Monday, September 09, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Killings

Six months ago this A+ list celebrity was almost killed. It was shortly after she gone on a three day bender and was telling people stories she should have kept quiet. The celebrity was back home and while she was sleeping her car blew up. Nobody really discussed it but apparently there was a timer on the car and it went off at a certain time which was supposed to be when the celebrity was in it. She had overslept by several hours.

Others have not been so lucky. There was the music producer in Europe who started complaining that some of his tracks had been stolen and the next thing you know he was dead.

There was the woman who was telling friends that she had seen an A++ list celebrity with a gun in his hands standing over a body. The woman was found dead a few hours later above a nightclub.

There was a woman who knew secrets that no other person knew. She was threatening to write a book about what she knew and a short time later she was dead. The world was distracted by her sketchy death with news that took the world by storm, especially in the way it was delivered.

A rapper in jail was supposed to have been killed but ended up giving up a name she had been holding back. That name was soon killed. No one thought the rapper would give up the name so people started paying tribute to the rapper even though she was still alive.

Another former A list rapper was framed for a crime because he had threatened to expose a sexual relationship with his then girlfriend and the mastermind behind all of these killings and threats.

Has there been another killing in this long line of killings? I don't think anyone will ever find out.


Merlin D. Bear said...

Whitney for the author.
Beyond that, don't know. I don't do rap.

VIPblonde said...

So, people are getting killed for naming him, and you want us to start naming him? Not saying a word

Tara said...

The first result I got on Google for "female rapper in jail" is Remy Ma. I believe Kim also served?

A++ - are we implying Jay-Z? I believe he was listed as an A++ celebrity at one time. And it seems that all of these have a tie to the rap/hip-hop community. This would be an interesting time to post this blind with the death and reveal of Beyonce's bodyguard...

MontanaMarriott said...

The woman who knew secrets that no other person knew was the Ronni Chasen.

You are missing one more, the transexual who Eddie Murphy was caught with ended up "falling" off a roof after threatening to write a tell all.

packer said...

Wow, Very good read. I do remember some of these items here, but do not know the names.It's Monday for me. The Rap music culture is a nasty business. I hope someday it can clean up.

FSP said...

What a bunch of malarkey.

Tara said...

But I'm not pointing fingers. I'm keeping my hands clean!!

Jessie said...

This is the scary side of gossip.

surfer said...

Foxy Brown also did time.

packer said...

You are right on Ronni Chasen, her death was the very weird to a lot of people in mainstream, who do not leave out in Hollywood.

AndyCane said...

Oooooooooooooooooh saucy! The only thing I have to contribute is the jail one is Lil' Kim? I do have a feeling the death of the bodyguard is related somehow

Anonymous said...

Rick James?

timebob said...

there is no such thing as the story please

rajahcat said...

shady stuff

I agree with the Ronni Chasen guess

JayZ is A++ but I dunno.........that bodyguard stuff is weird though.

Kristin Wigs said...

Rent Ma for the female rapper who was supposedly killed in jail.

Beetlejuice said...

I thought Ronni Chasen was killed in her car, not above a nightclub

Kristin Wigs said...

*Remy Ma

ladybaus said...

First paragraph -Rhianna
second ---dead producer---Romanthony (Daft Punk)
fourth--Whitney Houstan
fifth---Foxy Brown
---Mastermind Jay-Z

FrenchGirl said...

Not Ronni chasen ,she was killed in her car

crila16 said...

If the A++ celeb is JZee...then I'm going with RiRi for the A+ celeb who almost had her car blown up 6 months ago. She's always have a bender of some kind.

Seven of Eleven said...

Don't screw with the Illuminati.

Count Jerkula said...

When was RiRi's car blowed up?

Junkies are easier to kill than that. Just give her a big fat line of "cocaine" that is actually poison of some sort. Why bother with explosives and collateral damage.

crila16 said...

Something tells me this Blind Item will never be revealed.

