Friday, September 20, 2013

Selena Gomez Can't Play Russia- Visa Denied Because Of Unsure Gay Stance

Selena Gomez doesn't talk about gay rights very much. I don't follow her every move so I can't remember when she has discussed it or if she has even come out in support of gay marriage. Apparently Moscow isn't sure of Selena's stance either and denied her a visa to perform in the country for two shows that were scheduled for next week. The shows, which would have earned her close to $1M had to be canceled. Because of the new gay propaganda laws in the country, the government is afraid of artists from outside the country delivering messages that are pro gay or pro gay marriage. What they should have realized is that Selena is a toe the line kind of person who does not do anything that would get her in trouble. She would have kept her mouth shut and earned the paychecks. She could have also gone the route that Lady GaGa and Madonna did which is to come into the country as tourists and then play shows.

In response to the anti gay laws in Russia, Cher has canceled her shows set for during the Winter Olympics but Elton John is going to play a lot of shows and says he won't talk about gay issues during his shows or while he is in the country. I guess he needs the money.


  1. Good for Cher!! Boo for Sir Elton, though.

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    I don't like the idea of upsetting the Russians. I'm no international scholar, but seems quite dangerous to try and force Putin do anything. Napoleon Complex and all......

    1. Anonymous6:22 AM

      Oh YEAH......

      I'be been spatially respectful of the Russians every since they built Ivan Dragon. I'm still a scared lil kid on the inside.

    2. Anonymous6:41 AM

      **Ivan DRAGO (SIGH)

  3. Elton is a riot, just one look and nothing needs to be said.

  4. Putin is a tool.

  5. Well, if Selena has some free time coming up on her schedule, then she should get in touch so we can startt he ball rolling on her sexual blossoming. Missionary only is no way to go through life.

    1. Anonymous7:51 AM

      @Count : you said "blossoming".
      Thank you John Waters for introducing me to that concept.

  6. I think it's great that Elton will play. Whether the Russian government acknowledges it or not, everyone knows he's gay, so just playing there is making a statement. And, frankly, even if he does need the money, who cares? Most of us do things we'd rather not be doing every day for money. Sometimes you can just do what's best for you. Try it, it's ok!

  7. Elton doesn't need the money. He might be thinking in terms of just presenting himself as a world famous gay man to all of the repressed gays in Russia. Just sort of a fuck you to the gov't. This is a very stupid gov't. They might be setting themselves up for turmoil such as is going on in the Middle East. People living in repressed regimes are coming to see that they don't have to take this crap from their leaders.

  8. P.S. Russia is so influenced by European culture, how can they pick out the gays? Eurotrash is way closer to Gay than even Metrosexual.

    How else are you expected to stay warm on a cold night in the gulag other than in the warm embrace of your cellmate?

    P.S. I love that 1/2 of Russia is so addicted to alcohol that people have been forced to put video cameras in their cars to document accidents. I can get lost in YouTube for hours watching that stuff.

  9. I'm disappointed in Elton John. I don't think any statement is being made by him going there.

  10. Not everything has to be a gay issue all the time. Maybe Elton just wants to play shows in Russia for the sake of playing shows in Russia.

  11. I love what Elton is doing. He's like, fuck it I'm playing here anyways. Like black artists playing for all white audiences and breaking barriers. I love this kind of activism. He's not doing anything but being himself but it's the audience that is responding to him that does all the work. Kudos.

  12. Why is Putin letting openly gay man perform, but banning Gomez because she may or may not be pro gay?? Doesnt make any sense, but hey, thats Russia, and hey, thats Putin. Schoolyard bully. Ass balloon!

  13. @Liddy: Probably because Selena wouldn't bang him, but Elton did.

  14. Putin might be a tool but he is a scary one. Seriously we need to watch our step with him. Obama is no match. Putin is much more than a schoolyard bully and it would be stupid to underestimate his power.

    Just take a look at what has been going on this last week.......and not through the prism of what the media is telling you.

