Monday, October 28, 2013

Blind Item #6

This B list celebrity with A list name and breast recognition who has had some issues lately scheduled a C section for her last child so she knew exactly when she would have to stop using coke to not test positive in the hospital. That was the only time she didn't use coke the entire pregnancy. The friend who told me this also visited the celebrity in the hospital. The celebrity was not seen using coke but did ask the friend if she had some with her.


  1. Lol @ Breast recognition
    Yeah, I'm thinking Jessica Simpson.

  2. Jessica Simpson? I hope not... I know other websites call her Chestica Simpson.

  3. Uh,do they test for coke when you go to have a baby?

  4. If this is Jessica, I think BS.

  5. Replies
    1. @ Steve Macoy -I think you got it.

    2. Yes. NoTORIous Tits from Hell. Her "diet" plan.

  6. I am confused - if this person did not use coke the whole pregnancy then why would she be concerned about coke being detectable at the time of the C section.

    And this suggests your urine is being tested specifically for cocaine in your system. Why would a hospital test a mother who gave birth for cocaine unless it was an issue known to the family doctor, ob/gyn or hospital.

    Sentence structure again. Is there a way to actually contact someone on this site and complain about the sloppiness or maybe it is time to just ignore this place until someone learns how to structure sentences properly since that is rather key to understanding and unraveling a blind item.

    1. Tina - she did use coke during pregnancy

  7. I would think if it was Jessica, that she'd be coke skinny.

  8. @RenoBlondee -- I think they'd find it in the baby's blood work.

  9. How Long does Cocaine Stay in Blood?

    Cocaine can be found in different organs of the body for different amounts of time. It may show in the bloodstream for two days, urine for 2-3 days and in the hair for up to 3 mths.

    The article I posted said cocaine residue can be detected in urine up to 10 - 14 days after usage esp if you are a large user.

  10. @Tina - Many, many people before you have complained and pleaded for proof-reading on this site. It will never happen.

    "God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change..."

  11. Since when is she the drug addict of the family? She seems responsible. What other singer with big tits just had a baby and has issues?

    1. Celebrity-never mentions that it's a singer

  12. I will vote for Kim Kartrashian, she reeks of coke whore.

  13. @Reno the test the meconium

  14. @Tina "That was the only time she didn't use coke the entire pregnancy." I took it to mean that in the days leading up to the C section was the only time she wasn't using coke.

    I'd give the Enties a break though, it's not as though they have to use understandable grammar to write for a living... oh, wait...

    I think sometimes it's word salad, sometimes it's roid rage.

  15. not all coke heads r skinny Cleo.
    Chris Farley & Artie Lange come to mind first.

    1. Anonymous9:31 AM

      True Warecat: I know several rotund people who are coke and speed users. And there was Belushi.

    2. Anonymous10:27 AM

      Another fat drug user? Pig Champion.

  16. I'm heading in the same direction Steve McCoy went with Tori. They are broke haha and she called out Katie Holmes.

  17. Wow Texas Rose that is utterly appalling.

    "What are the risks with use of cocaine during pregnancy?

    Cocaine use during pregnancy can affect a pregnant woman and her baby in many ways. During the early months of pregnancy, cocaine may increase the risk of miscarriage. Later in pregnancy, it may trigger preterm labor (labor that occurs before 37 completed weeks of pregnancy) or cause the baby to grow poorly. As a result, cocaine-exposed babies are more likely than unexposed babies to be born prematurely and with low birthweight. Premature and low-birthweight babies are at increased risk of health problems during the newborn period, lasting disabilities such as intellectual disabilities and cerebral palsy, and even death. Cocaine-exposed babies also tend to have smaller heads, which generally reflect smaller brains and an increased risk of learning problems (8).

    Some studies suggest that cocaine-exposed babies are at increased risk of birth defects involving the urinary tract and, possibly, other birth defects (9, 10). Cocaine may cause an unborn baby to have a stroke, which can result in irreversible brain damage and sometimes death.

    Cocaine use during pregnancy can cause placental problems, including placental abruption. In this condition, the placenta pulls away from the wall of the uterus before labor begins. This can lead to heavy bleeding that can be life threatening for both mother and baby. The baby may be deprived of oxygen and adequate blood flow when an abruption occurs. Prompt cesarean delivery, however, can prevent most deaths but may not prevent serious complications for the baby caused by lack of oxygen.

