Thursday, October 31, 2013

Blind Item #2

A coke mom sighting!. Not doing coke but she is back in the blinds and being extra sleazy. She keeps getting dumped by guys when she repeatedly asks them for money. Apparently she is out and she can't get any traction in her acting to get ahead on bills. This week she was trolling for rich guys at a party and giving them her best smile. She has moved away from the acting world and did manage to get a 70 something year old man to give her a lift the other night after she let him paw and grope her right there at the event.


  1. Chacha-chacha-chacha-chow!

  2. Debra Messing at the Angel Ball

    1. VIP, I know that most people think that Messing is coke mom, myself included, but this being out of money thing is a new wrinkle. Unless she really got hammered in the divorce I would think that Messing is seriously loaded after 8 years of Will and Grace. I'm wondering now if coke mom might be someone else.

    2. Looks like a troll day- i'll check back later.

    3. Harry! I love you! You can hammer my divorce any time!

    4. VIPblonde, u are smoking hot and really smart! I was in a play once with a girl who looks like you. Let's just say the dressing room should have been renamed the undressing room. I almost broke my back on the makeup table but only ended up with lipstick and rogue in weird places.

    5. That's not really her you weenie. That's a hijacked picture of Jordan/Katie Price the british paris hilton.

    6. Agreed on Messing.

  3. Mom, Dad. I just want you two to know, you're welcome at our house anytime you want to come over. In the meantime, the dowry's on me, dad.

  4. What do you get when you divide the circumference of a jack-o-lantern by its diameter?

    Pumpkin Pi.

  5. Welcome to prime time, bitch!

  6. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Traction in my action cuz I'm trolling with my homies Paw and grope! Paw and grope! Paw and grope!

  7. She was trolling??????? Hahahahaha

  8. What do you call a motorbike that belongs to a witch?

    A brrrooooommmm stick!!!!!

  9. Wow - some good guesses on here! But remember that the actress is AMERICAN here. Also, a "foreign born" actor may be someone you think is AMERICAN but born abroad. That's the tricky part ;-)
    A good place to start might be in looking at recent red carpet reunions of a classic movie from the past - released in oh, say the past 20 years or so. It might help.
    As for those ranting against Enty and the money and radio show? I'm sure that there is a good reason for this all going sideways. Did you say you had or had not emailed enty and received a reply? If JAX is reading the comments? Perhaps SHE can add some info as to what is going on or wrong. Just a thought...

    1. Dun dun DUNNNN!!

    2. Sweetheart, you forgot to mention Amber's book. I think it's in the storage unit, but I can have Talley check. Kisses!

  10. Debra Messing scares me.

  11. VIP got it. I just saw pics of her at the ball and she looks ZONKED out of her mind.

  12. Great. Looks like the comments have been hijacked by weirdos again. *sigh*

    VIP, you're the best!

    1. Don't you hate it when that happens?

  13. I already gave enough hints over the years for readers to guess that this is Debra Messing! Stop trying to make Coke Mom happen, New Enty!


  14. Wow! these photos are pretty scary.

  15. What is Himm talking about? what radio show?

  16. Ignore Himmmm. It's just another blathering idiot.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM

      Cree Kay that's so rude! Himmm graces us with these amazing tales and you insult himmm? Well I never!

  17. And Will & Grace is in syndication, so the money continues to roll in for Debra Messing. Doubt this is her.

  18. So the consensus of the commenters is that DM is definitely Coke Mom?

    *puts on sunglasses*

    That trick definitely prefers treats

  19. Is Dina L. considered an actress?

  20. I agree. Debra Messing has the syndication money still coming in plus she just got a small chunk of change for 32 episodes of Smash.

  21. Is that the real Himmmm?

  22. I've told you guys this before my Mom knows DM and she is Coke Mom! She's out of money because she bought some properties that she let go to shit and she had to spend a shit ton of cash to keep the ex husband quiet, he had a LOT of dirt on her. I think he got 75% of the syndication money for the rest of his life.
    She's a fucking mess, my Mom won't even party with her anymore, she's too unstable.

  23. Fairly certain that's not the real Himmmm. Someone is just dressing up as Himmmm for Halloween. I'm happy to be wrong, but I have my doubts at the moment.

  24. Real himmmm in dead

  25. You couldn't be more wrong but that's okay. Halloween is the one time of the year when we don't HAVE to be in costume, which makes it even more enjoyable because we can wear whatever we like. Again, it's hard for people not in the industry to understand how hard it is to stay anonymous so if you want to believe we're just fakes, go right ahead because that makes it easier for us to share some things we've been wanting to share for a while.

  26. Yay! Looks like another troll day!

    Happy Halloween everybody!

  27. Wow this Debra Messing stuff makes sense. Her emaciation. She seemed super hyper on W&G especially as Jack and Karen began to steal the show on like...episode 2.

  28. I'm so confused.

  29. What happened to her love affair with Will Chase?

  30. Ah yesssss!!! Another troll day. Good. T was getting boring.

    1. Its just U, u are really pretty. I dated a girl who looked like you once. She was a dragon in bed and I ended up with three bruised ribs. When I saw her boyfriend a couple of weeks later, I figured out why. He was built like a brick house and I guess she was used to rougher tumbling. Yeah I did go back for more, I'm not going to let bruised ribs stand in the way of my manhood.

  31. Coke Mom was nothing before she met me. She was playing Barbies with Betty Finn. She was a Bluebird. She was a Brownie. She was a Girl Scout cookie.

  32. If you ask me, those old rich guys

    *puts on sunglasses*

    should't get too chummy with that mummy

  33. @Herrrr I feel ya. If it's really you two, then welcome home.


    George Wendt.

  34. Come see me, Debra. I'll help!


  35. Does Debra Messing still have a nice ass? It has been a while since I saw her in anything so I don't know. If she broke, cokey and still has a nice ass, she'll be OK. If someonenwanted to turn her out, then all they would have to do is turn her on to crack.

    You would have to figure that if she is cokey and goes to Hollywood parties that she has fucked Nicholson, right?

    1. Incantatus Biberatus, Tri Bone Desperatus, Dissipatus Areatus!

  36. She certainly didn't blow her $$ on boobs. I highly doubt Debra Messing is broke. She made TONS off W&G, was in Ned & Stacy for 2 years before that and has had a movie+1 season of Starter Wife, plus Smash after that. Plus several Cindy Crawford's Meaningful Beauty informercial!

  37. I want it to be Teri hatcher

  38. Please, people. Your blithering, stupid chatter is ruining the fun comments.

  39. I just don't know if this is Debra. If she was pressed for money couldn't she be a spokesperson? She has that AIDS initiative but I'm sure a makeup brand or clothing line like Ann Taylor would want her.

  40. Also, isn't she friends with Mariska? Would Mariska put up with this shit?

  41. Herrrr I can always tell that it's the original by the grammar and manner it's worded. Glad to see you all visiting us again.

  42. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I like turtles

  43. I Googled "Debra Messing at the Angel Ball". Those pics are downright scary!

  44. DM looks mmmm, intense, in the Angel Ball pics. Def could be a cocaine side effect.
