Friday, October 11, 2013

Blind Item #1

This A list mostly movie actress who has a connection with one of the worst train wrecks in Hollywood is usually up for anything. She recently said that she once had sex for money just so she could say she did. She says it wasn't roleplaying but that she let a guy hit on her and when he asked to take her home she gave him a price. He paid.


  1. How does that work? Seems like too much to request in cash, and trusting the check to clear is begging for it. I'm assuming this is an evening venture when the banks are closed.
    Count? Explain.

  2. Sandy Bullock
    Train wreck - Jesse James

  3. My first thought was Cameron but she's ALL movie(?)

    I'm thinking LILO for the train wreck. Someone from Mean Girls?

  4. Bullock is A+ list

  5. I was thinking connection to one of the worst train wrecks meant being a producer on a film that bombed big, or having a relationship with an actor in a bad film. Never thought of a person as a train wreck, but now that's how I read it.

  6. how about Geena Davis, trainwreck being that big $ loser pirate movie made by her then husband Renny Harlin

  7. Julia Roberts, trainwreck is Emma Roberts, roleplaying a reference to Pretty Woman?

  8. or maybe Eric Roberts for the trainwreck...

    1. Anonymous1:09 AM

      @ CJ: oooh! Good one!

  9. @Sarah: ATM Machine? Maybe a wire transfer via phone? Amex? Could be that the dude told the club owner to charge his card some amount and give him cash, keeping a modest "tax" for himself.

    1. ATMs have a daily withdrawal limit, but I didn't think of a wire transfer.

    2. @Sarah...Plenty of cash in the home safe.

  10. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Wasn't this a previous blind??

  11. Not sure why I read a prostitution blind and my mind is caught up in the logistics of the payment.

  12. Amanda Siegfried
    Trainwreck: Lindsay Lohan

  13. Repeating my guess from blind #2: Mila Kunis with Demi Moore as the train wreck - or Charlie Sheen? I guess she has some sort of connection to both via Ashton.

  14. My first thought for the train wreck was Charlie Sheen.

    This isn't, of course, Denise Richards.

  15. Train wreck in my mind is a movie that cost a lot and totally tanked.

    I like @Vera's guess.

  16. @Sarah: Yes they do have limits. For me it might be $800 cash. For someone with a couple million in assets, god only knows that their limit is.

  17. Oh, and Wire Transfer is what got Spitzer.

  18. Vera L - FYI the Geena Davis pirate movie (Cutthroat Island) was a major box office bomb but not for artistic reasons (the reviews were good but not great). What happened was that the production company went bankrupt a month or so before the movie was scheduled for release. Consequently there was no advertising, publicity, actor interviews etc. It just appeared in the cinemas with no one knowing it was going to be there.

  19. I imagine lots of multi-millionaire Hollywooders keep a big fat stash of cash at home. I would.

  20. Everybody's assuming the price was some prohibitively high number, what normal people might make in a year, which is what you'd expect from professional celebrity hooker.

    But this one did it as a lark, just to have the experience of putting out for cash. That being the case, since the goal was the experience, and the money just a kind of "token," there's no reason to think she didn't name a price that was within more reasonable reach of a normal person.

    If all she wanted was to know she screwed for cash, and didn't care about the money itself, why not do it for $500.00? Or even less?

  21. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Trainwreck: Franco
    Connection: hosted (/bombed) the Oscars

  22. Rachel McAdams, train wreck co-star being Hohan.

  23. I was thinking the same thing, JAS.

  24. Please. Even I wouldn't do it for less than $50,000.



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