Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blind Item #5

This former A list tweener who is almost an A list celebrity/singer now had to have a wardrobe change the other day during a photo shoot because her scars on her thighs were bleeding. Fresh cutting marks. I thought she had stopped. She does them that high up so they can't be spotted.


  1. Hope it's not Demi.

  2. VIP got it. Demi is a known cutter.

  3. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Should be easy easyy
    ..and sadly sadly

  4. You hoped she had stopped while cutting herself underage?

    This is sad.

    You using it to gain hits is pathetic.

  5. Anonymous8:41 AM

    What s her problem now? Seriously Demi has no balance

  6. ..Not that age matters, just that juveniles have specific counseling available for such things.
    Profiting from it while pretending pity is just too much..

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  10. Demi, she's been spotted out again with her sleazy ex

  11. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Probably scars AND fresh cuts. Self harmers usually have wounds at different stages of healing because they keep doing it
    Whoever it is, they seriously need help
    Self harming us a symptom that something is terribly wrong. The root cause needs to be addressed.

  12. While I know this may be abhorent to some, sometimes gossip serves positive functions. I think sometimes when people in trouble realize they are not doing a very good job keeping it secret they may seek out help if not for the first time, again and it may help those who are cutters to understand they have a problem and need help and even people you think have perfect little lives have these issues

    one of the things I wish I knew when I was younger is there is no such thing as a perfect life. Those bullies and snobs when you are in school were not confident they were the opposite. They were massively insecure people, often bullied by their own parents in one way or another so needed to get some control back by doing it to other people. I would have appreciated that knowledge at that time and as it was I realize now as imperfect I thought my parents were, they did a much better job instilling a sense of self worth and self respect than some of those lovey dovey we can just be friends rules who needs rules boomer parents.

    Everyone has baggage, everyone has struggles, everyone has setbacks and loss, and everyone is capable of losing their way on many fronts.

    Do I understand that this is an issue that Demi has already admitted to and I give her kudos for being that brave in the first place. I know she has discussed her eating issues. Maybe this is what she needs to get help or get the people around her who care to help.

    Would someone tell Homeland Security Wilmer belongs to a terrorist organization and get him sent off to Gitmo or better yet Syria, he is a terrorist to the female population though why women are even giving him the time of day still astounds me. Maybe we need Loser Alerts and if you keep repeating it, some women will finally get it.

  13. Wilmer is literally the worst. Lindsay, Joe Jonas, Demi. What kind of sorcery is he practicing that every person he develops a relationship with is a druggie now, and he has never gone to rehab or jail? It would be one thing if he too was known for substance abuse but he seems clean.

  14. I read this as Miley.
    I am not sure Lovato is A list, Miley (unfortunately) is.

  15. I haven't cut in 8 months! YAY

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Congrats @Brenda! : )

  16. @Brenda, yay! I have friends who cut their entire teens and through their 20's who have completely stopped now and I am so happy for them.

    I hope whoever this blind is can find some healing and maybe take a long break from Hollywood.

  17. Ladies dont cut yourself touch yourself.

  18. Good on you @Brenda L. The only thing Demi L should be cutting is Wilmer...from her life! Could be a result of the stress from the revelations by her Aussie hook-up.

  19. Co-sign Miley. The ratings fit. And that bitch got problems! Remember awhile back when she publicly "shushed" her dad on twitter? I think it was something more personal to her than her sexuality. Also remember, has there ever been a Disney chick grow up to be a well adjusted woman? They're all fucked up. There's some shady shit going on over there. And I bet that ole Walt is rolling over in his grave over it.

  20. Meant his sexuality! Oh why oh why can't I read my posts before posting?

  21. Anonymous5:12 PM

    It's definitely not Miley as there's no way even photoshopping would cover that up with the skimpy outfits she's been wearing of late.

    My bet is on Demi - a known cutter and tortured soul; I wish she'd get decent help.

  22. My first guess was Miley. Sticking by it.

    Congratulations Brenda! Continue to work your program.

  23. Demi. Miley walks around half naked most of the time already so difficult to disguise that.