Patty said...

I think Ronni is the one who knew secrets, not the one from the club.

erika said...

Ummmm so if bodygaurd jacking to beyonce n kid did jay z find out and have him killed or......did jayz kill him? Ie a÷÷ celeb w a gun

Im white and from the burbs dont kill me i know NOTHING about rap

Unknown said...

It will be revealed because eventually the psycho - whomever he is - will end up in jail. That's way too much carnage.

crila16 said...

@ Count Jerkula. I don't know if RiRi's car blew up. Read the first paragraph of the BV. I'm just guessing.

Unknown said...

Jay Z and the world distracted by a sketchy death with news that took the world by storm was Bey's pregnancy announcement on the red carpet?

Jay has to be the central figure in all this, I would think?

I'm down with @DerekHarvey on this one

Kristin Wigs said...

What is the event that overtook Ronni's death? November 2010..

VIPblonde said...

@derek Uh oh!

A RESIDENT said...

All I will say is Da Brat and you can figure out the rest. Easily

AKM said...

I don't think the author is Whitney. If I'm comprehending this "Enty's" writing correctly, the person died and then the news of HER death was hijacked by an even bigger news story. That couldn't be Whitney's, could it? It seems like that's ALL I heard for WEEKS. Also, "news that took the world by storm" makes me wonder if it was a natural disaster like Sandy, perhaps.

Wait a minute...Farrah?! Writing a tell-all about RFO? And the news of her death was eclipsed by the news of MJ the same day (or the next day; I can't remember which)?

obitguy said...

Sounds like the plot-line for season 2 of Ray Donovan!

discoflux said...

Romanthony died in his home in Austin of kidney disease.

NaughtyNurse said...

Well, if JayZ is mobbed up, that would explain why Beyonce has her own security detail stepping in during arguments between the two of them.

MISCH said...

Farrah and Michael Jackson...but Farrah wouldn't know this group...
However this is one dirty business

HipHopera said...

Google Cathy Koreana White. She was Jay's mistress who was found dead days before Beyonce Announced her pregnancy on the VMA's. This story is tragic and oozes truth in my opinion. Bloggers were too scared to even touch this when it occured. The writing is on the wall in the lyrics too.

Harry Knuckles said...

The blinds and reveals have been pretty good today. Might be a little BS here and there , but still, pretty good. As for this one, I'm betting Jay Z is in there somewhere. He has always skeeved me.

Seattle_Strips said...

I'm thinking Enty should name names while he can, because waiting hasn't worked out for the rest, now has it?

tulsa70s said...

The event around Ronni was WikiLeaks

Lissa said...

I wonder if Biggie's and Tupac's death have anything to do with these? I know little Kim and Biggie were close.

Pookie said...

jayz definitely has blood on his hands, and while he and p. doody and 50 (and suge, back when he meant something) all have deep secrets & blood stains...let's not forget that some of the biggest offenders w/ blood-stained hands are also some of the sweetest-talking, gracious-acting, 'kindest' in the biz: la reid & clive davis.

AKM said...

Okay, so ALL of these deaths are interrelated. I wasn't completely sure. That would knock out my Farrah guess, I would think.

AKM said...

Also? All of this is creepy. Stuff like this makes me glad that my life is relatively sane, even if I AM a broke nobody. I think I like it that way. :-/

Unknown said...

How does a car blow up - a pretty big explosion - in a residential neighborhood without someone investigating it? How does that not make the news?? Where is the ATF? I mean - I could understand that it might happen in LA where the police bend over for celebrity - but the Feds would HAVE TO get involved in this one.

Katie said...

I think it is jayz, especially bc of Cathy white.
However, diddy has a lot of blood on his hands. The author of Bling supposedly killed herself but diddy had wanted her dead for years. He held off bc she was best friends with Kimora and was even in her wedding, but once Kimora and Russell got divorced, diddy made it known that her time was coming to an end.
Lipstick alley has all the scoop on the many people that were offed by diddy. Including his bodyguard, wolf, whose loyalty to diddy was his downfall. He knew the most but diddy became paranoid that he would spill. He's dead now.