    After birth, some babies who were regularly exposed to cocaine before birth may have mild behavioral disturbances. As newborns, some are jittery and irritable, and they may startle and cry at the gentlest touch or sound (11). These babies may be difficult to comfort and may be withdrawn or unresponsive. Other cocaine-exposed babies “turn off” surrounding stimuli by going into a deep sleep for most of the day. Generally, these behavioral disturbances are temporary and resolve over the first few months of life (11).

    Cocaine-exposed babies may be more likely than unexposed babies to die of SIDS. However, studies suggest that poor health practices that often accompany maternal cocaine use (such as use of other drugs and smoking) may play a major role in these deaths (12).

    What is the long-term outlook for babies who were exposed to cocaine before birth?

    Most children who were exposed to cocaine before birth have normal intelligence (13). This is encouraging, in light of earlier predictions that many of these children would be severely brain damaged. A 2004 study at Case Western Reserve University found that 4-year-old children who were exposed to cocaine before birth scored just as well on intelligence tests as unexposed children (13).

    However, the Case Western and other studies suggest that cocaine may sometimes contribute to subtle learning and behavioral problems, including language delays and attention problems (13, 14, 15, 16). A good home environment appears to help reduce these effects (13, 15, 16). A recent study also suggests that cocaine-exposed children grow at a slower rate through age 10 than unexposed children, suggesting some lasting effect on development (17)."

  18. I'm on board the kimmy cakes train.

  19. Well, the blind says "her last child" which would imply she has more than one child. Unless Kim K has a secret baby somewhere, she only has one by my count. That would rule her out.

  20. @Amber Nice to have you back.

  21. Kim was several weeks early too wasnt she? But isnt she known more for the ass then the boobs?

  22. I think Jessica is A list celebrity and I'm not sure what her issues lately would be.

    Tori Spelling could fit, though. She might have A list breast recognition just because her tits look so unbelievably gross. And she was a huge party girl during Beverly Hills days. Are we supposed to believe she just suddenly became this wholesome, drug-free homemaker?

  23. Did KK have a C-section?? If so why was she bragging about how nice her vag looks now??

  24. You'd think it would be someone who's considered thin. Or am I wrong about that?

  25. Tina Mallette, you copied from another source and failed to cite and attribute it. That is much worse than spelling and grammar errors.

  26. I vote J. Simpson. :-(

    I believe that the baby would only be tested if the docs/nurses suspected that the baby had been exposed.

  27. @Amber - glad to see you back as well! I rarely comment but I've been reading for awhile and you would write some of my favorite comments!

  28. @Nutty - thanks! I got super busy at work for a while and didn't have a lot of play time :)

    1. @Amber - I'm an El Dorado person - liked both but though it was funnier.

  29. @Jeannie - thank you, that's so sweet! :)

  30. I agree with the Tori Spelling guesses. A list name, known for the worlds worst boob job, and issues lately -- Dickhead can't afford a vasectomy. As a Canadian I'm still team Mary Jo all the way.

  31. i was a nurse in L&D for 20 years and running toxicology tests is not routine as far as i know UNLESS you know the mother has a drug history, or the baby shows signs of withdrawal after birth---and those signs are pretty obvious. maybe this person's doctor was aware of her history? i don't know. got nothin'.

  32. sorry, "world's" -- for the grammar police.

  33. I'm on the Tori Spelling train.

  34. Anonymous9:34 AM

    Enty just said "celebrity". He didn't add actress or singer. I thought it was Kimmy, but she does only have 1 kid. I'm stumped!

  35. Bullshit. Moderation is key.

  36. As a mother of a very preterm baby that spent 100 days in the NICU, we had alot of drug withdrawal babies around us and it was obvious who they were. These poor babies would cry non stop for days. So if the baby is showing signs of withdrawal, then they test the mother

  37. I don't think this is a real blind. Besides being poorly written, it's inaccurate in regards to standardized drug tests for pregnant women...that seems to be what it's stating, though it's hard to say. Perhaps this celebrity was under some requirement to test due to a previous incident, but this still seems fake.

