Monday, October 21, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

October 15, 2007

2:18a.m. It's there. Embedded in my brain. Having drunk myself to sleep in order to control my sleep apnea, a phone call at 2:18a.m was not what I needed. On the other end of the phone was EH. EH is an award winning in a relationship A list television actress and a VERY important client to the place I work. Taking 5% of EH is very nice and very lucrative and I don't think I have ever spoken five words to her. However, it seems as if her regular contact was out of town and for some reason he had left my number on his voice mail if there was an emergency.

This is not uncommon, but generally we advise each other of this in advance so as to avoid trying to see if you really can snort liquor like Prince Harry while you are on call. I actually didn't have any vodka, and the only thing that I hadn't consumed was some cooking sherry. I guess I was doing it wrong because all that happened was that it made me think of food.

Anyway, let's get back to EH. I had never heard her voice in person, but I just knew it was her. Just something about it you know. It seems that EH had been on her way to a friend's house and got stuck in the horrendous traffic jam that happened here in LA Friday night. Basically she was stuck where she was and was going to be there awhile as she had run out of gas and was stopped on the shoulder of the highway which was packed with cars for miles.

She wanted me to come get her. Why not AAA? Why not her boyfriend? AAA's lines were jammed, and her boyfriend didn't know she was going to see this particular friend. Aaaah. So, of course next on her list was her attorney, and when he wasn't around, she naturally assumed I would help her out. She needed to get out of this situation and quickly so her boyfriend didn't catch on and so all the people now getting out of their cars and talking wouldn't recognize her and start taking photos.

But how? The place the accident happened is about 30 miles from my place and from what I had seen on the news earlier had traffic backed up for about 3 or 4 miles before I could get to where she was at.

Of course I was going to help, but I knew this was going to be a nightmare. She is not the friendliest of people, but she was being actress sincere which is much different from real person sincere. I was feeling kind of rude and so I probably wouldn't have suggested it otherwise but I told her she needed to start walking back to this exit which was a few miles south of where she was. Normally it would be suicidal to walk down the shoulder and try and cross the highway, but everyone was completely stopped. Meanwhile I would park at the exit I wanted her to walk to and meet her if she wasn't there when I arrived.

Well, traffic had backed up even more since my last viewing of the news, and so I ended up having to park about 3 miles further south than the exit I told her to wait for me at. So me and my 400 pounds of fat, started huffing it the three miles to where I hope she was. Did I mention the three miles was uphill? When I got to the exit, she was there. I seriously thought she would be waiting in her car and I would have to try and find her amongst all the cars.

When I told her we had to walk three miles or so to get to my car, she said no problem. In fact she looked pretty damn cheerful. It turns out that she had been at an event earlier in the evening and they had been giving out some new kind of vodka. It seems EH had been helping herself to the vodka quite liberally during her wait on the side of the road and during her walking journey. The first bottle was almost gone. That's right, the first. She had another with her.

I had to ask her right away if she ever snorted vodka and she said no, and had never heard of it but was willing to try. Luckily, we were walking and she couldn't figure out how to snort it and all she did was spill the remainder of vodka bottle one on her clothes.

Using that as an excuse to open vodka bottle two, she would take four or five steps and then take a swig. She offered me the bottle, but I only took one swallow. Mainly I took it to be nice, and also because I hadn't brushed my teeth. Hell of a mouthwash that vodka.

She was jabbering about her boyfriend, and the sex she was going to have that night with the other guy and how the other guy was married and his wife was out of town and so they had the chance and it would probably be forever before they could do it again and how she hated all the people on her show except for one person and the only reason I could gather she liked this person was a mutual love for tuna fish sandwiches. She was tired of television and only wanted to do movies. She only wanted to do movies that were filmed in nice places though and outside of LA. She accepted and turned down roles specifically on where they were shooting and didn't care if the script was good or bad. Nice way to make a living.

She asked me about a million times about her car and if it would be ok there all night or if maybe I should stay with it until AAA could come get it, and she would figure out a different way to get home. Like I was going to sit in that damn mess all night, so I lied and said it would be fine. I was 100% sure nothing would happen to it. (It is fine)

When we got to my car, she got in and kept drinking. I advised her that it was against the law for her to drink in the car and she said," f**k it all the cops are at this accident anyway." I asked her where she lived and she told me and thanked God that it wasn't Malibu or anywhere else that wasn't on my way back home. At that point she decided to take a rest.

The seat wouldn't go back far enough to her liking so she decided to take a rest with her head in my lap. Now, I am fairly impotent at the best of times, but at this moment, my built in Viagra came to life at a very inopportune time. My fears that she would notice my two inches were drowned in snores. Here was this gorgeous A list actress with her head in my lap, and of course she is snoring.