Anonymous said...

Jay Z s mistress Cathy White turned up dead in 2011.she was in perfect health and was about to write a tell all.

Anothergrayhare said...

Shit You Can't Buy said...

Brittany Murphy and one of the guys from D12 died under suspicious circumstances. Eminem connects them.. That's all I got.

Shit You Can't Buy said...

And maybe 50 cent and Biggie? I have no clue.

jw11 said...

PunkinElf said...

Car blown up in Barbados, where she has been recently. No FBI there

@timebob I'm from Chicago. Mob is for realz. But this is rapper stuff, rappers of the highest order,

mistang said...

Can we send all these people to Syria then? Maybe they can "organize" everything.

NaughtyNurse said...

Whoever said the recent death of the POS bodyguard who was masturbating to Beyonce and her baby is suspicious in this is probably right. Although my husband would have had the guy killed if it was me and one of my children. Can't blame Jay for that one.

EpicBlonde said...

As someone said upthread, the blinds are getting good (and plentiful) lately - as well as the reveals. Makes me wonder if this blog is coming to a slow end.

And this shit right here is crazy!

Lissa said...

Do you think Chris Brown could be the one that was framed?!?

mistang said...

@Lissa - I thought of Chris Brown for a sec as well. I just can't believe it, though or I just don't want to. He's too much of an ass.

NaughtyNurse said...

I don't think Chris Brown is smart enough to organize all of this.

LeeshaLou said...

#3 could be Ronni Chasin. She was a publicist that was shot while driving in Beverly Hills.... It was a big story here in L.A. Not sure what the distracting event is but it was Nov 2010.

LeeshaLou said...

Oops it's #4

allaboutkelli said...

I think the woman threatening to write the book was Cathy White. Her death was right before Beyonce announced her pregnancy. That would be the weird way the news was delivered.

MissMoPR said...

The framed rapper is definitely Chris Brown. And it says the celebrity's car blew up back home... Meaning Barbados. No way to track what happens there!

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

The mafia dude in this BI could be a lot of people from rap, that African American music is full of criminals. My guesses, from less to more likely:
-Birdman: One of the biggest producers, thought to have fucked most of the male rappers in that world. Unlikely, not thought to have blood in his hands.
-Suge Knight: Convicted criminal. Unless American police are really dumb, he should be looked upon, therefore his moves should be restricted.
-jay no hyphen z: Known mafia guy who if he had little power, he is friend of barack hussein. I vote for him.

msgirl said...

Just googled Cathy Koreana White and definitely fits. Enty probably fudged details out of self protection because the is some nasty shit. Reminds me of The Wire.

Unknown said...

@8=====D - RememberKermitGosnell

That's the most racist thing I've ever read on this site.

Anonymous said...

Holy crow... Cdan delivers like a mofo. I dont think you can get juicer and more salacious than this but who knows...

And yes this is sad because lives were lost, but yes still juicy.

ladybaus said...

@VIPblonde haha thanks girl! Its always a complement when you agree. I think others told Whoopi the same thing when she signed on for The View :/

auntliddy said...

Was she the agent? That was spooky.

Anonymous said...

@Derek..i think your guess fits most out of everyone elses...


auntliddy said...

Holy shit!! Murder?? That is some twisted behavior!

Magnus 21 Gunz said...

Please stop the comments about how African American music is violent...blah blah blah The music industry period is full of shady people that commit horrible does not just pertain to rap music.


A+ Celebrity on bender is Rihanna
2nd is the DaftPunk producer
3rd is not Jay but Puffy aka P. Diddy

woman who knew secrets was publicist. She also was rumored to be sleeping with Jay Z. Shortly after her death Beyonce announced her pregnancy. Not Kori White...she died of a brain aneurysm. This publicist was thrown out of a window in Harlem and I believe she landed on the awning or some structure next to a lounge but I can't think of her name.

last is not Remy Ma, but lil Kim. She went to jail for a year because she didn't snitch. But later snitched after Puffy stopped cutting checks.

