Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Your Turn

How much money would you need to have in the bank before you would retire?


Christopher Cruz said...

I love what I do, so I don't think I'll ever retire!

cece said...

I could do it with a million or two.

VIPblonde said...

This much

Beetlejuice said...

Money isn't everything Ent.

Meanie Rhysie said...

I believe I'll be okay once I sell my class ring!!

Count Jerkula said...

Zero. Banks are for suckers. I'm from the James Brown school of saving. Bury it in mason jars so the man can't take it from you.

Anonymous said...

Enough to pay off our mortgage, have a family a d that's probably it for me. Mo Sy doesn't equate to happiness, but not having a mortgage would be nice!

Murphy said...

6 million, plus my condo would have to be paid off.

I live in Central CT.

JSierra said...

@MEl you mean you don't wear your class ring every day? No outfit is complete without it.

rhinovodka said...

I won't ever be able to retire. Work until I die.

Anonymous said...

I wouldnt ever want to not work. Part time even. Having a foot in the normal workaday world keeps you grounded,scheduled,on track. At least for me. Ive had a few years where i didnt because didnt have to,and it was lame.too much free time,no schedule,limits,reason for getting up,depressing.like time had no value,just endless days turning faster and faster into each other, nite time sneaking up on you,where your day meant nothing. No thank you.

Meanie Rhysie said...

Aww, lost your job, didja?

Wen said...

Who can save money in this economy? Maybe those who pay for things with an EBT card, but not us single chicks.

JisforMe said...

17 gazillion dollars...lol No, I would only need about 1 million and I would still work at least part time. I need structure and a schedule. If I had nothing to do, I would become a drunk.

ethorne said...

I would sell my class ring for One Meeellion Dollars! That is if I had one. Which I don't.

Susan said...

I can't imagine not working. I love my job too much.

urban chaos said...

$50 million? Even then I imagine he Mr. and i would probably stay in our current business but expand with our own capitol and not stress over the self employment mess that is dealing with the bank for an upgrade or second home.. Suitcase full of $$anyone?

Orvilla Bedinbacher said...

money money MOOONEY....MOOOONEYYY!

Anonymous said...

Wen: we just had a new prime minister elected in Aus. He's from the liberal party who inflict cuts on health, welfare & education & generally enforce economic rationalism so ill be saving all my $$$$!!

NomNom83 said...

I'm 34 with two mortgages (one is a modest rental property) a one y.o. and a husband that I would want to enjoy the money with me.

I'm gonna say $4 million.

The Dude said...

$5 Mil

Anonymous said...

We don't do class rings here. Do you seriously all still do that in the US?

Beetlejuice said...

Boo hoo

Gayeld said...

How much is there?

Anonymous said...

I'm with you Nom! Just enough to own our home outright & not worry about bills. I'd still need to keep busy though, so I'd probably do voluntary work somewhere before we start a family.

Staple611 said...

I live in Chicago and have a substantial mortgage. Mid-30s. $5M.

Anonymous said...

Staple: what's the average mortgage on a home in Chicago? Here in Melb it's crazy, but even worse in Sydney. I don't know how people on lower wages with kids do it.

Laninna said...

Single chicks don't need to be partying all the time, buying lunch every day, Starbucks every day, shopping way too often, taxis everywhere.... Be smart and learn early to control your spending. You won't be sorry in the long run.

__-__=__ said...

You need spendable income. With no debt a couple thousand a month. Double that and travel anywhere in the world for as long as you want. What's the big deal? Easy enough. Stay healthy. Don't use more than you need. Be creative. Work is a 4-letter word.

Pink Picklegoo said...

wow most of the answers here are modest and realistic. I'd rather dream big and agree with VIP: one billion.

Anonymous said...

Enty, is this a breaking bad referential question.

Just for shits and giggles, id say 10 million. Those are crumbs for really rich people but what the hey.

JSierra said...

@lan huh, that's funny. I'm single and don't do a single one of those things. Way to make a broad, bitchy statement.

iheartjacksparrow said...

Isn't this the third time this has been a Your Turn question?

califblondy said...

A lot. But I'd retire in a heartbeat. I have a great job and I appreciate it, but I'n sick of getting up early.

Laninna said...

@jsierra “Be smart and control your spending."

ethorne said...

@Laninna-That should be applied to everyone, but you began your comment with "Single chicks..." So yeah, broad shitty comment.

babo said...

I wish to get 105 million pounds so I could buy myself this one : Daily Mail
I don t even need to retire, see, I am frugal

Anonymous said...


OKay said...

Enough to pay my bills for the next 18 years, until I could officially retire and start getting my money from the governmetn and my RRSP. I love my job, but I'd quit working in a heartbeat!

OKay said...

*government (it's a long word, waddaya want from me?)

feraltart said...

5-10 million dollars & my hubby and I would travel. Would not get bored, so many things to do and see, a novel to finish writing, books to read, hobbies to take up. Hope it happens soon.

Unknown said...

5 million

Kelly said...

10 million.

Del Riser said...

The house paid off and 2 million would do nicely. I don't buy in on fads, and take good care of things so I'm an easy keeper. I've never wanted to be rich, it causes just as many headaches as being poor. I guess the descriptive word would be comfortable.

Laninna said...

@ethorne: "single chicks" = lively, partying, carefree, happy young women. OP did not state "struggling woman," "part-time working student," etc. The choice words were "single chicks" which brings a certain connotation. No apologies.

Pip said...

Lan, they were talking about "single chicks" struggling to save money without EBT (welfare). It is pretty obvious they weren't referring to party girls with no money woes.

PugsterMom said...

I love what I do so I don't see retirement in my future. I'd sleep a whole lot better with a mil or two in the bank.

Bit dams said...

I have my house and some ongoing income. seems attainable.


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