Monday, October 28, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former A+ list tween celebrity was one of the very few tweeners back in the day. Now he is just a celebrity/singer living off that past fame. Apparently he is also willing to do anything to secure what he thinks would be the perfect job. It is the host of a network reality show and our former tweener trashes the current host every chance he gets and buys the producers of the show weekly gifts to try and land the not vacant job.


  1. Someone like David Cassidy or Barry Williams?

  2. Somebody wanting to take over X-factor and Mario Lopez's job.

  3. I like the David Cassidy guess a lot. I'm only 32 and even I know that he was SUCH a heartthrob.

    @caralw - Maybe The Voice, knocking Carson Daly out? I feel like it would be weird to buy Simon gifts, or Ryan Seacrest on American Idol (does he still do Am Idol? I keep forgetting that show is still around).

    1. Carson seems so pointless and annoying on the Voice

  4. All I got is David Cassidy or Leif Garrett. I'm thinking Cassidy. Garrett is probably too busy getting high and I think Cassidy has a reputation for being a bit of a dick, no?

  5. Oh I like the Cassidy guess.

  6. OT: Bethanny just ripped a new one into Farrah A. Yes, I just admitted to watching the show.

  7. I totally read it as David Cassidy, and boy, howdy, would I LOVE to see him back on TV!

  8. Isn't Carson Daly on of the producers of The Voice, though?

    Donny Osmond?

  9. Was thinking Scott Baio.

  10. I didn't realize Scott Baio sang? I love the Joey Lawrence guess.

  11. Any of those shows would snap JT up in a heartbeat, except maybe Idol bc Ryan is the glue. Can't be JT.

    Maybe it's America's Got Talent.

  12. David Cassidy. The Voice or Idol.

    Lief has a steady gig at TruTv with those World's Dumbest shows. My kids love that show.

  13. Now these are the kinds of blinds I like! Fun! :-)
    I say Kirk Cameron ftw!

  14. Good lord, David Cassidy was a stone cold fox back in the day! The Partridge Family was on TV when I was in 1st grade (yes, I am an old) and I can remember positively swooning anytime he was on the screen. Oh, and he's also my answer to the blind.

  15. Anonymous10:29 AM

    That old rascal Pat Boone trying to knock Seacrest off his perch!

  16. As long as they're going after a spot on TFX I really don't care who it is. Mario just gives me the skeeves.

  17. I find it odd that any former tweener (that is drug and scandal free) has a hard time cashing in.

    Every past celeb has a cruise these days (Backstreet Boys are on theirs now and it looks like SO MUCH FUN), or tours, or releases some kind of product, or pitches their own reality show. I find it surprising that David Cassidy couldn't help organize a Partridge cruise or even just something by himself. Do you know how many moms would cash in their life savings to meet him?

  18. I would love this to be Mickey Rooney.

  19. Kelli_Girl..I was in the 7th grade so that shows you what OLD really is. We loved The Partridge Family. I swear my husband has a picture from when he was in high school that makes him look like Keith when he was wearing the puka shell necklace and the long hair. Soooo cute!

    And by the way, they mixed up the partridge bird with a quail in that logo with the birds. It's always bothered me! Quail have that feather on the top of their heads, partridge do not. That's always bugged me.

    I wonder if this is Donny Osmond.

  20. I kind of like the Donny Osmond guess. Maybe he is trying to get on Dancing with the Stars?

  21. David Cassidy wasn't my thing, but I used to kiss Shaun Cassidy's face on my album cover!!!

  22. Since David Cassidy was very briefly on a reality show a couple of years ago, I can see him wanting to get back into television. Especially since he hates performing - that is, he hates having to deal with his fans. I'm sure he'd much prefer working in a studio over touring and encountering fans in the hotel bar.

    But I'll toss another name into the ring as a maybe: Rick Springfield.
    Most people remember him from his second shot at fandom, during his soap opera tenure and the hit single Jesse's Girl. But he was a teen idol before that, in the mid-70s. Anybody remember Speak To The Sky?

  23. Joey McIntyre.

  24. I would think David Cassidy would be in hiding since the release of Shirley Jones book. I read it and want to cut out my eyes.

  25. Donny Osmond/Dancing with the Stars

  26. This is not Donny Osmond. He and Marie just signed another long-term contract with Caesars Las Vegas, and they also tour quite a bit. He's not at all the type to trash someone either publicly or privately. He's got a huge fan base spanning several generations and doesn't need to resort to these kind of tactics. He's also a very kind and decent person.
