Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Woman Pushes Husband Off Cliff One Week After Getting Married

I looked repeatedly but it doesn't appear that Jordan Graham has ever spent any time in Florida. You kind of expect that sometimes when you hear some crazy story. Jordan got married to her husband on June 30th. On July 7th police say she killed her husband while they were on vacation in Glacier National Park. They topped to talk and she pushed him off a cliff to his death. Jordan had told friends she was having second thoughts about marriage and didn't know what to do. Umm, call a lawyer. It was a week. Don't kill the guy. Now she is going to spend forever in jail and really hate the thought of being married. She is 22 years old. Instead of having her whole life in front of her to find some new guy she killed this one and is going to be in jail and has ruined her life and the obviously the life of her now deceased husband and his family.

I don't understand this obsession with killing your spouses instead of divorcing them. When is killing ever a better option. I know people think they can get away with it and won't have to pay child or spousal support but you never get away with it and then you have nothing. At least if you got divorced you would get half of something and you also deprive your kids of both sets of parents.


  1. Call a lawyer, just not Ent.

  2. BEtches be crazy.

  3. Well, that takes care of that problem, huh?

  4. She was on bath salts.

  5. She don't look too bad. Any chance of nude pics being admitted as evidence during her trial? I'm bored with the Arias ones so I need a fresh batch of mental patient selfies.

    1. Anonymous7:14 AM

      Ew Count! Wash YOUR mouth out - she's a hubcap chaser!

  6. Bath salts are the only logical answer for this.

  7. Or did Robin Thicke make her do it?

  8. What an idiot. Obviously it's better to divorce someone rather than killing him - unless you're crazy. At least she was creative!

  9. Pfffftt. Amateur. She should have texted her friend and told her that she and the love of her life, Snoogie Woogums, were going on a romantic walk through GNP, pushed him off the cliff, then said that he fell to his death after standing too close to the edge all while sobbing hysterically and cursing the gods for taking away her years of wedded bliss. "He wanted me to take his picture while he stood on the edge of the cliff. I told him that he was too close to the edge, but he just wouldn't listen." *SOB* *SNIFF* Cash life insurance check and get a cat.

  10. Anonymous7:22 AM

    People offed by their partners when a divorce would've sufficed:
    Robert Blake
    Nicole Brown
    Phil Hartman
    Natalie Wood
    Paul Bern
    Kurt Cobain (oooh! Contentious!)
    That chick Phil Spector killed
    Robert Durst's wife.

    There's more....

    1. Maybe you should tell Robert Blake he's dead, I don't think he knows.

    2. Anonymous7:29 AM

      Ethorne: touché! It was his wife, & he murdered her.

    3. LOL @ethorne


    4. Anonymous7:37 AM

      MerryB: bless! I am human, w foibles! Thanks for calling out my fail!! Mwah! Xxxxxxxx

    5. List Fail #3- OJ was found not guilty!!

    6. Anonymous8:03 AM

      Kisses for ethorne as well. And also, I'm pretty sure despite the findings, that in the minds of many, OJ was behind it. Xx

  11. Bad place to have a fight

  12. Did the husband kill a 17 y/o African American vandal in self defense, and then was bullied by everybody including barack hussein?

    Because angry (to be) exes are not able to do anything against each other and he deserved to die, according to the other thread.

  13. List fail #2 Lana Clarkson was NOT married to Spector. LOL

    1. Stop making lists RACH, you are not good at it.

    2. Anonymous7:38 AM

      Wow, I'm going to drown my fails in a pint of rum!!

    3. Anonymous7:39 AM

      Thanks Merry! In my own defence, I didn't specify spouse, I did say partner. I hope this calling me out gives you much joy!

    4. Pretty sure they had met the night that she was murdered so, they weren't partners either.

    5. Anonymous7:44 AM

      *kisses for not so MerryB!*

  14. Sgree with enty; dont kill just get friggin divorce. No harm no foul. You never get away with it. She shld go to jail, shes nuts since shes even to stupid to make up bs story.

  15. Anonymous7:51 AM

    This will be featured on the id channel in a week. Wives with knives or of course, the nefarious snapped.

