Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Blind Item #2

This Academy Award winner/nominee A- list mostly movie actress who used to be A+ but has never been nice cut her fee in half for her next movie because it takes her out of the country and away from her celebrity husband for three months. Also her kid(s)s but she doesn't like people to know that.


  1. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Nicole Kidman? No idea what her ranking is

  2. Reese 'Scream mask face' Witherspoon?

  3. Kidman Queen of the Desert in Morocco

  4. Kidman ? I guess Enty doesn't know what is a plane or a nanny or how is Herzog's movie

  5. Yep, just saw the celeb husband part. Julia's husband isn't a celb, she was my next guess.
    Has Nicole had stories of not being nice? I know she's called an ice queen, just don't recall any stories of "Don't you know who I am" sort of stuff. What have I missed?

  6. Kidman. Keith needs to divorce her.

  7. @Bacon Ranch, there have been commenters here who say they see them around Nashville and they're very nice, she's very personable, etc. (Other commenters imply the pro-NicKeith commenters have been compensated for their input.)

  8. I know this is supposed to be Nicole, but just for laughs how about Angie?

  9. Also, Joan Rivers said Nicole was the nicest celebrity she has ever met.

  10. It's not Nicole...but I would believe Reese

  11. Angie baby, you're a special lady

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Halle.....leaving newborn already?

  13. I read fee as face! Weird , anyway I'm going with Julia.

  14. Gwyneth is filming in Europe with Johnny Depp.

  15. Nicole Kidman. If she is filming in Morocco, they will save a lot on AC with her there. The coldness of her heart probably makes every room she is in cool and crisp.

  16. I agree with Nicole guesses. Julia doesn't have a "celebrity" husband, nor does Reese and I actually think Gwynneth likes her kids (at least more than Nicole does).

  17. Nicole, Gwynnie almost never sees hubby anyhow.

  18. The thing is, Goop has been smart about this if she doesn't want to spend time with her kids (though I do think she does like them and even holds them up as better than others' kids0. Those kids are never photographed, so imagine if she has a nanny that deals with them every day. The paps will be in parks looking for celebrities, not their kids. That way she's never caught using a nanny, because the kids will be unrecognized.

  19. I've never heard anyone say bad things about Nicole Kidman, except for assuming she's an "ice queen" because of the way she looks. Also, why did she go through the trouble she went through to have those younger kids if she wanted to spend months apart from them? I don't think it's her.

    It's definitely NOT Angelina because she never does anything for any length of time without her kids being with her. Even her haters agree with this (even though they think she uses the kids to help her image).

    I have no clue who it is. I just cannot imagine any woman, actress or not, spending three months away from her children. It's just a horrible thing to do and the rags and haters would find out and the PR would be very bad.

  20. Not a penny paid for this comment, but yes, I live in Nashville and Nicole is very nice. I've had two actual conversations with her. She is attentive and not a diva. She's actually very shy. I used to call her the ice queen too when she and Tom were married. She and Keith make a sweet couple. Sorry to burst the hate bubble, but she's a nice person. But, she might want a break and could be the answer to the blind, but she isn't mean at all. Carrie Underwood is a massive diva and her husband is sooooo hot in person.

  21. That sounds like a lovely break for whoever it is!

  22. @ajn: Ted Bundy was a charming mutherfukker when he wanted to be. That is what the soulless do, project who they think you want them to be, then behind closed doors they let out the real person inside.

    A less over the top example would be the alcoholic family that projects nothing but kittens and rainbows in public, but when inside the home, it is a horror show of mental, physical and substance abuse.

    1. @CountJ

      The problem is that you're comparing a public (Bundy lovely,  Nicole Kidman icy) and private (Bundy sexual predator and murderer, Nicole reportedly nice on the DL) persona conversely.  If Bundy was a sex-murderer publically and a kitten when you were finally conscious after his grotesque assault, we'd be on simile-ground.

      I had a brief interraction with NicoleK in the mid 90s, and for the same event had a wide view of the prelim arrangements, actual event inc behind scene, and aftermath - she was really great. Down to earth, nice, indeed unnecessarily nice to peons like me. She was not cool, noooo, but she was just really nice! That's my experience, so I don't buy the random crap said of her *shrug*

  23. @Bacon: OMG the scream mask!
    I never noticed that, but she looks so much like it xD

  24. I read it as Angelina Jolie

  25. Anonymous5:21 PM

    I agree that it's Nicole Kidman. Sure, she can turn on the charm when, and to whom, she sees appropriate but the norm is that she's an icy cold biarch. The footage of her falling over when struck by the bike paparrazo, and her subsequent reaction, is more like how you see her in everyday situations.

  26. Kidman.She parades her kids through airports to get pictures taken,and that's about the most time she spends with them. She has no more interest in theses kids than she had in the ones she adopted with Tom. It's not the COS that keeps her away from those kids. It's lack of interest. Keith Urban is actually very very nice and deserves much better than the ice Queen.

  27. Angelina Jolie isn't married to Brad Pitt (who is an actor, not a celebrity).

    This is Kidman. Being nice to people on the street has nothing to do with behavior on a set, or in a makeup/hair chair, or in a fitting.

  28. Kidman. Meeting someone and having a chat with them a few times doesn't mean anything. Could've been nice to you and rude to the next person. You never know. Anyone can put on an act when they really want to. Hell, we all put something on when we leave the house don't we? That's why I pay attention to reputations because where there's smoke there's usually fire, and Kidman has a reputation for being icy. She's always working too. When does she even have time for her family??? She does one movie after the next and attaches herself to more in between.

  29. Nicole is VERY well known to do indie movies for barely anything if she thinks its good (just look it up), so not her. Her rep for being an absent parent has been years of scientologists trying to bully and harm her ....thats not rocket science.

  30. My vote's with Julia. She's *allegedly* a total bitch.
