Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Blind Item #2

This mostly movie actor used to be B+ list. He has some significant issues which preclude him from working more so he has faded to C list over the years and now doesn't even act that much and makes most of his money being a celebrity. Anyway last week he called five different escorts to his hotel room before one agreed to stay. The guy at the hotel who was helping him was almost out of leads to find an escort who will do anything with anyone.


  1. Fatty Arbuckle. (This COULD be from a long time ago. I'm just sayin'.)

  2. LOL @Ryan

    Whoever it is, he apparently wasn't in a very big city if he couldn't find a willing escort. I have never heard of a professional who couldn't be paid enough to deal with whatever shit they need to do.

  3. Sounds like someone with a serious condition. If Michael J Fox didn't have his new show, I'd say him. Or Christopher Reeve, if CR were alive (or this were an old blind)

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  5. Anonymous7:43 AM

    If it is Fatty Arbuckle : NO spin the bottle.

  6. Gary Busey? And let's face it, with that fatal combination of teeth and crazy, who could blame a girl from walking away?

  7. self aware, so true, Busey would scare anyone! And in the he interest of truth, Fatty Arbuckle was exhonorated of any wrong doing whatsoever in death of that young girl. The think she bled out and died from botched abortion day before. In fact, Arbuckle tried to help her and called dr. He suffereda the rest of his life under this cloud of suspicion unfairly.
    And yes, this is ancient hollywood blind!! lol

  8. Ryan Phillippe the issues being hes an asshole.

  9. If there were a higher rating, I'd vote for Nic Cage on this one.

    Love the Busey guess, is he still married? Don't they have a very young son? I remember seeing him on that spouse swapping show. He didn't seem totally whack, but definitely unusual.

  10. Let's not forget Jake Busey, Gary's son.

  11. Busey is still working. He's on "Mr. Box Office."

  12. The Hoff is mostly TV...and Mickey Rourke is still in A/B category.

    I like the Busey guess.

  13. Really wondering what the "significant issues" could be. Have to be something MAJOR if he can't work much, and/or if hookers can't deal with those issues!

  14. Kirk Douglas? I know, gross.

  15. What does Danny DeVito do besides that Always sunny in... show?

  16. This has gotta be Gary Busey. I'm thinking even the most professional of working girls would be freaked out by those teef!

  17. Replies
    1. He should have never left passions . He would still have a career in soaps

  18. I definitely think it is Gary Busey. He has been on a few seasons of "Celebrity" Apprentice - i.e. where he makes most of his money being a celebrity. Run hookers run!!

  19. Wouldn't Gary Busey get the honorary Oscar nominee winner/nominee hint?

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