  16. Rach I was thinking exactly the same thing. You don't get away with it unless you're famous. Your list reminded me of a few I'd forgotten about. Didn't William Shatner drown his wife too? I love him but I think he had something to do with it.

    1. Anonymous8:02 AM

      Anothergray: thanks for not being mean to me! There were a few in Old Hollywood. Can't recall the name, but well known golden era actress killed her husband, or her daughter did, and the mum took the blame?

  17. @Eros, I'm going for Deadly Women with a On the Case w/Paula Zahn thrown in for good measure ;)

    1. Anonymous9:04 AM

      Yep!! =)

      Ive taken a reprieve from those shows. They start to get you paranoid. Lol

    2. @V @Eros People, please. This story is a perfect fit for ID’s “Happily Never After”. “Snapped” is on Oxygen or We or some other crappy channel. Aaaaand I seriously need to get a life.

    3. Anonymous10:06 AM

      Lol cdan reader! You hit it on the nail, girly. :) is it bad i watched that one religiously too. I finally did pull the plug when my bf commented on everytime hes by i have one of those woman kills husband/bf shows on with a concerned expression on his face lol...

  18. Anonymous8:17 AM

    Dont bother doing anything seriously illegal,too many cell records, cameras, csi crime crap.

    1. Anna would know. She's posting from her prison cell right now.

  19. yep I would have thought Florida too

  20. If she was on bath salts she would have tried to eat him instead.

  21. damn!
    it's shark week up in this bitch!
    i gotta couple xannies i can give MerryB.

    1. sweet! thanks, i'll trade those for some vicodin, ya know for the cramps I have from shark week.

  22. A woman whose first thought is murder should be in jail, to protect the rest of us. She should have told the husband she had married under false pretenses, he could have gotten an annulment.

  23. Just watched a program where a newly-married woman fell to her death from a cliff in Alaska--the family all thought it was him, he had taken out insurance policies on her, but in the end he was found not guilty.

    Man... stay away from high Alaskan cliffs on yer honeymoon.

  24. @Rach: Lana Turner and Cheryl Crane..... think I replied incorrectly and it went to your email. Sorry.

    1. Anonymous9:26 AM

      Anothergray: that's it!!!

  25. Saul Goodman could have gotten him sent to Belize.

  26. She didn't report it for something like a day, and at first didn't report that she had even been with him (much less pushed him). I don't know, it makes me think she was thinking $$$ -- insurance, whatever money he had, etc.

  27. MerryB, vicodin will help with the pain, but it can't help your personality.

    1. I beg to differ, Vicodin actually makes me quite happy.

    2. Anonymous10:53 AM

      We don't have Vicodin here, but I know of it thanks to the Queens of the Stone Age song. Man, I wish I could get some good drugs!

    3. Goodness, that is awful. Gotta love America.

    4. Oh and WareCat, i live near you so I am expecting those pills. Don't offer if you can't deliver.

  28. Things you don't want to text the night you kill your new husband:

    On the night Johnson died, Graham told a friend that she meant to talk with Johnson about "having second thoughts about having been married," according to an FBI affidavit filed with the criminal complaint.

    Just before 9 p.m., she texted the friend that she was about to talk to him.

    "But dead serious if u don't hear from me at all again tonight, something happened," Graham wrote, according to the affidavit.

  29. i'll hook u up Merry.
    6 bars go for $30, i'll sell u them for $15.
    plus, i can throw an eighth of the good good in for a total of $55.
    that's a steal, cuz that duo goes for $80.

  30. ain't nothn' free in this world baybay.

    but, if u bitch again over stupid shit, i might cave & throw a couple .25mgs @ u. def not the 2mgs. i gotta few meth heads up the street that are gonna need to come down later.

    1. Once again, I beg to differ. I get free drugs all the time AND i don't even have to take my clothes off or do sexual acts. Keep the xanax, I'm more interested in the good bud. Now my definition of 'good good' is medical. What is yours?

  31. 707.
    $50 an eighth.

  32. 2 broads talking drugs is making me happy.

  33. Wow...she must be really strong. Stronger than him anyway.

  34. Only two weeks of marriage and she snapped. Wonder what she would have don after 20 years of marriage? Poor husband probably didn't have a clue. What a terrible woman, hope she gets the book thrown at her.
