Sunday, October 20, 2013

Blind Item #3

This A++ list celeb who is one of the top three or four celebs on the planet is single. If you snag him you will live a life of luxury. He is also a bit of a racist or needs to work on his language. He was talking to a rapper the other day and used the N word in a conversation with him. Our celeb is foreign born, but still, no excuse. His people apologized to the rapper and have been kissing his butt so he doesn't say anything. Obviously he told some people.


  1. Ryan Seacrest and Paula Dean are having an affair?!

    1. We won the Civil War, so Seacrest aint foreign-born. He's from our Georgia, not the Russian one. ;-)

  2. Prince Harry is not single.

  3. well yes, but he was thrown in just for the fun


  4. my fun of course,


  5. Prince Harry is not single? When did he get married?

  6. Nazi Prince Harry. He's still unmarried and let's face it, not the brightest bulb on the tree.

    1. Topper Madison, you're so right. The "warrior" prince who bravely goes to a war zone with body guards when he needs positive PR after shaming his country in Vegas. That guy's a national embarrassment and a POS. Cressida should run away ... fast.

  7. Prince Harry. He and Prince Philip are one and the same.

  8. Prince Harry. He didn't get the memo apparently that the "n" word is never used by white peoples.
    And yeah he's dating Cresida but he's considered single.

  9. I would guess Harry too - he has a girlfriend but until the pageboys are handing out the seating plan at Westminster Abbey he is still single.

    He's not the brightest bulb on the Christmas tree and might have thought using the N word was edgy and funny instead of just nasty. He's also got form for inappropriate behaviour.

  10. Barack Hussein: That half-breed hates n-words because he can't be a real one.

    1. Interesting logic there, Kermie. Does that mean you love peckers because are one?

    2. @7 of 11.....BOOM.

  11. No, it means he loves peckers because he's so obsessed he has one in his user name, 7.

    Interesting to know whether the rapper uses the word in any of his lyrics. Maybe whomever it was felt comfortable saying it? Doesn't justify it but I really would like to know who the rapper is.

  12. On what planet is the not-in-line to the UK throne Harry one of the four top celebs in the world?

    I'd vehemently argue that William isn't one of those. His younger brother can't out-rank him.

  13. Obviously, Harry is "in line" to the throne, but William and the new baby would have to die first. Which I hope does not happen.

    1. Anonymous7:04 AM

      Jamie2 : are you Kermit Gosnell?

  14. Harry 's g/f needs new teeth :(. And she us waaaaay beneath him Lizzy will never give permission.

  15. @Unknown :) Agree it could be him until officially engaged, he's probably considered single. I just hope it's not the Beaver who's considered A++.

  16. People outside the US don't quite understand how offensive that word is here. To them, it's a funny curse word, and they'll say it to make our eyes bug out.

    Not to defend him, of course. But I've had to explain to numerous non-Americans why they should never say that word.

    1. Anonymous5:39 PM

      Erin : no, in my part of the world we DEFINITELY know how bad that word is, and don't use it

    2. Rach, I lived in Melbourne for 4 years and definitely heard that word get thrown around a few times. I was so shocked I actually couldn't get any words out to object til the person was gone.

    3. Anonymous11:42 PM

      Char: were they of a particular racial group, or stoopid wiggers? Little white boys with small dicks, baggy pants and NO CLUE. I had some clients who were Islanders and they used it to greet each other & when I pulled them up, was told anyone of colour may use it. They then called (part Asian) me a racist.

    4. White, thirty-something year old men. Some tradies, but a couple professionals too. Some Italian-Aussies.

  17. Rappers use the N word all the time so maybe this foreign-born celeb thinks it's OK?

  18. Erin I'm not so sure that a lot of people in America don't quite understand how offensive that word is. They justify using it by saying "we spell it n**ga and it has a different meaning "and "I call all my friends that. "

  19. sir david attenborough or ricky gervais (<-- whom current single rumors have been met w/ a 'no comment' in the press this month).

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. I was thinking Tom Cruise. Might think he is cool enough with his Xenu connections & friendship with Jamie Foxx to get away with it.

  22. Ricky Gervais or the other guy are not A ++ list or single

  23. Tom cruise is not foreign born

    1. Anonymous7:09 AM

      @Frenchgirl: if being born as a Thetan in the intergalactic federation under Lord Xenu doesn't qualify as foreign born, then I don't know what does.

  24. Just like the C--t word is considered very offensive here and the Brits toss that word off like nothing. Though it is also applied to men in the British usage.

    You can't blame foreigners for being confused since the rappers use the word all the time. They've not been briefed that it is only OK for blacks call each other that word and use it it in songs that make rappers lots of money but crackers can't use the word, I am a cracker so I can use that term right.

    However not all African Americans are on board with the use of the word in rap music either see Cosby, Bill.

    Here is a question is it ok for white or Asian or aboriginal rappers to use the term, does Eminem use it? I am not familiar with all his songs but i don't recall him getting into trouble if he has.

    1. We brits hate the word 'cunt.' it's in gangster films/football films but we never over use it.

    2. Anonymous7:13 AM

      PunkRocker-you object to cunt? And call yourself a punk?

  25. Tina, Eminem doesn't use it or act overly 'gangsta' in his rapping.

  26. So what rapper was he conversing with? JayZ or Snoop Dogg?

  27. No clue but not harry,just can't be!

  28. No clue but not harry,just can't be!

  29. Harry's girlfriend is the granddaughter of an Earl, so she's eligible. But the royal family has finally, wisely decided to let their kids marry for love. Let the royal watchers cry about rank & suitability. If they hadn't pressured Charles to marry an Earl's daughter he could have been married to his current wife from the start.

