Monday, September 09, 2013

Random Photos Part Two - Toronto International Film Festival

Thandie Newton and her husband announced they are expecting baby number 3.

Sandra Bullock on the smallest red carpet ever.
Matthew M and Jennifer Garner promoting Dallas Buyers Club.
Adam Levine trying to get the phone number of his former co-star Keira Knightley.
Brad Pitt, who said a sequel to World War Z was a strong possibility. Uggh.
Kristen Wiig
A very pregnant Kate Winslet.
James Van Der Beek and his pregnant wife.
Jesse Eisenberg and his current girlfriend Mia Wasikowska


Meanie Rhysie said...

Wtf is up with Brad?! He looks so strange there...the face, the hair...what is it? (I'd still bang him. Oh yes, I would!)

Kassandra said...

Whoa...that dress on Van Der Beek's wife is horrendous - the color, the style, the everything.

and yes, i know she's pregnant...that's not the problem. whoever created that monstrosity should be permanently banned from fashion designing.

parissucksliterally said...

Kate "I have never had a nose job or any plastic surgery" Winslet looks fantastic pregnant.

I didn't know Thandie had 2 kids already!

Ryan said...

In other news:

WKMG news is reporting that George Zimmerman, who in July was acquitted of murdering Trayvon Martin, has been taken into custody in Lake Mary, Florida, after "an incident involving a gun with another person."

Police say they were called to a Sprucewood Road residence to investigate an argument that involved a gun and a threat. Zimmerman's mother in law, Machelle Dean, lives on Sprucewood Road, but it is unclear if the argument took place at her home. Jeff Weiner of the Orlando Sentinel reports that police have confirmed that Zimmerman is in custody for a "possible domestic battery."

This incident comes just days after Zimmerman's wife, Shellie, filed for divorce. In an interview with Good Morning America, Shellie said that George has a serious temper and was verbally abusive to her.

No, this isn't a joke.

Unknown said...

I agree....face looks very puffy.

rhinovodka said...

Brad is going the way of Val Kilmer.

rhinovodka said...

Oh and Kate looks nothing like her Titanic self. I like Jesse & Mia together.

Unknown said...

Brad definitely had a face lift recently.

msgirl said...

Holy shit about Zimmerman.

Brad is puffy from work on his fave. Tsk tsk

msgirl said...

I love Thandie,

mizzavrid said...

George Zimmerman..... KARMA. Hope it hits his nasty ass hard.

Count Jerkula said...




Beetlejuice said...

Can't say i'm surprised by the Zimmerman news.

Kelly said...

So is Jen Garner not pregnant after all?

Momster said...

Thandie Newton is so gorgeous.

Saw the previews for "Gravity" this weekend. Looks pretty good.

Pitt continues his slide into non-hotness.

yodelay said...

Brad totally has Val face. Vanity strikes another pretty princess down. I do not think one's look goes back to normal once the fillers start.

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

The Cracker Hispanic hasn't been arrested. His still-wife called police and he is free by now.,0,4880482.story

This has nothing to do with the situation that the wife is going to divorce him (the have been separated for more than a fortnight) and, if he is charged with battery, she will get more money from him in the divorce, not at all. #irony/sarcasm

8====D KermitGossnellKnobjob said...

I despise adam levine too much.

Alexa Rose said...

I think Jesse Eisenberg and Mia Wasikowska are such a cute couple in an awkward way.

Hazeldazel said...

+1, mizzavrid. Karma, she's a bitch.

Kate Winslet is gorge, and makes KK's pregnancy "fashion" even more ridiculous in comparison.

Is that van der beek guy wearing orange shoes? It's hard to make an entire couple clash so badly. Did they get ready in separate houses?

Yeah, Brad needs to put down the bong and the beer can, he's getting all bloaty. All the skin buffing in the world ain't hiding that.

Topper Madison said...

I thought Kate Winslet was Uma Thurman in another photo I saw of her from this event. In this photo I thought she was Claire Danes. Do they all go to the same cosmetic surgeons or something? Dang.

New Life and Attitude said...

That's it! I was trying to figure out who Pitt was starting to look like. Yep - Val Kilmer. Sad - he was soo hot at one time.

MISCH said...

Yeah Brad we're all waiting for the World War Z sequel....
And I agree he's had some work done, whenever he's tweeking his face he grows the scruff ...

Brenda L said...

If this Brad business keeps up, ol'
Angelina is going to need to think about upgrading.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

So George's wife didn't press charges, so once again he has dodged a bullet (groan....I pun intended..)

Anonymous said...


NaughtyNurse said...

Yeah! Brad's face kinda freaked me out there, too! Weird. Now I LOVE Venderbeek's wife's dress! Something about Kristin Wiig is starting to bug me. And Matthew M needs to gain weight. He looks like he has embraced that anorexic diet he had to follow to lose weight for that last flick.

sheit_ur_duinit_wrawng! said...

Matthew M--damn his head is way bigger than body proportions. Weight loss has amplified this (look at a pic of him and Camilla, his head is triple hers!) Brad has had the pretty sucked right out of him by that bony banshee. Def botox'd 4head, fillers in cheeks, questionable lip fillers. Makes the crinkles in his eyes look like he belongs in "Cats" if he had whiskers! Val Kilmer 2.0

Steampunk Jazz said...

@meloncholy &Peggy too..who knew that scruffy homeless look was hiding so much face chunk.
That's the prob when longtime facial hair is gone, the wearer doesn't move the facial muscles as much so the newly shorn look slack faced.
( looks like it hid weight gain too)

Mag said...

Oh, cool :) Two Poles in Hollywood have found each other (JE and MW) :)
Love them both to pieces :)

Steampunk Jazz said...

I can't believe that no one brought up the hideous dress on Sandy Bullock. That is 3 pieces of ugly, right there.
After reading the comments I went back to Brad's pic. Dear God, you can still see the needle holes on his forehead!

The Real Dragon said...

Yup Brad. I still would.

Steampunk Jazz said...

what the f***! are those bruises all over Jennifer Garner's Legs?

Erik said...




lutefisk said...

Brad Pitt looks just like G.E. Smith. His hairline is also really odd. Looks like hair plugs and a face lift.

Unknown said...

I was just coming on here to interject some Brad snark as well, but looks like you all beat me to it!

Frufra said...

I am no Brad Pitt fan, BUT - I saw a bunch more pictures of him at TIFF, and they were the first time in years I found him attractive. He was smiling and laughing in the other pictures, and really looked great. I swear. I'm usually the first one to give him the big "meh", but trust me, he looked good for once!

Little Broken Bird said...

Brad looks like he's had jaw implants or something. The shape of his face has changed. Silly because he'd probably look hotter left to age naturally

di butler said...

The Golden Retriever had a few fillers. You can see where, look at his 2011 pics.,

Goodnight said...

Enty needs to lay off the WWZ hate. It didn't flop. You were wrong. Move past it, mate.

Leo said...

I wasn't surprised when that bastard o.j. went to prison either. What's your point?

Leo said...

He looks like benicio del toro to me

Mari said...

Bradley is no longer fighting the hot. He's failed, the hot escaped.

ericaomega said...

separate issues lion, merryb didn't even refer to the case, so take your sarcasm and put it up ur rigid bum, it'll help you get rid of that stick that's already there. By the way, there's no question Zimmerman killed Martin. OJ may have paid someone, but he was physically incapable of killing his estranged exwife and her lover. The point was that after being acquited fora gun crime, it's not surprizing the second crime also involves a gun.

Sherry said...

Looks like an odd angle on the picture of Brad if you ask me. And i still would too.


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