Sunday, October 27, 2013

Blind Items Almost Revealed

June 12, 2013

This B list mostly television actor is on a very very hit cable show on a very hit cable network. He is also a huge mess. Our actor goes to conventions. Has to for his role. When he is at them, he has a tendency to drink. A lot. In one city his pr person had to carry our actor back to his hotel room. When he meets a fan at the conventions who is interesting, he will have sex with him. So far there has been a storage room and behind a 7-11. This past weekend he had sex with a girl who was black out drunk. She says that she doesn't even remember having sex with him or consenting to it. There are also reports that a minor got inside a bar he was in and he started making out with her until someone told him how old she was. Everyone says he needs rehab, but right now the show is more important so his handlers make him keep working and keep attending conventions.

I wish I had left one word out and then I would be revealing this. Instead you will have to settle for a hint. This is the perfect month to be talking about this show.


  1. Consenting is the word, I believe. Something relevant to the month... a horror show? Perhaps vampire diaries?

  2. It's breast cancer month....any relevance there?

    1. Yea. Halloween makes way more sense for the month than my idea. I need to think things thru before posting!

  3. No way on David D...I WANT TO BELIEVE he and Gillian are all loved up, as revealed here recently.

    Who else?

  4. Conventions makes me think this is sf or fantasy. I'm wondering if the word is "he" as in "he will have sex with him" which confused me because then the actor has sex with females, unless this is a typo.

  5. Someone from american horror story

  6. American Horror Story?

  7. Someone in the walking dead or American horror story

    1. Anonymous11:52 PM

      Agree Dragon, or GOT

  8. Didn't we all decide on Norman Reedus when this posted the first time?

    1. I have never heard of this guy. But the first picture of him on Google makes me agree with you. He looks like a awfulmess.

    2. Just did a search as well to make sure I was thinking of the same guy. One of the first images has him photographed at a convention wearing sunglasses.

    3. Yeah, and I think its still him.

  9. Replies
    1. Anonymous11:47 AM is walking dead.
      my friend is/was hos personal trainer when he lived in nyc
      this is him..he.a.drunken pirate whore-in my friends words

  10. I think the 'He' is the word he wish he left out since Enty does not out people.

    Agreed that it's American Horror or Walking Dead since it's the month for horror movies. Although, is AHS a very, very hit show?

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. I didn't want to imagine Norman Reedus, but it could fit if it is TWD. The 4th season premiered this month.

  13. American Horror has not gone to conventions my guess the walking dead

  14. My guess Norman Reedus

  15. Yea, i don't watch Walking Dead, so i had to Gimage him to see who we were talking about.

    First off...Norman Reedus seems like a made up name.

    Second, yes he looks like he is all sorts a hot mess.

    Happy Chardonnay Sunday to all!

  16. I am going to say NR as well. I know someone that took pictures with him at a convention and he was wearing black sunglasses inside. I read that as someone who doesn't really want to be there and/or hiding drunky eyes

  17. I think my comment sounds so judgy, but believe you me if I could be wearing sunglasses inside right now I would. I drank waaaaaaay too much wine last night. Blah

    1. Sorry to hear of your wine pain Sunny. I suggest a little hair o'the dog. Bloody beers at Blanc Debris for us today.

  18. Yep I was going to say Norman Reedus!

  19. I know Walking Dead and AHS just premiered this month but what about Game of Thrones? Its famous tagline is "winter is coming" and well, winter IS coming! Plus the GoT cast has appeared at a bunch of conventions.

  20. Enty refers to HBO and Showtime as either premium cable or pay-extra-to-watch cable networks...

    I love Norman Reedus. This makes me sad. But not sad enough to say no if he propositioned me for sexy fun tunes behind the 7-11...

    1. Times. Sexy fun TIMES behind the 7-11. Or in a storage room. I'm not high maintenance. :)

    2. Nothing wrong with sexy fun tunes! Who doesn't love Marvin Gaye?

  21. Duchovney totally fits but the wording sounds like the show (X-Files) still on the air. His current show is Californication, not scary or horror based.

    Doesn't it usually say premium cable if it's HBO or Showtime? Maybe a SyFy (still hate that name) or FX show?

    A friend of mine did a convention where Norman Reedus appeared. She said he is extremely friendly, to the point where their hug felt very intimate. She also said he smelled good.

    (BTW, hi MerryB! Every time you or Pip post, I think of the hobbits!)

    1. I think you're the first person to 'get' my name. A tip of the hat to you boo!

    2. Seven - don't know if premium cable rule still holds here anymore - I hope so as eliminates a lot when using, network, almost network (CW), cable, and premium or paid cable.

