Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Blind Item #5

This A- list mostly television actress who has been on my television every day in a new commercial was asked by a fellow actress on the same network for some help with her own show that has been struggling. Our A lister has of course she would be happy to help and then does absolutely nothing. The A lister knows the show is going down and doesn't want to be associated with it.


  1. Hannigan from 'How I met your mother" don't know the failing show.

  2. Mindy kaling has someone who just joined the show

    1. I read that wrong. But I'll stick with mindy and Zooey.

  3. ALOT of crap new shows this season I have noticed. I watched the Rebel Wilson and Malin Ackerman ones and both are insultingly horrible. People bitched that there were "too many reality shows" and now network television gives us this?!! I say bring back flavour of love!

    1. Booo the rebel wilson show is not crap. The problem is everyoone has such high expectations for brand new shows that the new shows are barely given a chance. I thought it was very funny and will continue to be. Its like ugly betty.

    2. Anonymous9:30 AM

      Haven't seen Rebel's show yet, but heard another of our national treasures, Jacki Weaver will be/is on the show.

    3. She plays her mum, Rach.

  4. Meanwhile awesome shows like GCB and Worst Week don't get past season one. Boo-urns!!!

    1. Anonymous9:05 AM

      Christopher : was worst week a remake of the British show? That was hilarious.

    2. So you were one of the six people that watched GCB!
      The reason it flopped was simple.
      It was too Christian for those who aren't & not enough for those who are.
      Plus the writing, acting & directing were all horrible.
      Did I leave anything out?

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM

      What's GCB?

    4. I loved GCB! So bummed when they cancelled it. I would watch anything with Kristin Chenoweth.

  5. ..the hell?
    Faux Enty #19345 It's common sense that you don't dive off a perfectly running ship onto a barely running survivor boat.
    You SURE you are an entertainment lawyer? I would think that would be common sense 101.

  6. I'm assuming from this blind that she is asking for a guest appearance from the A- actress on the failing show .

  7. I am just glad that American Horror Story starts tomorrow. Right now on TV there isn't much comedy shows I'm feeling. I am a sucker for parks and recs

  8. Anonymous9:13 AM

    Orvilla: I'm with you! Can't wait for the new season. Love the Lange.

  9. Would you do it TR? I wouldn't. If the writing is already on the wall,I would do my best to help my buddy get another gig.

    1. I'm reading it as if the A- actress is already on a show (it says on same network) and assuming a successful show (since she is A-)- I don't think a guest appearance on a another show on same network is going to hurt the A- actress.

    2. Esp. if no one is watching the failing show.

  10. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Ja'mie has a new show starting in October!

    1. Rach, Ja'mie has a new show?! Tell me more!!! SSH is one of my all-time faves.

    2. Anonymous9:57 AM

      V: there's some clips on YouTube and I. Can't. Wait! She's learning to drive, being a bitch and flipping her hair a lot. Love it! A show purely dedicated to Miss J.

    3. Snap! Best news of the day! So excited.

    4. "Cycle of Skankiness" - brilliant!

    5. Anonymous12:02 PM

      V: I only hope Mr G makes a cameo.
      I've met Chris Lilley and he's REALLY serious and dour with a hip hop fixation. So like Jonah, but without the charm and violent father.

    6. Fascinating Rach, and not what I would expect, though it totally makes sense.

    7. Oh thanks V and Rach. Thanks to you I wasnt a half hour today watching Ja'mie. Now I'm looking for some epi that has hair flipping whilst driving.

  11. I don't think anybody here read the post.

    "...who has been on my television every day in a new commercial"

    Who's on a new commercial every time you turn around? The only actress I can think of who fits that is Kaley Cuoco. A glance at her IMDB entry shows at least 5 movies in the last few years, so "Mostly Television" fits, and given what a monster hit The Big Bang Theory is, that seems to qualify her for A- list.

    I agree that doing a guest shot on a failing show wouldn't do her any harm.

    1. This was my guess and the person asking is Anna Ferris

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Sofia Vergara is in a lot of commercials, too.

  13. People bitch there are too many reality shows on Tv yet when a real show cones on they cant be bothered so it gets cancelled and replaced by--wait for it--a reality show :(

  14. Anonymous9:39 AM

    "Reality" shows are as authentic as a Kardashian's plastic face and boobs (espesh Bruce Jenner)

  15. What kind of help are we talking about here? A guest role? Industry networking to get better writers? Putting in a good word to the head of the network?

    Look, if your show really sucks, then I, as a viewer, will not hold it against this other actress for being all, "Sure, I'll help. Uh, let me check my calendar first. Don't call me, I'll call you."

  16. Anonymous9:48 AM

    Help! I need somebody. Help! Not just anybody. Help! You know I need someone. Help!

  17. Kaley or Sofia. The Mindy Project has a guest star every week now - James Franco, Anders Holm, Adam Pally, tonight has Glenn Howerton. New Girl is doing just fine, Brooklyn Nine Nine doesn't have a high-profile actress. Super Fun Night was awful in my opinion, but Trophy Wife is getting good reviews and if Malin needed a guest star, they could pull anyone from Children'[s Hospital or Brad could pull someone from the West Wing.

    Sleepy Hollow was already renewed and is really really popular right now. Who has worked with Kaley or Sofia before? They have to know each other somehow I'm assuming.

  18. Oh, shit! Wait! Anna Faris! I saw her tweet something almost begging people to watch Mom. Maybe she was the actress with the struggling show.

    1. I think you got it it's on cbs I watched last night , never getting that time back. With kaley as the A+

  19. I immediately thought Kaley w the commercials.

  20. The decent new shows so far that I have seen Ray Donovoan HBO, but only 8 episodes already done first run, and The Blacklist with James Spader, very good esp for network TV.

  21. Another vote for GCB, it was a good show and should have been given a chance to grow, Seinfeld style. It was just in that weird place between drama and comedy and I don't think people realized it was supposed to be a little bit satirical. The women in the cast were awesome.

  22. Tara- Adam Pally has joined the cast. He's not just a guest star with a story arc.

  23. Kaley Cuoco-Anna Faris. The connection is that both are on Chuck Lorre shows.

  24. Gcb was brilliant.

  25. Gcb was brilliant.

  26. Can I just ask everybody to try watching We Are Men, just once, please? (Any Neilsen families out there?) It's so much better than the promos suggest, and it's dying fast!

  27. Just wanted to say I loved, loved gcb! The shark, over the top silliness...all of it. Was super pissed it was cancelled.

  28. No, no, they didn't have sharks, they had shark. Ack!

  29. gawdamn autocorrect s n a r k

  30. I really liked GCB, too. It was campy and fun. I also liked The New Normal for the same reasons.

  31. It seems that any show I like, and it's always the quirky ones: Go On, Dead Like Me, The New Normal and of course, GCB, the cancel them. It's disheartening that the intelligently written shows usually (exceptions Community, Big Bang theory) are cancelled. Sigh.

  32. co-sign with liking GCB. Was disappointed when it cancelled.



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