Tuesday, September 03, 2013

Scarlett Johansson Wants To Run For Political Office

If you want to run for political office, there are two things you must be able to do above all others. Meet and greet lots of people and ask them for money. Scarlett Johansson would suck at both. Let me rephrase that. Scarlett Johansson sucks at both. Scarlett never met a fan she likes and even when they actually pay her money will come up with any excuse not to spend time with them. In the current issue of Harper's Bazaar, Scarlett says she would like to run for political office because there are lots of things she feels she can change about the world. She also thinks that since she gives money to candidates, that this makes her very well qualified to run for office herself. Notice that when she gives money to candidates, she makes it very clear she wants to meet them and wants access which is something she really hates doing.

This is the same person who also thinks she can make a living as a singer and was going to be married to Ryan Reynolds forever. Granted, she didn't know his mirror was part of the bargain, but still.


  1. She doesn't seem less vain than Ryan Reynolds....don't get the hate against him. ScarJo is a fine actress but she seems so full of herself!

  2. Well if you don't like people you can't expect them to like you (vote for you)

  3. Replies
    1. Hmm Lotta, have Scarlett & Christopher ever been seen together?! They're the same person!

    2. @ e rosey

      But Christopher isn't such a frigid betch!

    3. Oh, shit. Wow

    4. Oh Ryan dodged a bullet. Look how walken looks now!

  4. I've always like her myself.

  5. I think she is just daydreaming out loud---she cant be that ignorant. Did she even graduate highschool/

  6. I think her political aspirations would last as long as Ashley Judds, about a minute and a half after people started digging.

  7. She strikes me as a dim bulb

  8. Couldn't be worse than Ronald Reagan.

  9. At first I read it as postal office, don't think she'd be able to do that job either.

  10. At first I read it as postal office, don't think she'd be able to do that job either.

  11. @Rosemary - amen. And you have to wonder who would put her hacked selfies on a campaign sign first - her or her opponent?

  12. She's too good actress,you need to be a very awful actor to be politician (Reagan,Schwarzzie)

  13. A good actress? Seriously? She's very pretty but cannot act at all. Pretty goes a long way but it does not confer talent or brains. It does, however, encourage delusional vanity.

  14. she actually is a good actress. she was great in match point. also terrific in the girl w/the pearl earring. and, she's won a tony, so obviously I'm not the only one who thinks so.

    not saying that she has a large range, but she is terrific at what she does.

  15. The standards for politicians are so low now almost anyone can run.

  16. Yet another "on purpose" misquote, but it does give Enty and others a sensational headline to talk about. SJ was interviewed by Harpers Bazaar UK and was talking about supporting Obama and being very active in his campaign, and how important it is to get involved. She was then asked if she would consider getting even more involved in politics than she already is.

    Here is her quote “That seems like a stretch,” she said. “But who knows? I don’t limit the possibilities. If I have more time, I may be able to lend a bigger voice to politics. I never close the door on those kinds of things.”

  17. @ annabella: Indeed. I'll bet the people saying Scarlett can't act have only seen her in dumb movies like "The Avengers" and not "Match Point," "Lost in Translation," etc. Actors should be judged by their best work, not their worst.

  18. She really doesnt seem very user friendly, but you never know!

  19. Scarlett is a longtime Oxfam Ambassador who just two years ago, visited the Dadaab refugee camp.
    She also visited the Turkana region of northern Kenya where communities suffer from chronic droughts that have destroyed their lives and livelihoods. She has Visited AIDS Clinics in Rwanda and raises awareness to tackle famine in Africa. Yet, *Enty* rags on her singing.

  20. Yeah, I think she was just musing, surely even she knows how dumb she really is, right? Because, oof. Stay pretty, girl!

  21. With this country's history of electing actor and poseurs, I'm sure she'll get elected. But won't she have to stop whoring? One thing we can't tolerate in our pols is sexual shennigans.

  22. Anonymous11:06 AM

    she's the worst

  23. When the prettiness disappears so will her "acting" career. Bazaar dressed her up in Serious Tweedy Lady clothing. I'm amazed they didn't give her a pair of black rimmed Smart Person glasses to complete the look. Too obvious?

  24. Match Point is such a great movie.

  25. Why do these dingbats think that acting in a movie makes them experts in economy or political environment? If her only credentials are being an ambassador for some NGO, they are pretty lame. That only means doing tourism through crappy places for a short time surrounded by bodyguards and wealth everywhere.
    Her best acting was the first minute of "lost in translation" (her ass, literally). Not even in match point her acting was good at anything that giving boners, something that Stoya could have done as well.
    This skeezer wouldn't win an election even with all the propaganda machine Barack Hussein had.

  26. Doubt she'd do much worse than the politicians we have now.

  27. I'm not a fan of hers. She strikes me as one of the extremely lucky people in entertainment.

  28. Such an ignorant twat. Let her run for office and see what happens.

  29. Does anybody remember when she dated Sean Penn? Yeah, that's when she started being "political." If you could imagine dating Sean Penn, you can also imagine how he probably never shuts up about his beliefs and shit. Just my opinion, but this bitch is the typical pretty girl who didn't focus on education because she was too interested in becoming a famous actress. And also, she's pretty. Sorry but pretty chicks are fed compliments from a young age and that leads to them working less hard and aiming lower, whether it be because they believe things will be easier to achieve due to their looks, or by manipulating men. I said this before and I'll say it again, a friend likened her to "a pretty, slow girl" and I stick by that. Her "acting" is pouting while delivering lines with this unbelievable conceit that just radiates off the screen. No, no, no and no.

  30. Anonymous8:43 PM

    Sit Down! is this a typo enty? more like 'Scarlett hohanson wants to run for monica lewinskys role in the white house!'

  31. HA! If I remembered ScarJo was with Penn earlier, then my comment would have been, "How she gonna be in politics when the smartest thing to come out of her mouth was Sean Penn's cock?"



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