer Lawrence/Bradley Cooper/Zoe Saldana


  1. Funny I just watched "Silver Linings..."last night. I'm refusing to believe this one because I love Jennifer and Bradley's eyes are too close together.

    1. Fairmaiden: I can see a caricature picture of Bradley as a rat but ferret works too except they are cuddly creatures.

  2. Lol. Have a hard time believing this one, I can believe they slept togehter but trying to have a relationship no,

  3. After seeing the reveal and then reading blind I kept on wondering when the mother part would come up.

  4. Shes just young and stupid right now. We all were once.

  5. Anonymous11:13 AM

    I still can't comprehend anyone believing that Bradley is straight. I'm sorry. He pings. And perhaps this is a carefully planted "blind" reveal to reinforce the P. R fibs?

  6. I think she is back with her very attractive boyfriend Nicholas 'Tony from Skins' Hoult.

    Lucky betch,

    1. Anonymous11:14 AM

      MerryB: love both Skins (U. K) & Nicholas

    2. They were broken up during filming of SLP, so maybe this is true, and once the fling was over she went back to her boy, NH?

  7. Anonymous11:14 AM

    And I did laugh @ Sherry's summation. Agree on both counts. Love her & his eyes are close together.
    Off topic, but they were both hilarious between two ferns.

  8. I thought he was pretty on sex and the city. Then i saw him in the hangover and he looked so conceited that he killed it for me.

  9. He is so skeevy.

  10. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I watched Valentine's Day (I was still drunk from a wedding I went to at a winery, and there was nothing on telly) and Bradley looked very home in his gay role.

  11. O Jennifer, please dump him if this is true. He creeps me out.

  12. I'd bet the farm that this is a mutual plant. BCoop is as gay as Liberace and his team has been going all out for some time now to make him look straight. It doesn't get talked about much but Jennifer was papped getting snuggly with a girl in Hawaii a couple of months ago. And lastly but not leastly, Nicholas Holt pings my gaydar. So there.

    1. @Harry: Any chance of a link or a cut and paste of these girl on girl J-Law snuggles? if not I will accept a breif description and fill in the blanks on my own. I have another lonely night to get through and this is going to help.

  13. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Harry: totes agree!

  14. "Harry Knuckles said...
    I'd bet the farm that this is a mutual plant. BCoop is as gay as Liberace and his team has been going all out for some time now to make him look straight. It doesn't get talked about much but Jennifer was papped getting snuggly with a girl in Hawaii a couple of months ago. And lastly but not leastly, Nicholas Holt pings my gaydar. So there."

    Please... PR teams don't give a shit about blind gossip sites, most of the stuff on here is bullshit.

  15. bullshit!! Lawrence hated him so much during SLP that she asked him to work again with her on SERENA ????

  16. Don't buy it. There are so many BCoop blinds - he's gay, he cheats, he's got mommy issues, he's bi, no he's gay and Zoe was a beard. Nope, not buying it and I don't even think about him.

    JLaw now, I do like her and she doesn't seem the type. She comes across in interviews as very down to earth and professional, but also funny and not at all impressed with herself.

  17. @Seven of Eleven: you forgot Zoe and Bradley were mutual beards or Lawrence drops Hoult to try to date Cooper who is not interested or Cooper wants Lawrence to date Dicaprio in some blind items

  18. JLaw does indeed come across as very down to earth and not impressed with herself. She might be an even better actress then most give her credit for.

    1. Anonymous11:43 AM

      @ Harry: exhibit A: Winter's Bone.

  19. Has anyone seen the posters for American Hustle? BCoop looks like a straight up pimp. I see him and I think of Max Julien from The Mack.

    1. Anonymous12:28 PM

      I think this might be my favorite look from him yet.

    2. Dulcinea, I agree. At first glance, I thought he was Jesse Williams.

  20. Rach, I'm not really getting your Winter's Bone reference. I've haven't seen it but I have seen enough of JLaw's work to know that she is a very good actress. The point I was trying to make is that it seems to me that she is also "acting" in interviews, portraying herself as a down to earth, unaffected young lady with good sensibilitis. You know, just trying to make herself as appealing and likable as she can.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Harry: I was agreeing about Jennifer being a great actress. With mentioned film as further evidence.

  21. What IS the deal with Bradley? So many theories, different blinds, and I'm sooo confused.

  22. I believe this. Jennifer Lawrence did subtly implied at an interview that B. Cooper was an old creeper.

  23. They're in multiple movies together, she won an oscar with him and he got his nom off her.

    Yeah, I'm sure she did something with him while Nicholaus Hault took his vacation, but I don't think anyone thinks they're trying to be a couple.

  24. @ V I haven't seen the poster but I want to now. lol

    1. Freya, I'm clicky incompetent, but here is a link:

  25. If Lawrence actually did B Coop I hope it was just a one time thing because she was bored. I can't see her taking him (or Nicky Hoult) seriously.

    Or I could just be projecting what I would do in her place if I was her.

  26. The many variations of contradictory blinds about BCoop make me wonder if there are conflicting forces working overtime on him. I do think it's possible that his PR team are projecting an image for him, including planted blinds, and at the same time there is a person or persons who might feel the need to contradict that image, perhaps as a personal vendetta. Either way, I'm just kind of meh on him personally, but a little fascinated by the phenomena of him and his image.

  27. And american hustle frenchgirl.

    I'm looking forward to the release of Serena. I really enjoyed the novel and am interested to see how well it translates to the screen.

  28. Nah. I don't think Jennifer Lawrence is all innocence & sunshine but I actually don't think she'd shag Cooper. Or if she did then she seems the type that would go in eyes wide open, knowing exactly what she was getting into or not. She knows that isn't a "real" relationship.