When I got to her neighborhood I shook her awake and I could see her trying to put all the puzzle pieces together as I asked her where specifically she lived. She finally got the words to her mouth and I took her home.

There were many steps up to her door, and in my out of shape condition and her staggering there was no way we were going to manage unless I got some help. So, I went up to the door at about 530am and knocked and rang and got her boyfriend out of bed and down the stairs to help. All I said was that she had too much to drink at a party and since our firm represented her I thought it best to get her home safe and that AAA was going to take care of her car.

I don't know what story EH came up with but for her sake I hope it was close to mine.

Now, how was your Friday night?

Katherine Heigl


  1. Real Enty we miss you!

  2. Wouldn't someone have ID'd Enty by now if all these encounters were true?

    1. Jodi- certainly Heigl (and probably her ex boyfriend) must remember enough to know.

    2. Jodi, I've also wondered about that. Enty has an Al Pacino story that Scarface has to recognize, and ther are other stories from Enty that should give away hs identity to some. In this story, one would think that Heigl now knows who Enty is. It's a pretty safe bet that this post is going to bebrought to her attention. And her husband's too for that matter. oops

  3. Awesome. Lizzy was a hot mess.

    I wonder who the married dude was.

    Panera makes a nice tuna sandwich.

  4. We all guessed this one.

  5. P.S. you forgot to mention the gift she sent you afterwards, which we all guessed too.

  6. Wow, what a blast from the past.

  7. Anonymous9:32 AM

    It only took 6 years! Is her marriage over, therefore clearing the way for this reveal?

  8. if Enty is really a lawyer, what happened the no-disclosure agreement between the lawyer and his client?

    and Heighl worked in some movies filmed in LA

    1. I think he was more of an asst at that time (gopher status) so the client confidentially would be "tenuous" at best. However, the blind is funny & I sooooo miss Enty's funny stories....I'll take it. I miss the real Enty.

  9. I call Total BS on this. Alcohol does not help with sleep apnea. As a muscle relaxant, the muscles in you throat can ease more than usual making symptoms worse or cause death. God, Enty. Everyone knows that.

    1. You didn't read that as a joke?
      Like: "I take brandy every night before bedtime, just to settle my stomach." The old booze for medicinal purposes.

    2. @Mari Sigh... I was kidding. Though it can be dangerous to do when not done in moderation.

  10. "attorney" posts blind items about clients, and ultimately reveals them? And remains employed? And remains a member of the Bar, even though he has violated attorney client privilege? OK, sure.

    Also - the client here didn't want to be seen...but rather than remain in her car, she walked miles along the shoulder of the traffic filled road, swilling from 2 bottles of vodka. Well, yes, that's a much better idea.

    Also, an "attorney" doesn't have an ability to write a coherent sentence or use proper punctuation?

    This reads more like something a 14 year old would post on tumblr.

    1. I'm a practicing lawyer and while I'm a grammar freak, you would be surprised by the number of people in my profession who can't spell or put together a proper sentence. Bad grammar doesn't automatically mean that Enty isnt a lawyer.

  11. I miss the old rambling stories. And Carli.

    1. I miss all of entries ex wives stories! LOL! They were fab.

  12. old Ent.... aaaahhhh

    how nice.... original writing, style, wording

  13. Why didn't she call her agent/mother? Maybe Enty finally got fired for not being discreet.

  14. Love these old ones.

  15. @Lou: i totally agree

    @Ms Cool: i had the same idea on why didn't she call her mum at my second reading

  16. Was snorting vodka a thing in 2007? Even reading it makes my nose burn

  17. Anonymous10:08 AM

    Kristin I have sleep apnea too. Alcohol helped me several time to breath. Might be right technicly what you said but alcohol helps.

  18. Who calls their lawyer when you are having car problems or are stuck in traffic?

  19. Revealing the old blinds just shows us how terrible the new ones are and reinforces the "this ain't Enty" chatter. I hope whoever runs this joint now is enjoying the ride while it lasts, because at the rate you are going it'll be over sooner rather than later.

  20. Has anyone read the New York Post article on him? The man is a liar. Doesn't represent anyone that he says that he does. This is pure entertainment and that's it. You have to understand that all of this is complete crap. If any of this was true he would be sued on a regular basis for inaccurate information.

  21. Call her mother? These mofos were taking 5% of her income, this is the least they can do. My question is why she didn't call her agent (15%) or her manager (20%).