Rapper framed for a crime is TI. Who does not fuck with DIDDY AT ALL.

Mastermind is not Jay Z but Diddy or rather Diddy's boss who shall and should remain un-named in the media.

CJ said...

I thought maybe the framed rapper was Shyne from the nightclub shooting with Diddy and JLo.

I like the Diddy guess. At first I was trying to make Dr. Dre work, or maybe Suge, but I think Diddy is probably the best guess.

Unknown said...

Remember Randy Quaid clawing there was some group offing celebs, wonder if any connection here....

Unknown said...

Claiming, ugh autocorrect!

FlirtyChick74 said...

Erica Kennedy is the author. She died under mysterious circumstances last June. Her death is still unresolved. Her book Bling! was about the music industry and was quite salacious. I think the lead was vaguely about Diddy. She was in the process of writing another hot book when she died. Her death was mentioned briefly in the news and gossip sites but was overshadowed by some other event. Can't remember right now.

__-__=__ said...

Magnus - ITA w/Lil Kim and TI.

Magnus 21 Gunz said...

I thought about Shyne, but Shyne was not A List and TI actually said that he was set up and he knew who set him up. Right after TI got out, he and Diddy got into a fight, not over Ciroc but because Diddy came to TI's party talking shit about how TI should thank him for his "2nd chance" and pay him and blah blah blah.

Diddy has connections but TI is very very well known and respected in the streets. So if anything happened to him there would be consequences.

Jay-Z is kinda trying to play both sides. He gets into trouble with other shit, but for the most part tries to keep his nose clean. All of this ish here is why he cut off Beanie Siegel, Memphis Bleek, etc. He wanted to clean up his dealings as much as possible ...otherwise he might've been next. That boy is smart...very smart. Because of that, Although Diddy has more money, Jay is now able to make better business deals. Very few people want to deal with Diddy and his partners. That's why he sticks to clothing and liquor.

Magnus 21 Gunz said...

I thought about Shyne, but Shyne was not A List and TI actually said that he was set up and he knew who set him up. Right after TI got out, he and Diddy got into a fight, not over Ciroc but because Diddy came to TI's party talking shit about how TI should thank him for his "2nd chance" and pay him and blah blah blah.

Diddy has connections but TI is very very well known and respected in the streets. So if anything happened to him there would be consequences.

Jay-Z is kinda trying to play both sides. He gets into trouble with other shit, but for the most part tries to keep his nose clean. All of this ish here is why he cut off Beanie Siegel, Memphis Bleek, etc. He wanted to clean up his dealings as much as possible ...otherwise he might've been next. That boy is smart...very smart. Because of that, Although Diddy has more money, Jay is now able to make better business deals. Very few people want to deal with Diddy and his partners. That's why he sticks to clothing and liquor.

Nemesis said...


From this blind I mean! If all this is true, dontcha think that whoever arranged all these deaths, of famous people, for tell alls and questionings is surely going to kill the unknown blogger that made a blind item out if it? I call bullshit. One of Enty's made up ones.

Jessie said...

Is this info from the same person who said gangsta rap was invented to keep the prisons busy?

CJ said...

Ohhhh, I didn't know TI had said all that... makes sense then.

Nice work!

shopgirl said...

The thing about a really good conspiracy theory is that it's never proven right or wrong. (some day flat-earthers will get to take a space ride and then that'll be done). I often wonder what the conspiracy theories of the 11th century were.

Jaiden_S said...

@Magnus - That's some hot tea you're spilling.

Anonymous said...

Malarky? Not true? If you don't think murder goes on involving huge Hollywood players you don't know the biz too well or it's long history. Google the name Eddie Mannix and see for yourself.

