Monday, September 09, 2013

Random Photos Part Six

Ashley Benson Tweeted a selfie while on vacation. Looks quiet.
Britney Spears wanted the world to see that she has been working out.
A very skinny Colin Firth with an even
skinnier Nicole Kidman.
Elle Fanning is trying to make the workout look mainstream.
Emma Watson in GQ.
Gavin Rossdale had daddy duty this weekend.
Helen Hunt serves espresso on the set of hr new movie.
James Franco and the ATL boys. Talk about classy.


  1. Britney looks good, except for the shoes. What will happen to her when her parents die, someday, who will take care of her then?

    Colin Firth looks fantastic. Good to see Helen Hunt again, and Ashley Benson seems like a cool person and I can't even put my finger on why I think that.

  2. I LOVE Colin Firth...

    Zuma Rossdale fucking rocks! I LOVE that kid!

    Britney, meh.

  3. There's something about Britney Spears that always gives me lady wood.

  4. Ashley Benson looks as though she is peaking on a shame spiral. I can't say why I think that, except maybe she looks a little hungover / regretful. Colin Firth, I like him skinny, I like him chubby, I like him however he will grace me with his presence in photos. Thank you, Enty.

    James Franco is totally disgusting. Emma Watson looks gorgeous, but it may be the clothes and Elle Fanning looks like she's been locked out of something, not like she's trying to do anything mainstream.

  5. Helen Hunt looks really good with that hair.

  6. Colin Firth is hawt. I keep dreaming that someday, someone will make a movie with him, Fassy, Cumberbatch, Clive Owen and Idris Alba (sp?). I really don't care about the story, I just want them to be in suits and doing whatever. In my head, I call it "The Suit Movie".

    Beefcake for everyone!

    1. ORG Hazel. That would be an awesome movie.

    2. GD new phone. Should be omg.

  7. HAHAHA @Hazeldazel. I too LURVE me the appearance in the Photos of The Firth. (He and The Cumber were in Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy together. Sort of.)

  8. FS, Ashley Benson made an obnoxious tweet about Amanda Bynes the weekend she was committed. FYI

    NOT a cool person, IMO.

  9. I need my eyes me that looks nothing like Britney, and Helen Hunt looks like Katie Couric!

  10. Britney looks the best she's looked in years. She's still got it.

    Helen Hunt looks fabulous.

  11. Britney looks like she is standing in a motor home.

  12. So glad to see Helen Hunt making another movie--such a great actress. Emma Watson? Flawless. Elle Fanning should take a look at that photo to see what class looks like, because it's NOT walking around in flip flops and spandex.

  13. Mmmmm, Britney, if you show a clean test I would tear you up.



    1. Ha! It's always about the clean test, count! Shame how many of them are in the Valtrex club..

  14. I remember when Enty didn't care enough to get Ashley's name right, or even know it at all. Now she is the top spot. Oh how the times have changed.

  15. Bikini Brit



  16. Blind Item:

    What aging prince of an aging Philandeering American Political Dynasty had two bastard children by a NYC lawyer whom he promised to marry? The affair continued 7 years after our prince married for the second time. Second son was born after our prince's second marriage. Despite his wealth, Prince never supported his bastard children. Mom's had enough and delivered a copy of Prince's diary to a tabloid, but thediary release is covering fire for some rather extensive hush hush negotiations going on right now.

    1. Awaiting more RFK, JR tales here. Tell me more...

  17. Even the parts of me that never see sun are not as white as that Fanning girl. She's Casper pale cousin.

  18. Is this the same Enty that keeps posting hate-filled bullshit blinds about Nicole Kidman? :S

  19. Brit does look good there but Emma looks better.

  20. @Shinobi: I aint scare of no herpes. I'd roll the dice on that to bang her. I'm talkin about the HIV rumors. Now I think that story is a plant so dudes won't bang the mental broad and have her lose custody of more kids, but I aint risking dying for pussy, even if it is smoking hot and batshit crazy.
