Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

July 24, 2009

This is probably one of my all-time favorites. I have heard so many things that nothing really gets my jaw to drop, but this is one that did. Then I started thinking about the participants and I was like yeah, yeah, I could see that and sure that person is a freak, but it is still really juicy.

So, anyway there is a husband who is a C list movie actor. Honestly, he may even be a D, but he has B list name recognition and is married to a permanent B list television actress with A list name recognition. Well, it turns out they like to get their freak on with this other couple. Yes, exactly like it sounds. They swap. The other couple consists of a guy who is definitely D list and does primarily movies now. As for his name recognition? Not that great. His girlfriend on the other hand is a B list movie and television actress not exactly known for being super friendly even to her boyfriend. She had a very short term boyfriend prior to the D lister but he wasn't up for the game so she dumped him and went with the D lister she could control. This foursome has been kept quiet for about a year, but the D lister has started telling a few people who have told more and it isn't so hush hush anymore.

#1 - Married C list movie actor
#2 - Married B list actress
#3 - D list guy
#4 - B list move and television actress.

#1 and #2 are divorced now.
#3 and #4 are married now.
#4 is probably the biggest star right now but #2 is still the biggest name
I shudder thinking about what #1 does now


  1. Are 3 and 4 Dax and Kristin Bell?

  2. Anonymous9:22 AM

    I need to revisit Sesame Street's alphabet edjumacation in order to even slightly grasp this.... Help me Big Bird.

  3. I really hate these almost reveals, especially when they are 5 years old. Reveal it or don't.

  4. I'm thinking:
    1 - David Arquette (sp?)
    2 - Courtney Cox
    3 - Dax Shephard
    4 - Kristen Bell

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      I didnt see ur post
      but my thoughts too!

  5. I look forward to the almost reveals because Sevenofeleven will come up with something hilarious.

  6. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Don't try too hard kids. My husband smelled burning rubber when I tried to fathom this one.

  7. No idea on the people involved. But a bit of swapping? It's hardly freak. I mean that even happens in the arse end of nowhere backwater suburb of the uk that I live in. It's not freak unless we get DETAILS.

  8. Anonymous9:29 AM

    Courtney cox/david arquette
    Kristin.Bell/Dax Shepard

  9. Stew guesses work very well for this mess.

  10. And so does gypsy's :)

    1. Anonymous9:48 AM

      Thx Sandy...funny sometimes my shit phone lightyears behind(k..4/5 min)so i dont see other posts till i already submitted...:(
      But think we got it......

  11. Swapping is jaw dropping on what letter planet?
    Unless I rolled out of bed into 1973.

    1. Lol. Thinking the same thing. When I hear "swapping" I picture some 5 inch pubes matted into the olive green shag carpet, and maybe a stray in the old fondue pot.

    2. Anonymous9:41 AM

      Kno Won: I think they may have *brace yourself* exchanged fluids OUTSIDE the confines of god ordained heterosexual marriage. I know. Get a warm cup of peppermint tea, and wait for your mind to be blown.

  12. Yup...I think Stew got it.

  13. I think that the biggest reveal here is that TodayEnty is using commas.

    1. @Dolphy

      That's not Today Enty, that's 2009 Enty!

  14. The real question here is: was there same-sex action?

  15. If the guesses are accurate, Kristen and Courtney got the raw end of the deal. Dax and David < Kristen and Courtney.
    If I have to choose, Kristen got the shaft - pun intended!

  16. Dammit @Lotta, you are right ;). My longing for the comma wielding OG Enty of yesteryear diverted my attention from the actual BI date.

    1. @Dolphy

      Isn't it crazy how in just a few years, there's been such a difference in the writing?

  17. I like David and Courteney for the first couple, but did I miss something about Kristen Bell? The blind says that the 2nd actress is known as unfriendly to everyone. I thought Kristen actually had a good rep for being friendly and down to earth.

  18. I do not like the "almost revealed" postings. Just spill it already!

  19. What about Brian Austin Green & Megan Fox for the other couple?

  20. Anonymous10:04 AM

    How is this a reveal?

    Reveal the shit or don't re-post the blind item!

  21. Doesn't Kristen have a really good reputation? I've never heard a bad thing about her. She's the star of a cult classic and wanted to bring it back, she rolls with certain other people who have great reputations, and I've never heard anything bad about her. I'd hate it if I heard otherwise - she seems really great. The sloth!!

  22. Yeah I've never heard about Kristen being unfriendly.

  23. Like the others, I'm under the impression Kristen has a good reputation for being friendly.

  24. It's been a while since I shared something this juicy. Now, you know I'm not much into couture, but this can't stay in the closet for long. I want to open the door all the way, but a guy's gotta protect his bacon, if you know what I mean.

    So, anyway there is player #1 who is C list. Honestly, maybe even a D, consider they're a knockoff but you wouldn't know it because of the P list name recognition and the permanent B list attachment with LV list name recognition. Well, it turns out they like to get their freak on with this other couple. YES, exactly like it sounds. They swap. Maybe once a week, once a month, whenever they feel like they need something new. The other couple consists of player #3, a B lister who once flirted with D&G list status. His partner is a C but has A+++++ list name recognition and isn't known for being friendly with cash, if you know what I mean. She's had relationships with others but I can't talk about those without worrying about her control over my neck. They're still in the picture, though. This foursome has kept quiet for about a year, but the D lister has started telling a few people who have told more and word on the street in Chinatown is that it isn't so hush hush anymore.

    #1 and #2 are permanently separated now
    #3 and #4 are together now (but who knows for how long)
    #1 is on the market, but paranoid people will know they're a fraud
    #2 and #4 often exchange insider details
    #1 and #3 hate each other and refuse to be in the same room at the same time

  25. @Lotta, ITA. It is crazy how much change there has been re: the writing styles over the years. If it wasn't so apparent that more than 1 person writes for this site, I would be the first to suggest a (The) Dark Half-esque scenario ala Stephen King (aka Richard Bachman). Minus the murder, of course :)

  26. @7-11, your well-written BIs make my day.

  27. seven of eleven and seven of nine. thats a nice combo to have around :-)

  28. Did we discuss the appearance of "Enty Lawyer" on the E 2 hour special about secret Hollywood clubs?

    "Enty Lawyer" appeared in shadows frequently to give commentary. Definitely balding, uneven skin texture.

    Might even be a ginger.

    Didn't appear extremely overweight, but was only shot from the waist up.


  29. Fred: I noticed that the other night as well! Seems like someone said something about it somewhere but I thought it was a different show. Perhaps there is a series and he's being trotted out for all of them?

  30. It was on E but I couldn't find any video, only news items. Would love a link!

  31. According to the E website, it is airing RIGHT NOW.


  32. I set the DVR and watched it as well...there were some parts where hr was moving his head around and the shadow covering his face wasn't fast enough so you could make him out better. Feed hit the nail on the head...possibly a balding ginger/strawberry blonde with uneven skin texture (skin craters) not hard to decipher by some business folks. I would love to be a fly on the wall at some lunch & dinner meetings!

  33. This blind describes some people I know. Couple 1 started dating Married Couple 2. Couple 2 got divorced, Couple 1 broke up, now gal from 1 and dude from 2 are married.

  34. I see Joe Francis here for some reason.

  35. Blogger StewMcG said...
    I'm thinking:
    1 - David Arquette (sp?)
    2 - Courtney Cox
    3 - Dax Shephard
    4 - Kristen Bell

    That's awesome, Stew

  36. I lost E during Hurricane Sandy and never got it back. No explanation from cable :(



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