Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Situation Says Dancing With The Stars Injury Got Him Hooked On Pills

Apparently The Situation is still alive. Appearing at grand openings of pizza places and car washes on the east coast doesn't really get you noticed very much. One way to change that is to start trying to talk to news organizations and dropping what you think are juicy stories and hopefully someone will notice and either give you a book deal or you can get your own show or Snooki and Jwoww will let you come on their show or you can be the fluffer on the next Rock Of Love.

Mike told the AP that he got hooked on pills after he suffered an injury on Dancing With The Stars and later when he ran out of the pills he knew he was addicted because he went through withdrawals. I love how he is using the only addicted to pills thing. If he isn't going to be honest with himself or others then why should we bother listening to him. That wasn't all that he was addicted to and until he admits that no publisher is going to want his story. Who really cares about him anyway is what they will ask because no one does. he is a true fifteen minutes of fame guy who is trying to keep hold of being known and remembered as long as possible.


  1. Those ass beads he's wearing are lovely.

    1. Ethorne - would be surprised if he cleaned them before this pic.

  2. @ethorne

    The return of a2a?

    1. I just find YOU to be off-putting.

    2. Anonymous8:58 AM

      MerryB: that's ok. I still love you. Xx

    3. Anonymous9:44 AM

      I believe,and ive been wrong befor Gawd knows,that rach around is none other than our darling troll,who posed as one of us for years,only to have an obscene meltdown and hold the site hostage. This rach around appeared at the same as massive g,jenny peppers was it? And all the others. Again,could be off the mark,but something about rachs remarks ring with marcies.

    4. Anonymous9:59 AM

      Yawn. Whatever.

    5. Rach might not be The Troll but she is obnoxious and should be mocked relentlessly.

    6. Anonymous11:34 AM

      So mean! Who died and made you Oprah not so Merry!

    7. Oprah's a bitch too. She was the main person in yesterday's Killers blind.

  3. And, here ya are, Bitter Enty, posting about him! LOL

  4. Of course the only place his 15 minutes is getting extended is right here. AP may have talked to him but this story isn't in a lot of news media.

  5. @2@ all day, every day

  6. Too bad he didn't OD and die. That is the only thing that will make him go away.

  7. Another story about how Dancing with the Hasbeens gets you hooked on opiates.

  8. I love when Enty makes a big long post about how no one cares about a celeb.

    Side note when I opened the page on my phone it wouldn't refresh and I honestly thought that the killers from yesterdays BI had gotten to him :/

    1. LOL @JSierra! +1 on both counts.

  9. Apparently the Enties care about him.

  10. Oh FFS I will FLIP OUT if you porn loving misogynistic freaks start talking about a2a!!!

    So what's up with a lemon party?

    1. Anonymous9:34 AM

      There's no lemon party without old Dick!

    2. YES @Rach, perfect 30 Rock reference ftw!

  11. You trying to participate in some @2@ ethorne?

    1. @MerryB- By flip out I meant get totally excited!

    2. Good cause that zebra print is totally turning me ON

    3. @merryb

      Ethorne is one hot betch today!

    4. Rrowr! Or whatever noise a zebra makes!

    5. Do they neigh? I think they neigh.

    6. I actually think zebras make this odd barking noise. Like a dog who just ate chalk.

    7. ask.com says they make a noise similar to a donkey but mixed with that of a bark of a small dog. so we are both kind of correct.

  12. Yeah, that was it, injury during dwts. Yeah.

  13. @AnnaBananaAnonymous "could be off the mark"...no, more like off the fucking rails!

  14. @AKN, I think you are right. On the "Today's Blind" post, dear old canopener popped up with a comment about hanging out with her friend Rach, then deleted that comment but reposted it almost verbatim as one of those "Anh Non" identities, and immediately engaged with user Rach. Sounds like someone's multiple personalities went off their collective meds.

  15. Thanks a lot for giving this douche another minute!

    @Dewie, couldn't agree more.