  38. Oohh I like the tori guess. I switch my guess to tori. Didn't she use horse tranquilizers after birth to help lose weight.

  39. Would they not test a person for coke and drugs before the anesthetic required for the C-section?

    Could that explain she expected the drug test?

  40. Blinds like this about witches who dont give a flying f about their kids make me mad. Please Enty stop with these kind?they just ruin my day,i never got to have kids myself and I despise "mothers" like this.

  41. What a super awesome friend and human being. She shouldn't be telling the gossip rags the money hungry biatch, she should be telling the hospital or the police in order to help the health of the unborn child.

  42. Here you go Robert

  43. I could see Homer/Marge as A List. But Jessica Simpson is A List HOW?!

    Seriously, I do NOT understand these ratings. Does someone have a Decoder Ring? What standard is being used?

    So cornfuzed.

    1. @QueenAnne And as if these ratings aren't confusing enough, Enty has now added body part ratings e.g. A-list chest

  44. an FYI...if you don't want to have any traceable cocaine in your system, you can't have touch it for more than a year. The month thing, is just for urine. If they were to take a hair test, they would know.

  45. Anonymous10:58 AM

    Katie Price!

  46. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sorry, on second look, Jordan is NOT B-list. I got excited for a quick second.

  47. This fits Katie Price except she made a big deal that she unexpectedly had a baby whilst in Spain and made it out to be a horrible ordeal

  48. I don't believe this for a red hot second, but if it was true - what a wonderful friend. I bet the babies born with birth defects from the drugs in their systems will thank her for being such a sweetheart and reporting this a gossip rag instead of child protective services.

  49. Tori went from one baby right into the next pregnancy and was on bed-rest for months before the last baby happened--doesn't sound like she would have been able to do this much --she was pretty sick.

  50. Tori suffered life-threatening medical condition during her last pregnancy which caused her to be in the hospital for months. No matter how horrible her breasts are, I don't think this is her.

  51. What were Jessica's recent issues? Two beautiful kids, no more rumors about the fiance, no money issues we've heard about. People don't even seem to be ragging on her about her post-pregnancy weight. Those kids both look healthy and well-attended-to. Also, Jessica has talked about her love of alcohol but I've only heard accusations of the type that one would say about anyone "I heard she did coke once", etc.

    Tori's had some issues lately with her claiming that she's broke.

    Also, I don't think Kim is a coke or drug user. Those three sisters seem to get their occasional drink on and except for Khloe you don't see them at nightclubs often. I have seen the show and there's a whole episode where Kim's friends make fun of her for how little she drinks because she is very business/image-minded. Kourtney also seems to be a pretty attentive parent, while the husband is the one that goes out.

  52. Wait wasn't it said somewhere that Asslee would sell stories about Chestica to rags? I think this is supposed to be about Jessica but doubt she did coke "every day". She's really not a big drug user is she? Now Asslee..That's another story.

    Maybe she was mad because Chestica ripped out all all her extensions in that fight.. Oh wait it was the older sister who got mad for not doing the others coke. Sheesh! I cannot get these right.

  53. I really don't think this is Jessica Simpson. This also doesn't necessarily sound like somebody who just had a baby recently. I am thinking this is somebody who is WELL-KNOWN for her body, like Pam Anderson or Denise Richards.

  54. Thanks guys! I have 2 kids, but didn't do coke so I was like whaaa?

  55. I think this is a fake blind, but released by Aslee and supposed to be about Jessica.

  56. Agree with Cleo. It's Kimmode. She's hanging her prego tits out since the spawn was removed. Or she has new ones.

  57. Definitely Megan Fox. She is pregnant again, hence the "last child" comment (assuming that means previous child).

    She's more recognized for her body than her acting roles. And she always looks coked out.

    Plus, did you see how she lost her baby weight so fast? "Diet" and "exercise," right? Riiiiight...

  58. Long time lurker here.. Jenna Jameson?

    Maybe not A list in the Oscar sense but definitely a household (frat house?) name and she's been having some visible issues.

  59. Halle berry got extra 509k for flashing her tits in Swordfish.



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