  22. I think the word he left out was 'minor'. Enties can't reveal it because he broke the law.
    Norman Reedus wears his prescription sunglasses indoors because he has a titanium eye socket and is very sensitive to light. He is known as a drinker, but is also very shy, another reason he hides behind his glasses.
    Also he is dating a 20 year old model that he tries to hide because of the age difference and the amount of women that fawn over him make really bad comments about her on his twitter.

  23. This sounds like they're trying to imply that this is Norman Reedus, but if you know anything about him at all then you will know that this is bs.

  24. Unknown: I don't think "minor" is the keyword, since it never got past "starting to make out" before the subject learned her age and disengaged. It's not a crime to make out with a minor, only to engage in sex with one.

  25. Def walking dead so has to be Norman reedus

  26. Creep alert @JAS

    Are you fucking serous?! Never mind, I know you are.

  27. It's still nasty, JAS. Not a crime, but blech.

  28. Jonathan Andrew Sheen, I am officially completely disturbed by you.
    Has anyone else noticed his comments anytime a subject comes up about "minors" or Emma Watson or any young starlet?

  29. Before he goes to rehab he needs to go to jail. No consent = rape.

  30. Unknown: Well, I'm a fan of Emma Watson, so, yeah, I'm likely to have something to say on those posts.

    It's not my fault that commenters on this site lose all ability to think rationally and say all manner of stupid shit when the words "minor" or "underage" are mentioned. When people say things that are just stupidly misinformed -- like your claim that a guy who got kissed by an attractive girl had committed a crime -- yeah, I'm going to correct that, because otherwise people are here in public accusing people -- by name -- of crimes, which can get them and Enty in trouble.

    But, hey, by all means, continue blaming me for your ignorance and inadequacies. I get that all the time around here, because there's so much ignorance and inadequacy to go around.

  31. Pip: It's absolutely still nasty, although it's not like he chased down an underaged girl and hit on her. She sought him out, clearly appearing to be an adult -- since he had to be told -- and hit on him. I've seen and heard of nastier.

    But you didn't see me say it was okay, simply correct a fool who stated a crime had been committed when none had.

  32. I really doubt a celeb would go after one specific commenter for calling them a pedo.

    Cunty comment be damned! Almost reveals suuuuuck!

  33. True Blood? Sam

  34. I'm thinking True Blood as well. Alcide?

  35. A few things is he should have deleted minor he can't release it and said so

  36. Did some sleuthing Norman Reedus in June 2013 did three conventions for the walking dead

  37. Reedus is very heavy into the convention scene, and has been since before he hit it big on TWD. He starred in the Boondock Saints, which has a big cult following. He's been known to hang out w/the fans. He's also a known drinker. I'm sadly guessing it's him.

  38. So it looks like Enty stopped with the tenuous connection bit and simply gave a hint. Hey, it's a start.

    Get a grip guy. At least so you can remember your storage room encounters.

  39. @Sherry...prosecco for me this morning. I've also come to realize hot tubs and wine don't always mix.

  40. Hiya -- got a pic taken at Comicon last February with Norman Reedus & Michael Rooker (my personal fave -- dude scares the shizz outta me). They both wore shades & I assumed because they're hustling people in so fast & pictures are taken with a flash, it prevents the "stars" from blinking during the pics. It was a really fun experience & I appreciated their interaction with the fans. Both seemed super cool!

  41. @V, mmm, prosecco! Sounds really good right now... Hey - I have a question for you from the other day. Would you mind emailing me so I don't clog the board?

  42. @seven, just did!

    Prosecco is gone...sad!

  43. @sherry, back in my bartending/waitressing days, I swore by the bloody beer hangover fix! And so Halloweenie of you!

  44. Yeah, not Reedus. I -know- his con handler guy, and I don't see him putting up with that kind of nonsense. The guy has tons of irons in the fire, and spending time being Jonah Hill in Get Him To The Greek just isn't his style on any level. And yes, confirmed Reedus -always- wears his sunglasses at cons. As the above says, the flashes of all the cameras kill his eyes.

    All that said, I don't know who else this fits. The con circuit is very specific. I can name everyone currently on it. And The Walking Dead is THE show to have guests from, so much so that I asked our local con to STOP HAVING THEM lest they just become the annual Walking Dead show. No other TV shows have people on the con circuit right now. Well, cable, anyway. (True Blood would be the other horror show...but I can't think of a single True Blood regular who's on the con circuit.)

    1. Lol...They've been coming to my bar for years with Sean Patrick Flannery during my citys comic con. You obviously don't know them that well if you think his 'handler' isn't right there talking to girls & doing shots right next to them.

  45. I wouldn't mind a bit of Norman Reedus in my storage room.
    I follow him on instagram and a few other places and he seems really cool and involved with his fans.

