Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

August 15, 2013

This former American Idol top five finalist is about to make news again. She really does love dating married men. I believe this would be marriage number three she has helped destroy.

Katharine McPhee


  1. Okay, can someone please explain the "class ring" thing to me? I missed it and I see it in the comments all the time, LOL.

    1. I'd like an explanation as well.

  2. @ Megan and folly he asked if people bought a class ring on more than one your turn

  3. @Megan and @Folly: On the Your Turn posts before the big blind of the day, the Enties asked us about class rings...and then a week later gave us the same question.

    Similarly, multiple questions were asked about paper bags vs. plastic bags in a short time span.

    Some take it as a sign that multiple writers run the site (and don't collaborate) and to some it's just lazy. I don't know.

    1. The jokes write themselves!!

    2. Let's not forget the (not so) Great PB Debate.

  4. Well I just talked my daughter out of buying one. Nowadays they start trying to sell them to sophomores, probably because seniors are pretty much "over" high school and don't want to be caught dead with one.

  5. Too bad all that sexual charisma didn't come through in her acting. What other two marriages did she "destroy?"

  6. Well, you can tell that the writers have changed by looking at the very old blind items. I've been reading this site since early 2007 and I can see where some posts have DEFINITELY been written by a woman.

    What happened to Jax? Did she stop commenting when she became one of the Entys?

  7. Fantasia was the popular guess.

  8. Megan I think so.

  9. She should meet / keep a list a la Robert Rodriguez

  10. Her butthole must be completely blowed out by now, with all the banging for work she does.

  11. I love her. No morals, and more pricks than a porcupine

  12. Curious about the first two.

  13. Jax had enough of this crap a long time ago and said "buh-bye." She is not writing for the site. Some commenters are desperate for her to return because their own lives suck and they miss the tiny bit of joy they got from kicking her around.

    1. Moo, why do you only comment when people talk about Ajax? Did someone graduate and leave you in high school?

  14. What Mooshki said. Give it the fuck up, people! And if you don't like the way the blinds are written, why the HELL are you sticking around?

  15. She seems a bit goofy to me,but I guess she has appeal. Anyway she shld stop with the married men, it leads to heartache and regrets.

  16. Oh, look! It's the Moo Croo! *waves hi*

  17. Dayum touchy subject.

  18. I do not get her appeal.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Moo takes Jax bait every time.

    Been whining like a 12 year old to Enty lately Moo? I haven't had any screen caps of your Twitter in my Inbox, so I don't know.

    All I know is that I have generated 8500 clicks to my profile. Can you imagine how many clicks to this site I have generated with my insight and comedic stylings? And how many clicks to this site have you and your Twunce Crue driven away over the the years? It is in Fugazi Enty's best interest to allow me to keep on keeping on, so I can keep the twunces at bay.

    In conclusion, You Suck, I Rock.

  21. I love you, Count.

  22. Thank you, Cee Kay. I think you are special too.

    How tall?

  23. I find it interesting that Mooshki comments when someone says something about Jax.
    Was she the one that took a picture of someone's house and posted it on this site using the niece or nephews name but you could see their reflection in the picture? Who did that again?

  24. Sherry - wasn't that Black Cat?

    1. What a psychopath. I see the company you keep Mooshki, you should ashamed.

  25. Oh thanks Yoadrian46. Apologies to anyone unjustly questioned.

    I think we should all just play nice.

  26. And Katherine McPhee is a twunt!

  27. my mom insisted I get a class ring "to remember the good times"
    but I hated high school and the people and when I realized it was a tip-off that I was underage I wore it once for a photo have never worn it again. moved 3000 miles away too.

  28. I dunno, Count. I make one simple comment standing up for a friend and a whole crew of people freak out to the point that they talk about it in multiple posts for days. Hell, they're still bringing up things I said years ago! All you do is post cheap porn. Yeah it gets the hits, but any horny loser can do the exact same thing. Luckily most of them have the common sense to know when and where it's appropriate. But that's why you come here, isn't it? You get the attention you so desperately crave. If you were on YouTube with the others of your kind, no one would notice you at all. My real life friends all know that I post under this name. If people in your real life knew who you really are they'd get out the disinfectant spray every time you walked by.

    MerryB, I don't know what you're talking about. The conspiracy theories sure do float deep around here. The company I keep is made up of intelligent, kind, funny people. I feel sorry for the new readers of CDAN that they never got to know some of those amazing people.

  29. @CountJerkula What's a twuance?

  30. Anonymous9:25 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Slapper home-wrecker ... I hope Karma bites her ass when she's older, her looks have faded and there's a brighter, prettier, young thing snapping at her heels.

  32. The good news is McPee will never get any higher than a C lister so all her whoring around is for naught. I wonder about that husband of hers who seems to be pimping her out, living off her earnings she gets from trying to sleep her way to the top. Didn't they used to call them svengali's back in the day?

  33. @Bunni: Lola tired of my over use of "twunt" (twat/cunt) so I changed up to "twunce" (twat/dunce).

    @Moo: you are quited jaded saying all I do is post cheap porn. But we all know my posts aren't what you really hate. What you really hate is that so many betches enjoy them and that you don't have the stroke anymore to moderate them or to have Enty ban me. Oh and I think you hate how your Fugazi Jerkula acct backfired on you.

  34. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Shes so hot though.... would fukin smash.

  35. Truth of the interwebs' social behaviour: the more one posts, the more one's maturity drops.
