Friday, October 25, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

May 28, 2010

#4 - This female C list singer/reality star had a promotional appearance the other day for which she had been paid in advance. Everything was set up and ready to go. When she arrived she demanded an extra $5000 for herself or she would leave. Because they were in a bind the very large company paid her, but after the event told her they would not be using her again.

Julianne Hough


  1. Extra 5k for what? That pile of melted vanilla ice cream???? Bet she's not getting shit now, since the beading gig ended.

  2. I wonder who the company was.

  3. Shes resourceful there's plenty of guys needing beard servicing in Hollywood.

  4. Couldn't they have told her that if she left they would sue her for breach of contract and make her pay back what they paid her plus damages or something.

  5. This reeks of BS. Her people would have negotiated appearance fees in advance and she would have just shown up where she was told to.

  6. I don't recall her ever singing.

  7. ^She had a country album out. Girlfriend has tried everything in the biz.

  8. I really feel she reached her peek on DWTS. She shouldn't have messed up the bearding deal, very bad move on her part.

  9. Large company could have been Proactiv? Isn't that around the time she was doing promotions / commercials for them?

  10. This sounds like BS. As has been said already, she has a manager/agent that negotiates everything. All Julianne or anybody in her line of work does is show up. For her to try and extort another $5,000 at the last minute would be the kiss of death to her appearance career, not to mention her manager/agent would drop her immediately. Fucking Entys and their bullshit. Plus, I'd bet the farm that Julianne will be rebearding before long. I just invented a new word.

  11. I just really cant stand this one and why in the hell do we have to hear about her? Ugh, I care more about the Kartrashians than this tart!

  12. They should have let her walk and sued for breach of contract.

    She probably asked for cash to support a drug habit.

  13. Did she have dirt on someone?

  14. I can't get over how stupid some of these greedy people, you gained $5000 but you lost a whole lot more - not only is that organization never going to use you again you can be sure everyone involved is telling everyone else and she will be getting less gigs now even before this became a revealed blind and now she just lost a whole lot more potentitial legit gigs today.

    So was it worth that extra $5k power play JH.

  15. She's a very good dancer but below average everything else.

  16. She RUINED Rock of Ages with that gerbil voice of hers.

  17. No way this is true.

  18. This blind was right before her relationship with Seacrest, so I can believe she'd nickle and dime back then.

  19. I'd go fly RC helis with Bruce