Count Jerkula said...

Only good thing about Puffy was Biggie. W/O Biggie, Puffy would still be promoting shows in high school gyms.

lazyday603 said...

Ooooo, I insulted JayZ on here by saying I've never heard one of his songs. Looks like I'm Dead Man Walking.

Ruby said...
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Ruby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Ruby said...

I feel like the rapper in jail is Left Eye.

Steampunk Jazz said...

@ Kristen, I like Rent Ma better. More rappy to me,lol.

lazyday603 said...

Wait if this is a rapper could it possibly be Saran?

Another possibility is The Fresh Prince. The nice boy shtick may have been an act.

Publicus said...

Man, this shit be real.

fuzzygalored said...

just checked the news highlights of June 2012, when Erica Kennedy died.There is a lot of the beginning of the protests in Egypt & Syria. aka The Arab Spring. also it looks like there has never been an official cause of death released for her

Wen said...

And to think, Jay-Z is best buds with our president.

daisy0714 said...

@Magnus 21 Gunz - who is puffy's boss?! intriguing...

Brenda L said...

Puffy's boss is Faith Evans. LOL!

Unknown said...

Is JIMMY IOVINE, Co-founder, Interscope, and Chairman, Interscope Geffen A&M, co-founder Beats By Dr. Dre, Record Producer, Entrepreneur, Film Producer, SEAN COMBS, boss?

He looks like he's had his hand in a lot of things.

Sarah said...

Jay's ex mistress turned up dead 48 hours before Beyonce announced her pregnancy at the VMAs

Sarah said...

Cathy Koreana White was the mistress, she threatened to sell the story then turned up dead. The story was buried under the pregnancy bombshell

Sarah said...

Oops I replied to an above thread about this. I agree wholeheartedly, Beyonce seems okay with the mistresses as long as it's quiet and doesn't mess with their brand, and they had a family to sell.

AB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
AB said...

Hahaha! Good one!

Bunni said...

21 Guns got it, I think. I remember T.I. saying he got set up. Whoever said Diddy wouldn't be anything without Biggie is right. If B.I.G. were alive, I don't think he'd still be down with Diddy. Diddy got his street cred off of Biggie dying.

Magnus 21 Gunz said...

AB... So I guess rock and roll promotes suicide, sex and drugs..HARD.

If I listen to rock and roll should I imagine that most people in the caucasian community are suicidal, sex addict drug fiends???

That would not be accurate would it? That's the image that's primarily promoted in rock and roll which is why sub genres of Rock and Roll were created like, Pop, Alternative etc...

Hip Hop is a poetic expression of their environment. There are multiple genre's of hip hop. Some artists are violent other's are not. So small minded of you to generalize an entire race and genre of music based on your limited knowledge of it. You probably don't even know how hip hop started. It certainly wasn't started based on violence.

Unfortunately, most hip hop artists do not come from the suburbs. Most are from crime ridden inner city areas so you are not going to hear about roses and parks and talking long walks. SO there is a difference in providing commentary on your environment and promoting that environment. African Americans are heavily influenced by music. However, no one thought that our music would also influence white kids in the burbs...and it was the gangsta rap that the kids in the burbs embraced (Not KRS-ONE, Not Public Enemy, Nor Common, etc) ...which says a lot in itself.

Every real hip hop head will tell you no one listened that gangsta shit when it first came out. The record labels and radio started shoving the shit down our throat. And guess who controls record labels and radio... At one point, if you wanted to get a record deal you had to sound "gangsta" and promote violence. So much that even jay-Z and other artists complained about it in their music..

"Truthfully, I want to rhyme like Common Sense..but I did 5 mil - I ain't been rhyming like Common since..." --Jay-Z lyric about the Common the rapper

Google Common if you don't know him, which I'm assuming you don't

Don't get me started on this discussion...

KLM said...

