Saturday, October 12, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 30, 2012

This celebrity hip hop mogul has been in this space before. Our mogul has an employee that he hired out of business school. The job of this employee? He has created a database that includes every woman our mogul has ever slept with or wanted to sleep with. Every woman our mogul has met and gets a phone number for is entered into the database. When our mogul says he wants a blonde for the night that he has had sex with names pop out. If he wants someone that he has not slept with, names pop out. The entries are scary specific and being the mogul that he is thinks he can turns the whole thing into a new dating site and make a few hundred million more bucks.

Russell Simmons


  1. Kids, don't be afraid of good grammar. It won't hurt you.

  2. He is disgusting. Terrible example of a black man, I just hate Russell Simmons.

  3. What would he call the new dating site

    eMoguls eSkanks4Moguls

  4. I wonder was he always this slutty or did he work very hard all those years building up his empire and Kimora beat him down and now he is having his neverending mid life crisis.

  5. Sorry, OT: Did anyone else see the Duchovny/Anderson "ask me anything" today? Nice "proof" pic too!

  6. Kels, what does black have to do with this?

    Why can't he just be a terrible example? The behavior is reprehensible regardless of profession, race, gender, status...

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Where are all the people who scream about 'slut shaming' whenever a promiscuous woman gets dissed on this site?

    He's over 18, single, promiscuous and proud of it. Why does that make him a slime?

    All the women in his database are presumably willing and of age, and I'm guessing he gave them no reason to assume they were any more than a booty call. If he calls them again, 6 months or 6 years after the original encounter and is looking for another booty call, at least they know the score.

    Besides, Motley Crüe already did this in the 1980s. Imagine the prehistoric software they must have had to use.

    1. Anonymous12:07 PM

      Motley Crüe probs have a database of tramp stamps.

  9. Put it online! Membership only of course. One for men, one for women. That way everyone gets what they want. Want big dick - you got it. Nice tongue action - no problem. Don't get caught with a premature ejaculatior! Know in advance if he is butt boinking adverse. Learn if he only wants you for a 3-way.

    This could be a win-win!

    1. It's like you were in my head just now!!! I was about to
      Post essentially the same thing.

      I would like to know up front what I'm dealing with..this could be a great implement to dating.

    2. It already is online: adult friend finder. This is how my sister met her then-married, now fiance... um. Yeah. Keeping my big mouth shut, ya know? Point being, guys post their weenies. Dunno what the girls post.

  10. I think hes over 60 too much less over 18. Hes rich and famous so of course any woman would be willing to fall all over him ti get a chance to wrap her legs around his artrihtic neck and back.

    1. @sandybrook Any woman? I know I certainly wouldn't!!

  11. There is a product & market for everything. He's a good business person & gives the customer what they want- can't fault him for that. Look at sites like Ashley Madison... It exists because someone wanted a better way to get what they wanted. Smart.

  12. It's probably not the point but I admire his organizational skills and ability to remember details.

  13. Anonymous11:20 AM

    This is the kind of organisational savvy that would make Liz Lemon WET. Oh yeah baby.

  14. It's not slut shaming to say a man that sees women as sexual objects, to be tucked away in file folders, is a sleeze.

    With all that money, he still cannot say the letter S properly.

  15. The issue I see is that sleeping with a guy does not give him the right to turn your personal details into a commercial enterprise. Unless he gets a signed release from every single one of the women, then it is pure exploitation, and probably illegal. I don't care about him getting his dick wet. It's the commercial enterprise aspect that is raising my eyebrows.

  16. The man has slept with half of New York and just moved to LA to do more damage. As old as he is, he probably needs a database due to senility. How else do you expect him to keep track?

  17. Russell Simmons propositioning & exploiting women, what's new? He's been doing it for yeeeeeeeaaaaaaarrs.

  18. @ Nutty_Flavor - Motley Crüe probably used a spiral notebook.

  19. Old school rocks! Plus! No NSA infiltration. Though the notebook could end up in the wrong hands...

    Security is a slippery bitch ain't she?

  20. This is what 'The Facebook' was for back when it was university-specific.

    So he's got his little black book on SalesForce. Doubt he's the only one.

  21. High end TheEroticReview. Dude would make bank. I'd say $ 500 to $1000 / month per user. Between the NBA and NFL, probably talking $200k + in gross revenue each month.

    You would need to have a blacklist section too. Opportunists tryin to wrangle paternity suits or shake down fake rape claims would be outted to protect members.

  22. Weren't the members of Motley Crue high all the time? When you can't remember to bathe, I don't think you are able to be too organized about groupies. Even now, Tommy Lee looks like he reeks.

  23. The Russell Simmons Sloppy seconds website? I assume all the advertising on the site is for Valtrex.

  24. He is gross, but what the hell is wrong with all these women who can't say no to a perv like that? Sometimes I am just embarrassed of my gender and the way so many of them let themselves be treated as sex objects as soon as some guy comes around looking.

    1. @ Krissie: I don t get it either and I see it happening in front of my eyes every day on this site ...

  25. He and Rev Run are complete opposites. At least I hope Rev Run is as legit and committed to his wife and family as he seems.

  26. I'd believe this blind if it was a database of men.

  27. @Mango
    Or maybe they kept it loose leaf in a Pee Chee folder.

  28. Anonymous2:58 PM

    I read the name as Richard Simmons - I was very confused

  29. No idea who this is. Am I the only one?

  30. Russell Simmons always skeeved me out. Now I know why.

  31. Everyone knows he's I don't understand the blind.

  32. Everyone knows he's I don't understand the blind.

  33. I have a family member that works directly for him and she has never had anything bad to say about him. Meh, not my world, but it's always nice to hear that she loves her job.

  34. I have a family member that works directly for him and she has never had anything bad to say about him. Meh, not my world, but it's always nice to hear that she loves her job.

  35. Anonymous2:37 AM

    Going by the comments, are peeps confusing Russ with Richard Simmonds?
