Monday, October 21, 2013

Blind Item #2

A lot of people are going to be clamoring for a DNA test when this former B+ list reality star and now married looking desperately for another season or another network B- list celebrity announces she is pregnant.  Sure, her husband is one of the candidates.


  1. In voting Khloe. Kendra already announced her pregnancy. With Keeping up with the Kardashians going off the air soon, and obviously Khloe and Lamar show now defunct, she needs a new gig/network. Also, hasn't she been dealing with The Game?

  2. Having to see the commercials for her show every 5 minutes really ruins my daily Roseanne marathons.

  3. I don't know why I thought Nicole Richie. She prob doesn't fit because of shows. I don't know what she does now. Anyhoo........

  4. This is written to be Kendra. Meh...

  5. Who can even understand what that long run on sentence says?

  6. I was thinking Snooki.

  7. Immediately thought of the woman who married Huffner.

  8. Kendra yet announced she's pregnant

  9. Kendra did not announce her pregnancy. It was only in the press because her brother told them the pregnancy was what they were fighting over.

  10. Easy peasy lemon sQueezey...Kendra

  11. Kendra, although I tend to think she and Hank are fine and create the drama because they need the show for money. Their son is absolutely gorgeous so I say keep having babies. The nannies are probably doing a great job raising the kids anyway.

  12. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Mamma June? Or did they not marry?

  13. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I definitely think it's Kendra - Khloe is not 'former' - she's 'current'.

    Plus, Kendra is less than 'nice' to Hank - bless him - maybe this is part of the reason for the kafuffle with her family, too ... they know what she's been doing behind Hank's back?

    I really like Hank - he seems like such a decent man, and has a lovely family, too ... he deserves WAY better than her.

  14. Agree with blake and I think its kendra. She better settle down and realize how lucky she is and stop chasing fame.