@Magnus - I'm not trying to be an asshole, but I am from NYC, and I don't think I agree with you entirely (although I do mostly). I feel like the "gangsta" bullshit started mostly in the early nineties on the west coast waaaay after actual hip hop / rap was going here in the city. The Sugar Hill Gang / Grand Master? I mean, I just think there was a big shift from like some of that to "gangsta" (I swear I didn't shoot Tupac).

The Real Dragon said...

Some of you guys are not going to make it.

Enties and the rest. It was nice knowing you.

it took forever said...

shit just got real,enty you going hard

Count Jerkula said...

@wen: POTUS is outta Chicago. The shady is so strong in that town there are rumors IL governors have to pay a street tax.

@bunni: that was me. I remember hearing the radio reports of the the people getting trampled to death at the over sold concert he promoted. Puffy was always a no talent shit bag. He hit the lottery with Biggie and never came close to developing a talent approaching that level again.

@Magnus: can we cut to the chase and blame gansta rap and the suburban white kids affinity for it on Michelle Pfeiffer? If she wasn't such a coke addled hottie in Scarface, none of either group would have watched it so repeatedly that they would have attempted to use it as a model for theit lives. First you get the money, then you get the power, then you get the girls.

Count Jerkula said...

Yeah, I'm with KLM, thinking west coast brought the gangsta. NWA, late 80s, crack money cleaned in recording studios type shit. Shit went from 911 is a Joke to Straight Outta Compton pretty quick, no? I am totally open to being corrected on this.

Speaking of crack, is Puffy's boss a old time crack dealer, like that Irv Gotti had Supreme McGriff?

amused bush said...

@Count, what is interesting is that the ones who popularized gangsta-rap, were never really "gangsta". NWA? Come on now, boys from the hood, yah, but that is about it. Definitely smart hustlers though. And Dr Dre is what P Diddy wishes he could be.

Now Suge Knight is another story. He's a fucking psychopath. Don't even think it's coincendental Dre partnered with Jimmy Iovine.

Anonymous said...

Fancy : "hold my drink bitch! I'm Rick James!"

Anonymous said...


Lovey said...




4.Cathy White

5.Lil Kim.She went to jail for not snitching and lying about not knowing anything.I hear a few people died relating to that case before and after her trial.

6.Ja Rule

Count Jerkula said...

I hear ya on the posers V. Just like 90% of the guidos who try and act like they are in the mob and tell you they are connected 3 seconds after meeting them are full of shit. Buying your blow from a mobbed up dealer don't make you a gangster.

slappywhyte said...

This is the juiciest and possibly most controversial blind i've seen in some time. Reminds of how Aaron Hernandez apparently turned out to be a gang assassin with multiple hits.

I'm wondering if this could be about some of the Dirty South rappers instead of the JayZ/Diddy thing ... there is a lot of heat in ATL and there are some crazy mofos like Gucci and guys with pasts like TIP.

Leo said...

I dont think it's Saran. On the commercials, it says nothing sticks to it

IceQueen said...

I think the sketchy death covered up by bombshell news was the death of the publicist in Hollywood who was allegedly shot by a man on a bike (I can't remember her name). My gut feeling since the news about that broke is that she was murdered, and the homeless black guy on the bike was an easy out.

deran said...

Aaliyah also had big connection with Jay-Z..

deran said...

Oops;guess that was R Kelly.

ms snarky said...

speaking of Aaliyah, wasn't Drake all in love with her?

ms snarky said...

@Nemesis - they'd have to figure out which Enty is in charge right now. You can't hit a moving target. hahaha

MichelleJ817 said...

A+ list celebrity was almost killed: Rihana

A++ list celebrity with a gun in his hands standing over a body: Jay Z

A list rapper was framed for a crime because he had threatened to expose a sexual relationship with his then girlfriend and the mastermind behind all of these killings and threats: Chris Brown

Unknown said...

The producer shot dead in his studio as jam master jay...he was shot at point blank range by someone who knew what they were sounded like a professional hit.


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