Tuesday, September 10, 2013

The Goopster Is Running Scared From Vanity Fair Expose

Apparently Vanity Fair is tried of Gwyneth Paltrow and doesn't care if she ever speaks to them again or goes to their Academy Award party. They are burning that bridge forever as they have realized that always being nice to celebrities is not always the way to go. The magazine is going to run a cover story on The Goopster and she is so panicked that she almost a hit a school bus with her Vespa while her kid held on for dear life.

She is also telling her friends to not speak to the magazine in regards to the expose and has also advised them to never speak to the magazine ever again or even read it. For her to get so worked up they are either going to tell the world that she does eat two meals a day or that she just as much of a self-pretentious person we always thought her to be. The thing is we all knew that but people who read vanity fair might not know that. They will probably also talk about her getting huge cuts of the products she endorses on her site whether she believes in them or not.


  1. Must be the Goop hating Ent today.

    1. @MerryB tomorrow we'll get tween loving enty.

    2. Tomorrow is Pedro Wednesday!!!! Get ready Count!

    3. I love Goop hating Enty!

      Did Enty or Ted call Goop Fishsticks?

  2. There are tons of Enty, all with their own personal agenda and it's starting to show.

  3. Really makes me wonder what she has to hide..

  4. Interested to read what it is. But why pick on her? Aren't all those celebs half nuts with secrets to hide?

  5. I can't wait to read it. They've been having some good articles which dont cowtow to the celebs that they are about. It's about time some mainstream magazine starts getting more down and dirty truthful.

  6. Any time I want some hard-hitting journalism, I always look to Vanity Fair.

  7. Hey now, I love Vanity Fair and I knew she was a douche.

  8. But she cooks every meal that her children and husband eat. Every one! She should be proud of this, not shy.

    1. Barton, cooking air is not hard

  9. Anonymous8:14 AM

    Gwyneth acting like Gwyneth.

    Go figure.......

  10. I love this.....I do think it will be unflattering since she is trying so hard to block it.....

    I agree it prob has something to do with her endorsements and maybe her marriage

    won't be good for the brand regardless...

  11. Cathy I can feel the sarcasm, but Vanity Fair actually had done some of the very earliest investigative reports into Scientology and the deaths surrounding it.

    They have a few other award winning pieces about drug cartels, military stuff.

    I wouldnt call it the NYT but its not People magazine.

    I am going to buy that issue, though, because I am only curious about what would make Gwyneth Paltrow so nervous.

    She should have known better than to make such a fuss. Its only going to sell their magazines.

  12. It always seemed odd that Graydon Carter went from giving the finger to the establishment (at Spy) to sucking up to everyone, as is the Vanity Fair way (at least, for cover profiles). Would be nice to see a little of that youthful fire back in GC.

  13. Vanity used to be great but then they started kowtowing, glad to know their journalism is back on track.

  14. I really love Vanity Fair!

  15. @msgirl, definitely - and loss of Dominick Dunne was a huge blow to their investigative output.

  16. There is lots to not like about Gwyneth:

    1. Her fake ass cookbooks. Anybody can write a cookbook, just collect a bunch of recipes and make a few little changes in each, boom, a cookbook.
    2. Her marriage is for show. No sex, no love. They don't even live together most of the time.
    3. Paid to endorse products on her site. She's nerver admitted that.
    4. Pretentious on a level that might even be in the realm of mental illness.

  17. She's the Marie Antoinette of the Upper West Side.... she thinks that isn't received well due to journalistic spin...

  18. Her real problem is the inability to read social cues... that and she's just not very bright...

  19. As if VF will suffer from the lack of sales of two or three magazines. Gwyneth isn't known for being friendly or having a lot of friends.

  20. Paid endorsements and fake marriages are hardly the queendom toppling events that can ruin a career or have a celebrity running scared. Must be something else that threatened to post.

  21. I can't believe that anything earth shaking is going to come out about her. and, agreed, vanity fair often has great investigative articles.

  22. Wednesday is mean and snarky Enty day.

  23. Anonymous8:48 AM

    If they do this, I will sign up for a subscription ASAP.

  24. I love the article VF printed on Kimora Lee Simmons. She thought it was going to be a fabulous profile of a successful business woman and it actually painted her in her true light, which is not pretty.

  25. Maybe they were going to talk about how Chris Martin cheated with Gwyneth's friend Kate Bosworth and when Gwyneth found out she her blacklisted.

  26. Or that Gwyneth stole her role in Shakespeare in Love from her then friend Winona Ryder.

  27. Someone please bullet point the article for me when it comes out. Just the stuff that is going to make her punish herself through not eating and extra gym time.

  28. Goopy taking a cut for branding her lifestyle newsletter is hardly gossip worthy. I say, get it girl!

    If anything her fake ass cookbooks tick me off when you know damn well someone else did all the real work and she's taking the accolades. I just hope the person with the talent was actually paid well.

  29. I would actually give a hoot about this if the contents of the article were posted.

  30. What dirt can they possibly dish about Gwyneth Paltrow? That she's a stuck up phony? That she's a boring sot? I mean it's not like she's murdered a bunch of people, or is dealing drugs out of the trunk of her Beemer, or is holding Roman orgies in her backyard or something.

    Reading an expose about Gwyneth Paltrow is like watching paint dry at an insurance convention.

  31. Well, what are going to expose? So many people already dislike her, whats the point? I almost feel sorry for her. She's completely unaware of how she comes across. Like she cant help it. I once worked with a woman who would talk about how hard it was to get a housekeeper and how she had to have her yacht cleaned this weekend. Naturally alot of women hated her. But I got to know her, and this was just her world and her problems. She wasnt at all snobby-she had us for lunch on yacht many times and at her house. That was just her world. Perhaps same for paltrow, who knows. Just give her benefit of doubt is all im saying. Another example-this woman had gorgeous jewelry, just beautiful, and when I complimented her, she said, oh you think so? They were my late moms and my dad had aott of things made for her. I just started wearing them. So you think they look okay? I was like yeah, they are gorgeous!!!!!!!!