  46. I thought Jonathan Rhys Myers in that Vampire show.

  47. Just want to chime in and say welcome back to Sunny!! Nice to see some familiar names coming back! Also, thank you V for mentioning prosecco! I happen to have a bottle in the fridge that is calling my name! Football and prosecco, why not?! Lol!

  48. I was thinking Jonathan Rhys Meyers too.

  49. I had to google Norman Reedus. He looks smelly.

  50. The guy from Sons of Anarchy who was supposed to be Christian Grey? That would allude to "consenting"

  51. "I wish I had left one word out and then I would be revealing this.."

    What the hell does that mean??

  52. Norman reedus is extremely kind. A local friend and beautiful young lady named alix. In Columbus ohio was shoot and paralyzed in a random shooting. Norman heard about her being a superfan... Not only did he visit her, he spent time chatting and let folks photograph, gave autographs, etc. He seemed completely sober and very kind. You can find it on the blog page her parents maintain :) he's very nice. Though this was over a year ago

  53. Shot* sorry posting from my phone. I hope this isn't him....

  54. Norman reedus is extremely kind. A local friend and beautiful young lady named alix. In Columbus ohio was shoot and paralyzed in a random shooting. Norman heard about her being a superfan... Not only did he visit her, he spent time chatting and let folks photograph, gave autographs, etc. He seemed completely sober and very kind. You can find it on the blog page her parents maintain :) he's very nice. Though this was over a year ago

  55. It is NOT Norman Reedus. He is an incredibly nice guy and although he certainly enjoys a drink or two (who doesn't? He wears those sunglasses for a damn good reason. No way it's him, even if that's what it's hinting at.

  56. Has to be someone from Game of Thrones, I think, especially because it's October and Winter is Coming.

  57. Ryan Kwanten from True Blood, but it is sometimes said he is in the closet.

  58. Gotta be Jonathan Rhys Meyers...‘Dracula’ on NBC

  59. It's Carl from Walking dead...he is a drunken whore.

  60. I see no problem with this. slept with some sluty fans and stopped kissing a girl when he found out she was a minor instead of still screwing her like most other celebs.

  61. Norman Reedus. I met him and was at the horror convention he was at where the 7-11 incident took place. It's all true. He was drinking booze from a mug right out in front of people lined up to meet him starting early in the morning.

  62. I met Norman Reedus at Comic Con 2 years ago. I had my then-16 year old daughter with me and he was nice, but uh...very attentive to her.

  63. Is this the same guy who has a kid with Helena Christensen, the supermodel? yikes.

  64. To get through any kind of geek convention most of us would need to drink, get laid, and maybe explore the neighborhood. What did Norman do that was so off kilter? This is slut shaming.

  65. norman reedus walking dead
    He always looks in a drunk state to me

  66. All the clues say Reedus. He does every wizard world convention. It's also known he is a drinker. At least he stopped when he found out one of them was a minor :-/.....and I wouldn't say no if he asked me for sexy times.

  67. Though it's not bad to have a drink a now and then, to have his PR take him to hotel room is a hot mess for sure. Behind a 7 eleven? a paparazzi could snap that that's stupid. Just lure him with alcohol and anyone could have him.

  68. I think it's Andrew Lincoln from the Walking Dead. He always looks sweaty and tired. Makes me think he's high, or something.

  69. For the record, I was not involved in this incident. {side eye at Circle of K and AM of PM for spreading rumors}

  70. There is this walking dead saying:

    Your october *picture of something random*
    Walktober *pic of walking dead*

    So this is definately Reedus.
    *sad face*

  71. Search Walktober on Twitter and u will see.

  72. WD and AHS are not filming right now so you would think this would be the perfect time for his handlers to send him to rehab. I'm going with Nathon Fillion. He goes to conventions for Fire Fly all the time.

  73. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Goddamn these almost reveals to hell

  74. Sad to say, I think this is norman reedus. Just saw an interview with him and his co-star, where he repeatedly kept bringing up the fact that a lot of his fans "weren't of age". He's known to drink with fans as well

  75. Andrew Lincoln, aka Rick Grimes on The Walking Dead.

    Hot show, just premiered and that cast is all over the convention circuit. Also, while he has done some movies, his IMDB can easily be described as "mostly television". Norman Reedus, OTOH, would appear to be "mostly film" over the course of his career.

  76. Got to be Jonathan Rhys Myers (Dracula). He is known for his drinking problems.

  77. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Is it Ocsober in the US and UK as well?

  78. I was thinking Alex Skarsgard from True Blood, also the perfect time of year for vampires

    Wouldn't it have mentioned that Reedus has a child with model Helena Christiansen?

  79. What about someone from Game of Thrones? Because "Winter is Coming".... hate to say it but maybe Dinklage since he could presumably be carried by his rep?