    1. For the record, Nutty, her mother IS her manager. Also FYI agents take 10% (that is the most they are allowed to take by law) and managers take 15% unless their client has an agent (in which case, they reduce their commission to 10%).

  22. Its amazing how different the writing was back then. Had this pegged as Heigl the whole time.

  23. BTW, anyone who thinks attorneys can't spill about their clients should read Henry Buskin's excellent book about Johnny Carson, which was just published.

    Bushkin was Carson's lawyer and confidante for more than 20 years, and the gossip level of this book is off the charts. I'm on Chapter 2 and he's wearing a trench coat and helping Carson break into an apartment for evidence that Mrs. Carson #2 is screwing Frank Gifford on the down-low. Spoiler alert: she is, and the gathered company has to watch Carson break down and sob.

    1. Nutty - once the client dies, so does the confidentiality privilege.

  24. @Nutty_Flavor But Carson is long dead. Clents that are very much alive can take their business elsewhere, file a complaint, sue, etc. The dead ones? Not so much.

  25. I was reading this and totally knew it was Heigl. That's the only person who popped into my head when it said was doing TV, but wanted to do movies. I'm usually wrong, but Yay me.

  26. Again people, do we need to reiterate the fact that this IS a gossip site? If you're looking for need to check the news. It's for entertainment value! Why are you guys getting all up in arms about the fact that this story may or may not be true and may or may not be about Katherine H?

    I will say I do miss the old Enty.

  27. The best part is reading all the whiny in the original comments about Enty being a fake lol

  28. If you read something on the New York Post and take it as gospel, you have bigger problems than the veracity of a gossip website.

    I'd believe the wildest story here before anything from a Murdoch rag.

  29. Heigl's agent (who's also a lawyer) was Norm Aladjem. He left the agency (Paradigm) where she was, and she dropped that agency as well in spring 2012.

  30. So which one of these dudes is Enty?

  31. I'm going to guess David Krintzman

  32. Lohan you mean the NY Post. I doubt the NYT would bother. The Post article said enty sent them his bar card. He could have sent them a bar card, just not his.

  33. Does the legality of it all still work if she's no longer a client? Also is it possible that she wants this story revealed? Her rep is shot and this might, I say might, make her sound a little bit more fun and less uptight. I know it's a longshot, but I can't understand why else this would be revealed.

  34. Come back now real Enty, you've had enough of a break and are severely missed!

  35. @Kristin - The sleep apnea/alcohol reference was a self deprecating joke, the kind Enty usually makes.

    @Lou - I am a lawyer, though in Canada. Our privilege rules are more onerous than in the U.S. When I started practicing law, it was even prohibited to admit who you represented, but it no longer is, and publications often have snippets about who represented whom on big deals. That being said, the reveal was not related to the attorney's role qua attorney, so it does not breach solicitor client privilege.

  36. @sonicmonkey I know.

  37. Forgive me if I missed something, but I was wondering why she was referred to as EH.

  38. Last letter of her first name + first letter of her last name. katherinE Heigl

  39. @kristen. I'm going to need you to go ahead, and say one last time that you were kidding, mkay? I don't think it's been made clear enough, lol

  40. Reading the long story blinds from yesteryear makes me soooo happy. This was the CDaN I fell in love with.

  41. "Who calls their lawyer when you are having car problems or are stuck in traffic?"

    If you have not seen the Showtime series Ray Donovan you need to. Liev Shrieber plays a Hollywood fixer, he works for the lawyer that the actors and actresses are calling to get out bigger jams than the traffic kind. A show that is a dramedy - dramatic, violent, poignant and funny all in the same show.

    1. Love that show?! When is it coming back?

  42. ok so if we all know Enty is a made up character, what's to say he doesn't take tip offs and rewrite them to suit his character?

    IMO, the disclaimer at the bottom of the site is just a legality and the stories that old Enty writes are tip-offs/stories from other people that he rewrites to suit the Enty character. Because 'Enty' never really existed, no-one knows the original source of the goss.

    Re Heigl - he's telling a story about an event rather than confidential legal matters. Not sure where the law defines the two in terms of confidentiality, partic as it happened outside work time, he wasn't her individual lawyer and wasn't a work matter.

  43. I have sleep apnea and alcohol really helps me sleep.(Well, not sleep so much as pass out!) Drives my husband around the bend with the irregular snoring but I never wake up. Well, sometimes I do when he starts pushing me to stop with the snoring.

  44. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Someone called 'Rachael' did very well to guess the original item so early in.

    I don't understand the 'EH' reference?

    So who was the boyfriend - Josh Kelley? I hope not - he's so adorable and it would be heartbreaking to think she cheated on him.