  15. And Elton has the right to do whatever he wants.

  16. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Oh Putin you scamp! Running from your gay thoughts doesn't make them go away!
    Would LOVE to see a show with The sailors, Pansy Division, the Dead Kennedys (well, Jello), Turbonegro (Prince of the Rodeo HAS to be a Putin fav!), Hunx & his Punx, Hedgwid and the Angry Inch...Freddy Mercury's reanimated corpse....Peter Allen and Liberace. Whew!

  17. Actually Elton has said he wants to do the show for all the gays in Russia who are now silenced. He has also said he won't "not" talk about gay issues, but that he has to think very carefully about what he says. Hell, all he has to do is mention his husband and kids in passing.

    If Russia is letting Elton John in, why on earth are they barring Selena Gomez who has expressed no opinion on ANYTHING at all? Weird.

  18. @Rach: Huh? John Waters? Please explain.

    1. Anonymous8:56 AM

      @ Count : John Water's movie A Dirty Shame discusses blossoming.
      Can't do clicky blue link :

  19. I find this hard to believe. Perhaps they confused her with Bjork? Easy mistake to make.

    China now gets around the "Free Tibet" shiz by requiring a bond from the promoter of up to USD 3 million for a show. So when Bjork does her shit, you forfeit the dough. Promoters now need to get artist management companies to take on the risk, ie. tell the screecher to keep quiet.

    Still doesn't explain to me why someone wanted to pay for a Bjork show though.

  20. The world is flat in Russia.

  21. @Rach: OOOOH NOOOO! I may be a sick fuck, but I draw the line at rosebud porn. That is nasty. I don't even dig on huge gape. A tasteful gape can be cute, but not the completely blowed out look.

    1. Anonymous11:15 PM

      Ha ha Count! One if my fav albums is entitled Fisting the Dead. Nothing says "I love you" like flowers. A fistful.

  22. I am surprised Russia would not have cancelled Elton John's concerts for him. Just the fact he is a gay man with a husband and adopted child should be enough.

    Do you have to sign something to get the visa, or fill out some questionnaire.

    Putin has always been a slimey bugger but Russia seems to be going backwards again. Not good.

  23. Cher seems to be the only real hard core celebrity who is decent

  24. A bunch of people here that know NOTHING about Russia. Russia suffered under Communism and lived with all the liberal, progressive policies that we here in the West are busy implementing. You see how well it worked, and what a successful country they were, so they are moving in the opposite direction, back to their roots as an Orthodox country with actual culture and values. You don't have to approve, or even understand (unless you are a Russian, you can't) but they are a sovereign nation and they will do as they please.

    I know it's hard for many libtarded Westerners to understand, but there IS a downside to faggotry and other nations recognize this and act accordingly. I think it's great, nobody should allow them to adopt kids especially. Keep children away from that sickness because gays aren't born, they recruit. Not a PC and accepted outlook but like so much else, the truth is a lie and the lies are presented as truth.

    The best thing about Russia is that instead of teaching all this "we're all the same and being gay is ok and being a deviant is a valid life choice" bullshit, they are teaching their kids how to use weapons, to fight, and that life isn't a hugbox and you AREN'T a precious little snowflake. This attitude is why they will rule the world while we are sitting here crying about bullying and hurt feels on the internet. You think an army of fags will stop the Russians? Ever seen the Spetznaz? They will destroy our bitch ass military with it's fags and women. Not a PC comment but once again, it's the truth. Also, the Bible says Russia will be the hope of the world.....interesting in light of world event, wouldn't you say?

    1. Anonymous11:17 PM

      Richard, you closet case, is that you? Does your mother know you're loose on the Internet again?

  25. Hervey Cleckley - Charicture of Love 1958

    That is all.

  26. I have never been able to look at Elton the same since he performed at Rush Limpballs 4th wedding.

  27. I've got no issue with Elton. He's and out and proud MARRIED, GAY man w kids. He needs not say a word; his mere presence is enough.

  28. *an out and proud...sheesh.

  29. I keep waiting for the punchline, like there's gonna be a Justin Bieber lesbian joke.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Most Russians have always been and always will be smarter than the idiots who tend to get into power. If you want to dumb down and control a populace, the last thing you want is to have the gays running amok. They tend to shake things up for the better.

  32. Elton is such a hypocrite

  33. Why do celebrities have to say anything about their how they feel about worldy issues? Just shut your mouth and perform.