  32. I cannot wait for the takedown on this pretentious twat.

  33. @auntliddy. You're actually kinda right. It's her world and to her, her problems are huge. She doesn't get it. It's kind of like when we complain about being hungry, because we didn't get a chance to eat lunch at noon and it's 3pm...and someone in a 3rd world country is thinking...we're lucky if we get a bite of food once a week or a glass of water.

    Where it is Gwynnies fault though, is she should really educate herself as to how the rest of us live. She is not in the majority. Other celebs don't throw things and ignorance comments in our faces.

  34. Bitch, please!

    The fact that she's working so hard to discredit this article tells you she knows EXACTLY how she is going to come off.

    The GOOP apologists here are cracking me the fuck up.

  35. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Its one enty,imo,that has differing opinions on different topics. SO SHOCKING. Gwyneth is an entitled rich bitch,like marie antoinette playing at making her own food. Shes just bored skinny and rich. Im not going to waste my energy getting mad at her for being spoiled and not aware of it.

    1. Ent has multiple personalities just like you my dear.

    2. Can you post a link on how to get bored skinny?

  36. Huffington Post -- a site practically bankrupt of journalistic integrity -- managed to give a more realistic account of this supposed tiff with VF.

    Apparently, Goop sent an email out to her friends saying something like: “Vanity Fair is threatening to put me on the cover of their magazine,” Paltrow wrote by e-mail, according to someone who had seen the message. “If you are asked for quotes or comments, please decline. Also, I recommend you all never do this magazine again.”

    Anyone with three brain cells to rub together would write the same email.

    And, Enty, really. With all the videos and ads, you're gonna call someone else on the shit they shill?

  37. So why did she post for the photo? Wasn't it obvious they would have an article about her when they took the photo?

  38. packer said...
    Auntliddyh you had a great comment and I agree with you.

  39. All I know is this will b the first issue I've ever purchased of vanity fair!!! Can't wait to see what she's so worried about.

  40. wait...can you seriously try to call out someone for taking a cut of profit when I have to navigate 89853 pop up ads that all sing at the same time on this site?

    I'm also hearing rumors that this website was threatened with a lawsuit over false "reveals" . the writing is so shitty, I believe it.

  41. @hollywood dime, where did you hear that? That's a juicy BI right there.

    I think it's weird that she says Vanity Fair is "threatening" to put her on the cover. The cover looks like a photo shoot, not a pap shot, which would mean she posed for it but doesn't like what the article says about her. She should just buy the magazine, it sounds like it's named after her anyway.

  42. @seven I heard it from the person who threatened suit. a singer.

  43. The VF article is going to expose her definitively for taking kickbacks for products she claims to "love" on her website, for not conceiving or writing ANY of the recipes in any of her cookbooks (this came out already and Paltrow and her publisher effectively quashed the claims of her ghostwriter) and for generally being a pretentious, manipulative, entitled gasbag.

    My only question to VF is: why are you telling us things we already know?

  44. It is never smart to get in a fight with the media- esp if public seems predisposed to dislike you.

  45. @crilla16:

    In an odd way, I sort of feel for Paltrow- in one way. She was born into Hollywood royalty, which means she was born into wealth AND privilege. I know, "I wish I was born into that..."

    But that combo frankly retarda both her social skills and ability to even understand, let alone relate to, the real world. Today's popular stars (we know who they are) didn't grow up in "Hollywood families" or uber-wealth (they didn't struggle, but they weren't AnneH either). They had far more of a connection to/understanding of the "real world." Whether that means they really DO relate to the real world or they know enough to be able to fake it is an interesting debate but immaterial here.

    Gwyneth, in this respect, never had a chance. She has no "real world experience" to fall back on.

  46. @HollywoodDime: I don't buy threatening suits as proof of false stories. If it is false, you either ignore it or you sue. Threatening to sue just makes me think it is real and you are pissed, so you want to try to scare someone into pulling a story.

    @Kevin: I don't buy that she didn't have a chance to be anything but an uptight twunt. There are tons of people out there who could buy and sell me with pocket change who are decent people. I don't think Goop can be blamed on her parents and how she was raised.

  47. I may have to buy this issue of Vanity Fair, or at least read it at the library!

    @Auntliddy, I think you are right, it is so easy to hate on Gwyn, but she really doesn't know any better. She is so fun to hate though!

    @Hollywood Dime, I was wondering how Enty hasn't been sued and forced to write retractions with all the blinds on this site.

  48. Ur-Enty is a successful, well-connected entertainment lawyer (yes, really). Where he dug up some of these half-ass ghostwriters, I dunno, but some of them are evidently seasons Hollywood gossip flacks/hacks. I can see how a combination of the two camps could account for CDAN as it exists today.

    Keep in mind that most of the posters who do drive-by bashing of CDAN's veracity en toto are paid shills themselves.

    1. Where do i sign up for that gig?

  49. The pic is from 2011 VF. This is something new.

  50. Umm.... Lainey wrote about this over a month ago. This is NOT new. The issue, at the time, was the September VF cover.

    I miss the old enty.

  51. @BProfane -- swear I'm not a paid shill.. just a gossip junkie :)

  52. The link


  53. "I miss the old enty."

    From what I can piece together of his CV, I don't know why he specifically would have such a hate on against Paltrow. But maybe it's just general ire at her for being a fake-ass bitch.

  54. This might turn out to be the first issue of Vanity Fair I've ever bought!!