  29. Enty blinds on cooper been constant. Compare to his blinds on other celebs. Now if you compare enty blinds on cooper to teds then yeah there different, but one site still exist and the other doesn't *kanye shrug

  30. How can Bradley Cooper be considered an A+, all movie actor when he was a regular/recurring character on 6 different TV series (Nip/Tuck, Kitchen Confidential, Alias, Jack & Bobby, Touching Evil, and The $treet)? Jeez, Entwhoever, at least check IMDB before posting that.

  31. I believe they could've gotten it on during the filming of SLP, but by the time it premiered she was definitely OVER him. I think if anything, he's bi. He could be anywhere from a 2 to a 4 on the Kinsey scale. Yes, I'm expert at determining people's sexuality, particularly when I don't even know them. ;)

  32. They've never hated each other and have had a good working relationship and are friends offscreen but nothing more. Jennifer had him come teach the kids at the day camp her mother runs. I call BS on this one (no coincidence that she and Cooper were the popular guess on this one so I think Enty ran with it as the answer). Btw, she and Hoult weren't broken up during SLP filming - there's a video/gifset of her talking to paps during the movie's shooting, asking her if Cooper is a good kisser and she replies with "yes, but not as good as my boyfriend."

  33. I love him and I'd do him in a heartbeat.

  34. Now, we need the blind detailing WHY she changed her tune. B/c it doesn't make sense in a vacuum. Not that I don't buy it (I do, at least in the sense that Harvey wanted it out there during Awards season- check the date) but why, then, does BC date Suki when he could have had Lawrence? That's after him saying "I could be her dad" to counteract these rumors. That told me he's a POS, but maybe I'm just projecting what I'd do.

    Question for Enty to consider: Does she regret it (if true)?

    For librarian to be: You have ANY proof on the thing about camp? I mean, you really are her defender here.

    Final thought: This "change of tune" had to be rapid, since she agreed to do Serena w/ him right after SLP. Maybe this is Enty or his sources finding a story to explain away the initial blind.

  35. On timing, Enty himself has said NOT during SLP. Come to think of it, this smacks of a "rebound," no? Coop "swoops in" after the breakup?

  36. They are friends IRL, I have seen multiple pics of him (BCoop) hanging with her family and holding her brothers? Baby this is just gossip bs

  37. Count, I need to learn to make links clicky.

  38. @KevinA, yup, there was a local news story about it in her native Louisville and her parents said so too. I don't have a link to the video but you might find it on Youtube.

    And I don't consider myself her defender per se (I've defended other celebs here too including Amanda Bynes and even Kristen Stewart and yes, Anne Hathaway). I take most all blind items with a grain of salt, based on logic, common sense, and what I've heard on other gossip sites. Some I take with a bigger grain than others (like this one). Except for all the faux-lebrities and reality star ones which I outright ignore because I don't recognize the names and couldn't give a crap about any of them.

  39. BCoop and Victor Garber were a couple for while he may dabble in girls, his heart and emotions are with the guys.
    JLaw was having fun, she knew the deal. Sex is fun... hopefully she enjoyed it.

  40. I still think he's gay.

  41. JLaw and BCoop definitely get along. They've now filmed three movies together. But sleep with him while he has a girlfriend? I really don't want to believe this about her. Also, I still think he's more into guys. As much as he *supposedly* cheated on Zoe, I have to wonder if they didn't just have an open relationship (maybe she didn't exercise the right, while he regularly did). Yeah, I'll just keep telling myself that.

    I can't wait to see American Hustle. The case looks ah-mah-zing.

  42. I passed out watching the Chargers/ Raiders game and typing this on my phone.

    Thank you Harry. The fact that it was buzzed and stoned touchy feely makes it very cute. Probably nothing more than youthful exploration and horizon broadening, but I'd pay $29.95 to watch a DVD of what went on in that room.

    If I could set the scene, they sit Indian style on the bed, facing each other passing the doobie back and forth. As they get higher and higher the yapping becomes progressively less. By the time the roach is tossed in the ashtray, they speak in nothing more than deep long glares that cause them to leaner closer and closer to each other.

    I don't know that you could say one kissed the other because the want was so strong in both. First their lips met, quickly followed by their tongues. They each take a hand to hold the back of the other's head.

    They couldnt bear to pull apart to remove their tops. The heat of the passion was so intense they skip right over groping each other's breasts and proceed to pawing at waist bands.

    Hands dove inside and did the awkward fumbling to get their bearings. The first direct clitoral hit elicited a gasp, causing the locked lips to part.

    Both heads are clutched together. Each soft moan that enters an ear causes a crack in the strained dams which hold back panty moisture. The poor dams will shortly be overcome by the juices generated from this sweaty coil of fingerbang lust.

    From there you choose your own adventure. After they orgasm does each broad lick her own fingers clean or put them the mouth of the other for cleaning? Since both have vaginas, who makes the post sex sandwiches?

  43. If this is true, she didn't get hurt by Bradley, and she went back to her old boyfriend anyway. I can't see how Brad skeeved her out, and then all of a sudden didn't skeeve her out. Plus, isn't Zoe a lesbian anyway?

  44. I think Zoe just got married to a guy so where's the lesbian rumor coming from? For that matter, where do the Bradley/Victor Garber rumors come from? Victor has had a long-time partner for many years while Alias was on so when did have time for a thing with Bradley?

  45. The girl Jennifer was with in Hawaii is her brother's girlfriend.

    The Victor Garber/Bradley Cooper started as a blind item from...maybe Ted, way back. Could have been about them them or any number of other people.

  46. Well if none of you want him, i'll have him!



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