Monday, October 28, 2013

Blind Item #4

This A- list singer/celebrity has been crazy with women and booze on his tour. He does make sure that he calls his wife certain times of the day though so she thinks every thing is ok and he isn't being a crazy lecherous guy which of course he is and always has been. Not Robin Thicke.


  1. Is Tony Bennet still married?

  2. Anonymous8:18 AM

    I just love that any blind describing debauched, adulterous behaviour is now prefaced with "not Robin Thick".

  3. Is Steve Tyler married ?
    Ozzy perhaps ? Have Sharon & Ozzy reconciled yet ?
    Inquiring minds want to know.

  4. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Michael Buble

  5. Replies
    1. Just saw him on the cover of a tabloid about Miranda being pregnant. Is that the official announcement? I hadn't heard anything.

  6. Anonymous8:21 AM

    Check Bands In Town and see who's touring.
    Michael Booblay sounds like a good guess.

  7. I like the Michael Buble guess. Why is it these people get married?

  8. Michael Buble is A-?

  9. I don't care what the Enties say. My guess is still Robin Thicke.

    1. @FSP - the rules do seem a little loose nowadays:) It would make it harder to guess but you didn't fall for it!!

  10. You know what's blind worthy? The touring singer who isn't screwing around on his wife. Now, that would be shocking.

    Otherwise, this is your basic "All of them" post.

  11. With the way this new Enty is doing "almost reveals" and changing it up when it finally is revealed... I'm going with Robin Thicke, still.

    We'll get a notation saying "I meant not Robin Thicke, himself. The blind is Robin Thicke SPECIFICALLY with a pinky ring."

  12. I have the same question as amber. If it is to have children together & bring them up in a loving family, then fab. If it is to prove they have working sperm, why don't they just give it all up in a cup at the sperm bank & lead the life they want. Why do people hurt others so much ???

  13. Tim McGraw. Think Buble's wife and kid travel with him.

  14. If it's not Robin Thicke, who cares????

  15. tim McGraw not on tour

  16. marriage is for quitters in my opinion.

  17. Because these men want their cake and be able to eat it too. Always have and always will. Whether it's Henry the VIII or Michael Buble.

    And let's be realistic, any man that has to be away from his wife or girlfriend for extended periods of time is not going to be able to go without sex for that long normally let alone in professions where the temptation factor is x 100. It's just biology. There is the rare male who can hold out but not the majority. Even many women can't hold out that long. Ask any soldier who either gets dumped while they are away on tour or come back to find the wife has a bun in the oven and he's not the baker.

  18. Michael Buble. His wife is in Argentina with her family. I find it strange that he married a woman who can barely speak english. When he started dating her she could only say yes and no. Lol! It must of been lust!

  19. Just saw Keith urban a few weekends ago.

  20. I'm pretty sure its Blake Shelton since Miranda is telling ppl SHE is not cheating on HIM.

    1. Is Blake on tour right now, though?

  21. This comment has been removed by the author.

  22. You are so full of shit Tina. My hubs is a roadie (lights) and I know he doesn't get up to fuck all ion the road.
    First off, he is a decent guy who is in a committed relationship. And he works very hard for maybe 18 hours a day on show days.
    Then there is the horrible bunk on the tour bus, which is not like the main Bus for the performer.
    And any man who can't control themselves for a few weeks or months isn't a man.
    I've been on tour and it ain't glamorous. It's a lot of hard working, sweaty men.

    1. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Amen it's just U!!!!!
      Seriously, having toured with, hung backstage etc with bands, sure some of the bigger names who are known he-whores take drunk, vacuous scrubbers back to their hotel, but as many as that DON'T.
      I know roadies and techs who are too tired cos they have to pack up all the gear, and be up the next day to do it all over. And there's just as many decent guys I've met who have partners/wives : they respect & adore, and kids.
      People speak from ignorance based on shit they read or make up

    2. @Rach exactly. The ones who do the real work don't have time, or energy, for screwing around.
      And as you know they don't all have hotels. A Bus full of tired sweaty men isn't gonna impress anyone!
      Not saying it's easy being away, or being the one at home. It wouldn't work for everyone, but it does for us.

    3. Anonymous10:35 AM

      I love how people assume that men, given permission or the opportunity to sleep around without getting caught, will.
      Just not true and offensive to the men out there who aren't complete arse hats.
      Oh, and I've done the tour bus with less well known (read : broke and doing it for the beer money) and it is FOUL! Putrid stinky boys.

  23. Keith Urban is a great guess, maybe that's why booze was specifically mentioned.

  24. ", any man that has to be away from his wife or girlfriend for extended periods of time is not going to be able to go without sex for that long normally "

    So what happens if they don't have sex? They self-consume? explode? fall ill?

    It's such a myth that men "can't function without sex". If is often use to excuse despicable behaviour we are trained to expect as normal.

    Some men have a strong drive towards attachment less sex, not all, and not all men with this drive will give into it.

    1. You are spot on Chloe.
      My man has been away for weeks now, thankfully. When there are kids, a house and bills to pay for, that kinda takes priority.
      Also, when we do get to see each other it is like fireworks. I mean, send the kids outta the house, lock the doors and stock up on fluids for a few days, explosive.
      That is well worth waiting for.

  25. Oh, Chloe, silly thing. Everyone knows it will fall off if not used! And our ladybits will either implode or shrivel into an arid wasteland where seed will never find purchase. Such are the consequences of any period of extended celibacy coupled with fidelity.

  26. Mmmmm. Tim McGraw is on tour .... sticking with that guess.

  27. WIZ?
    but he would be rapper right

  28. Wow I almost said what Chloe did. Glad I kept my mouth shut. I guess I've seen too many musicians breaking their vows in such a short time.

  29. Paul McCartney. He's been on the road all summer

  30. @Rach--I love the term "He-Whores"--I hear it with the voice of Eyeore in Winnie the Pooh!

  31. Senor Salty, I sure hope you are joking about Paul McCartney.

    Anyone who has given birth knows you should abstain from sex for 6 weeks. I am assuming that for the most part their partners understand and remain faithful.

    1. @lutefisk Most people DO know that fact, but many do not follow it. As a nurse, I see it all the time. And I can't even fathom why anyone would WANT to go at it when they've just had their parts stretched and possibly torn in labor.

  32. Blake was my first thought, too. But he only has 6 scheduled touring dates between now and next August, likely due to his job on The Voice. I would hardly consider him being on tour.

  33. I'm not even going to try and guess because the realistic answer is - almost every male musician, ever

  34. Keith and his bollocks sexting wifey.

  35. Keith and his bollocks sexting wifey.

  36. I agree Gabby. I have a few friends who had children 11 months apart. My husband and his brother are 12 months apart, which is slightly better.



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