Monday, October 07, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former B list celebrity who is now on a show but still can't move out of the B range is not making much money from her show so would like a full-time benefactor. Apparently her two week trial with another guy didn't work out as well as she planned. She got paid for the two weeks but she wasn't what he was looking for full-time. Also the fact that she has been seeing her last real ex while searching for a new benefactor is putting guys off.


  1. Replies
    1. @skimpymist - nice guess!

    2. Is she on a show now?

    3. She's the host of a reality competition show where the winner gets to have his/her product placed in a grocery store.

    4. @texas she has some show called Supermarket Superstar on Lifetime.

      There were also rumors she was still dealing with an ex boyfriend while with Clooney.

  2. Kiebler. After she "broke up" with Clooney, there were rumors she was in talks to go back to the WWE but she denied it. Now that she's almost unforgettable, the rumors have started up again.

  3. I've seen her reality competition show once but it wasn't enough to make me watch it again.

  4. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Kiebler's hosting some ridiculous supermarket sweep type of show on some channel no one watches. I bet it's her.

    1. Sums it up quite nicely. Lol

  5. Who was the 2 wk trial with?

  6. Anonymous8:58 AM

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    1. @Dasha - that's right- he is some rich tech guy so might have been a tryout- maybe she just couldn't get into that burning man shit.

  7. Anonymous8:58 AM

    The trial was prob with that guy she went to Burning Man with.

  8. For anybody that's eating anything right now you might want to just skip this: she was photographed recently in Paris having lunch with Wimer Valderama.

  9. Didnt she get raped in europe?

    1. That would explain the "it didn't work out as planned." Sad either way.

    2. @auntliddy Whaaaat??!!

  10. What a sad existence.

  11. The new benefacter is named Jared Pobre and he owns a tech company. Pobre pobre Stacy. :(

  12. hold up!
    there's a remix of Supermarket Sweep??? no way!

  13. This is J Hough. 2 week trail with Tom Cruise.

  14. Didn't Stacy also go on a yatching expedition in Europe with Naomi Campbell?

  15. This is J Hough. 2 week trail with Tom Cruise.

  16. Keibler/WWE rumor was that she wanted to make and appearance at the next Wrestlemania and she wanted a million dollars to do it. HA! I hope it was just a rumor, because if she legitimately thought she was worth a million dollars for an appearance, it is going to be a very hard fall for her on her trip back to reality.

  17. "Real" ex makes me think it's Geoff Stults, who she dated for five years and who I remember seeing in the audience when she was on DWTS. He definitely wasn't super-rich, probably wasn't bearding with her, etc. She's also his only confirmed relationship so perhaps he's single and seeing her.

  18. If this is Stacey I will say what I said before: Team up with Heidi, girl. Stop competing for the same guys. Heidi’s past will get you access to some rich douchebags that don’t want to bother with a woman w/ kids. Why Keibler and Klum aren’t renting themselves out as Twins or some kind of sexual tag team to snag guys is beyond me.

    Klum has more $$ than Keibler but she’s just as desperate to stay relevant and I think she would trade-up from her bodyguard in a heartbeat. Keibler either has a crazy drug habit that she’s trying to fund or is being a lazy ass. She wasn’t with Clooney long enough to try to maintain “a lifestyle to which she’s become accustomed.” She’s not Tara or Pammy or the rest of those girls praying for a Sharknado. Why is she going the yacht route so soon? That bitch could still work (it might be back to sparring in the ring or something else low rent) and she won’t get any more Oscar party invites, but I think she’s throwing in the towel too soon.

    Hough is delaying the inevitable by dipping her toe back into DWTS as a guest judge. Ol’ sandpaper voice will be back to dancing full time by next season. Trust.

    It’s funny how Seacrest and Clooney pumped these girls up so much they have lost touch with reality. To get half of what they were raking in they will need to actually have sex with someone on the regular. Even if they found replacements, Sugar Daddy hotness is not guaranteed and these girls never got the memo that it wasn’t their coochie but the “image they helped maintain for the A-Lister” that brought in the cash, gifts and perks. There’s also the fact that everyone knows they were fake gf’s. It kind of ruins the girlfriend experience if the public is rolling their eyes at you. I smell a dual meltdown coming any minute.

  19. Heidi is pretty successful and works regularly on two shows. I don't see her as comparable to Hough or Keibler at all. Maybe I'm missing something?

  20. @WareCat-
    Sadly, it's nothing like "Supermarket Sweep." There is no running, hoarding or ringing up at the cash register. Instead, people pitch products and the creepy Debbie Fields and Michael Chiarello and some product guy "help" them.

    Stacy stands around and tries to make things exciting by moving her arms sometimes but it doesn't help. She never eats - and more than once, they have told her not to take a bite or she says something like she "keeps a healthy lifestyle" but they obsess on her weight. Makes sense because Debbie Fields is going to be the next Joan Rivers with her face. Sadly (and clearly) I watched more than three episodes of this show. I blame "Project Runway."



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