  30. Actually the c**t word is considered VERY offensive here in Britain. Its probably seen as the MOST offensive swear word - we certainly dont 'toss it around like its nothing'! As for the N word, the only person I have ever heard use that word was my elderly father in law (they also referred to gays as 'funnies'. What can I tell you - thankfully, somehow their son is not of that ilk!) So probably Britain is much the same as the US, and the word is only used by elderly racists and wannabe rappers!

  31. Christiano Ronaldo perhaps?

  32. ^CR7 is an interesting guess. I went back and reread the blind, could be him. I'd be happier if it were Messi though.

  33. Seacrest was an interesting guest - major name and face recognition, is single, can certainly treat a woman to anything she wants or needs. Does interact with a lot of celebrities.

    "Rapper is foreign born but still no excuse". So does the rapper now know English? Because like...the n-word means the same thing in Canada or France I'm pretty sure. Unless Enty just wanted to drop foreign-born in there as a clue.

    Who are foreign born rappers that are somewhat known?

    1. Anonymous5:20 PM

      Ryan gaycrest isbfrom michigan or somewhr like that.
      not him

  34. Jagger or Richards.

  35. Simon Cowell.......

  36. sorry karenb guess I know a few UKers who do throw it around like it's nothing

  37. I think Enty meant that the celebrity was foreign born but it was no excuse for not realizing the n word was not cool to use even with a rapper that used that word, not that the rapper was foreign born.

  38. Prince Charming. Lovely but a bit of a dimwit it seems. He's a celebrity. It says A++ celeb not A++ actor or singer or reality spaz. That being said, so what? Rappers and other posing fake badasses, including whites and latinos, use the "n" word all the time. If you don't want it coming back on you, then don't use it. It's that simple. Otherwise you end up relying on lame racial language police saying who can and cannot use the word, which (a) will never work and (b) only serve to irritate everyone even more than they already are about race.

  39. I don't know. Gonna guess Sting maybe or Richard Branson.

  40. Hmmm, Sting is still with his wife though last I heard.

  41. This comment has been removed by the author.

  42. So was said like, "what up my n***a?", or "all those n****rs"?

    Just wondering, if he was talking to a rapper maybe there was a mistaken assumption he was keepin it real?

  43. We know he isn't foreign born, but I have to address it: On what fn planet is Ryan Seacrest A++?

  44. I'm black and I hate the N word so much. I get angry at the whole "we're taking it back and using it as a term of endearment" argument by rappers/entertainers. I watch civil rights footage from the 60s and get angry everytime I see some ignorant rapper using the N word like it's a badge of honor. As far as I'm concerned, there's no "we can use it but they can't" argument because that's just dumb. People that were here before me did not die/get assaulted just so some ignorant rapper can use it like he's doing us a favor.

  45. i guess justin bieber

  46. I don't listen to Gay-Z or Kanye because of that word. Shoot, I don't listen to a lot of rap music because of it. And yes I am black.

  47. Nicole, I totally agree with you! I feel Te sake way with women calling each other "whore" or "slut", almost as a term of endearment. It's a hurtful word that doesn't need to be "taken back".

    1. @Pip, I'd include 'bitch' in that word group. I hate that women use these words like it's empowering - so not!

  48. I'm always amazed how people can conclude that a particular culture or country behaves a certain way because of exposure to a few people who do XXX or whatever. I know people in North America who toss off the C word all the time too. But they are not indicative of the rest of NA population. Same with the UK. New Zealand and so forth. The C word is still one of the most offensive words in the English-speaking world. Regardless of the uncouth and too-cool-for-school crowds who seem to think they're edgy by using it.

    Yes, Lainey of Lainey Gossip. I'm looking at you. For someone who's always spouting off about class and manners, you're surprising clueless about yourself. Another thing, quit yapping about your toilet habits. Vulgar and gross. Your Ma did a terrible job. You keep yapping how strict she was/is, but you can't figure out not to talk about your bowel movements all the time?

    (rant over)

  49. Is cloony foreign ? I hope so much it's not biebs if he's in the top tier it's all gone to hell.

  50. Well even Goop thought it was ok to tweet it, so why are we surprised? That said I think it's gotta be someone young like Bieber or Harry--certainly not Sting,

  51. It's hard not to use it if it's a song title. How do you vocalise that? "I love that song 'N-Words in Paris'"?

  52. Oh my lord, I thought today would pass without one of those posts inviting white people to lament their suffering not being able to use racist language.

    1. Anonymous9:57 AM

      Ha ha Barton! Beautifully phrased.

  53. The Beebs. Can't wait until he goes away.

  54. unknown: I totally agree about Lainey. Do u know there's a fan group that is run by her friends on facebook? They defend her against any criticism and claim that she isnt paid by publicists to put out false stories. Riight.

  55. I think it's Beiber. He thinks he's all down and shit.

  56. well jay z started his tour in paris IM PRETTY sure he is the rapper

  57. I think everyone should get over their precious hurt feelings and move on. It's ridiculous to "allow" some people to use a word because they drop the R and other people are forbidden. Stop talking all "gangsta" and maybe some of these words would fade from the forefront of what currently passes for "polite society." I can't stand all the trash mouths but I have no patience with everyone's feelings being so tender ALL the time.