    I wonder why she didn't call her ever-present mother to come and get her ... or indeed why her mother wasn't with her in the first place?

  45. I'm an attorney in the US. Generally speaking, something is only covered by attorney client privilege if it's a communication between lawyer and client for the purposes of obtaining legal advice. Based on the story told here, it doesn't look like the conversations here were for the purpose of gaining legal advice....thus outside the scope and no privilege broken

    1. Not too mention, she would only be doing herself a disservice to acknowledge this incident.

  46. I remember this one very well; Heigel was the #1 guess. Even five years later, nice to know we were all spot-on.

    1. I remember that too! i already knew that we had / have a good long term stability in the readership & commentership (I just made that word up). But it's good to have confirmation of this particular fact as i've been reading since the very beginning.

      Btw I also miss old original Enty. Sometimes, I think I recognize his/her writing in some random post. I don't mind the new staff additions, but for the loss of quality / style / originality.

      Btw one of the suggestions behind the Himmm hype was that it was made up to raise awareness for the site and number of hits. Ergo increase the visibility and market value for CDAN in order to sell it to the highest bidder. I have no idea if it's true of course. I wouldn't judge Enty if he/she sold the site's rights though. It's a biz after all.

  47. Damn I miss this type of post. It's what made this site must read for me.

  48. Anonymous11:48 PM

    I've worked for more law offices than I can count, as well as many other businesses where confidentiality is paramount.

    Attorney-client privilege appiles to *all* communication not just between lawyer and client, but anyone else in the firm and the client, related to anything. It's an absoltue privilege. Even without the privlege, invasion-of-privacy laws apply. The accusation of drinking inside the car is libelous if not true, and how could he prove it is true years later?

    Either the actress is behind this (just like those sex tapes, where they coudln't remain online or be sold without authoritzation from those involved), "Enty" is about to become history at his firm and is just lashing out, he wants to be sued into bankruptcy (I could have done this to him myself over something not long ago and probably still could), or he's just the stupidest man alive.

    If I had to guess, Enty is definitely *not* an attorney. He strikes me as a paralegal, legal secretary, or legal investigator/"fixer." He also could just be a writer who knows people. Anyone who really wants to uncover his identity could do it pretty easily. The bread crumbs are out there, and he leaves more of them than you might think (think "turn of phrase" and start searching if you want to find him). Unless someone speaks perfect English, in random voices, their words become like fingerprints to a sharp detective.

    The other possibility is that the actress will just ignore this.

    As for Himmmm? He's real. He's also not who people say he is, but he's of similar age and has one other smiliarty to the "usual suspect."

    Something very weird is going on here. So many lines have been crossed thaqt I'd be surrpised if some type of big change was coming for this site, and for "Enty."

    Someone is trying to send a message to someone here, but it's not yet clear what, to whom, or from whom. Stay tuned. Something's about to go down.

    1. No, I'm fairly confident you're the stupidest man alive, @BetterOffSingle. Easy mistake to make though, don't sweat it!

  49. Oh good lord. Which "m" in himmm are you and why would the actress ignore a supposed entertainment lawyer bragging about her being smashed and snoring into his crotch? I don't know how your laws work but unless the actress planted the blind she'd be suing the person for revealing details about her personal life because she contacted him as a lawyer or firm employee (from her own lawyer's voicemail), not as a friend or a fixer like on TV. A real fixer would never let this out anyway, your words sound just like himmm's phrases.

  50. I guess she is no longer a practicing Mormon.

  51. A thread speculating about Enty s ID and B Profane stays mum, not even a little cryptical advice telling us that if we look at the header picture upside down while adding up out loud all letters contained in the names of potential MV suspects at full moon in Stonehenge with the California bar members list open in front of us, Enty s name will appear in a cloud of snorted vodka and coke ?!?

  52. This is interesting. I will miss this place if it blows up, but then again I am always annoyed with the nonEntyties.

  53. Hmmmmmmm @betteroffsingle it sounds like you're hinting to a conspiracy! Please please elaborate!!! I love
    A good conspiracy.

  54. I had no idea Enty was Ray Donovan!

  55. Does anyone else think Heigel just found herself a new attorney?

  56. LadyWawa, Business managers and attorneys usually earn 5%/

  57. Unless Betteroffsingle is B Profane...

  58. @7, I don't think so - BOS is a twat that used to post sporadically, and he's got a fairly wide web-footprint ranting about women all being 《insert invective》because they did him down in his work, blah blah 368 law suits in play and he'll take those companies for millions, blah blah fap. His own different and special brand of moronic.
