Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blind Item #7

This singer who has not been famous since he split with his A list mostly movie actress girlfriend a few years back is on hard times. He has been through rehab a couple of times and has no income so traded some naked photos of his ex to her for some much needed cash when he told her he was going to offer them to a tabloid. Even all these years later he is still treating her like crap.


  1. the guy from third eye blind/charlize theron

  2. Sounds like he treated her well, since he didn't just go to the tabloids. Going to her could have lead to an extortion arrest. Look how Cameron Diaz f'd that dude over, who actually paid her for the pics.

  3. Pete Yorn and ScarJo....wild guess...

  4. Halle Berry and Heavy D

    ( I have no clue. Though they did date back in the day)

    1. Heavy D died a couple of years ago.

    2. Maybe you're thinking of Al B Sure.

    3. @Chelle well, shit. Godspeed, Big D.

  5. Halle Berry and Eric Benet

  6. Stephen Jenkins from 3EB is touring with them right now and doing well. He's not hard up for cash.

  7. Anniston and Duritz?

  8. *no clue either, though Kristen the thought of Halle doing the nasty with Heavy D made me laugh. He must have crushed her.

  9. Stephen Jenkins =3rd eye blind @Jodi?

  10. Ben Harper Laura Dern?

  11. Otherwise I'd say Halle and Benet.

  12. Not Halle and Eric. They were married.

  13. Ben is touring and worked on Natalie Maines latest solo record. Doubt it is him and laura dern has been naked in movies i think

    Halle has also been naked unless the pictures are nakes and really, really unflattering. Movie magic makes a whole lot of diffrence when getting naked.

    Honestly, she should of had him arrested for extorsion.

  14. Yes Laura did a few nude scenes in the 90s.

  15. Marilyn Manson and Evan Rachel Wood?
    Not sure if I would give her an A rating, but he has put some pics on his website of her nude. Maybe there are more explicit pics.
    And the treating like crap could also fit, since he claimed he wanted to kill her by bashing in her skull with a sledgehammer. Charming dude.

  16. Definitely not Marilyn Manson--he just bought a house in the Hollywood Hills. He's not hard up for money.

  17. I think it's Townsend and Charlize. He's done nothing at all, and until recently was still living in one of her homes. She can't get rid of him unless she pays him to go away. I'd just forget the payoffs and let him alone to go right into the gutter. Blackmailing someone who loved you is just so ugly.

  18. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Ill.say Dave Pirner and winona ryder if she back to A list(was B+very recently)

  19. Could be any of them. How about Renee Z and Kenny Chesney and/or Jack White?

  20. I thought Townsend is mainly an actor, not a singer.

  21. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Chesney ridiculously rich and successful
    Townsend.never a singer....and still a.working actor on that sherlock holmes.series with lucy

  22. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Ps...dave pirner from band Soul Asylum..major in.90's...nothing really since.they were together for yeeears

    1. Anonymous10:12 PM

      Gypsygirl: I knew who you meant! Runaway train.... That band sorta just disappeared

  23. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Michael Buble and Emily Blunt?

  24. @shady: ah thanks, wasn't aware of that. Last thing I heard was that he sold his house and moved into a small apartment to be more inspired for a new album (or something like that).

    I also just realized he must have a very steady big income from music royalties. Once heard he and Twiggy are the richest guys of the band because they wrote the most music. Even if they don't do anything the next decade they will still be rich.

    Jack White is still very succesfull I believe. I do think his recent model exwife is trying to get money of him instead of the other way aruond. Those 'he is stalking/scary' claims are very odd, seems like a way to get paid.

  25. Jesse James and Sandra Bullock.

  26. Not Lyle Lovett - busy showing & breeding reining horses.
    Michael Buble has a net worth of $40mil, doesn't need cash.

    Someone who was a dick to his girlfriends. I'm thinking maybe someone like a member of Motley Crue who just screwed everybody all the time.

  27. Here's a wild guess: Kirsten Dunst & Johnny Borrell. He drove a motorcycle through her house and by all accounts he's a real ass.

  28. Anonymous5:07 PM

    She should just let him release them to the tabloids and be done with him - cut the idiot from her life completely ... any publicity is good publicity and it's becoming more and more common these days ... is nothing we haven't already seen before.

  29. Justine Bateman/ Leif Garrett!

  30. I was gonna say mischa barton and the guy with the old dude balls but no way is she a-list

  31. She shouldnt of paid him. Nobody cares about nude actress pics anymore. They are boring.
