Monday, September 09, 2013

Random Photos Part One

Six parts today.

Nigella Lawson is in LA. Hopefully she can make it through meals without being choked.

Naomi Watts does the playground thing with her son.
Pink and Carey Hart are still in Australia.
Patrick Stewart got married and Tweeted this photo with his new wife. Hopefully they then took a shower and got a tetanus shot.
I think Reese Witherspoon is doing this so Ava never ends up on Teen Mom.
Amanda Seyfriend looking bewildered while shopping.
Simon Cowell is spending this week with Mezhgan rather than his baby mama.
Sarah Michelle Gellar takes her daughter to ballet class.
Sean Penn was in London working on an action scene. I can't remember him ever being in an action scene.


Pookie said...

for a second there i thought pink was justin bieber, and i was going to make a comment on how he'd bulked up. #eyeexamtime

Unknown said...

Making a teen babysit an actual baby can be a deterrent. Not sure if that's what Reese is going for, but if it works, there's no knocking it.

Patrick Stewart's photo is adorable!

missKWyumyum said...

Amanda just looks hungry

parissucksliterally said...

Both Reese's kids with Ryan are so beautiful....can't tell yet with this baby....

Count Jerkula said...




Kels said...

Nigella AKA Russell Brand. They look and act exactly the same, I can't watch her show without laughing at the similarities.

Momster said...

Do we know for sure that Freddie Prinze, Jr. is still alive? When is the last time he was out and about?

Pip said...

Wow, Jax, jokes about Nigella being choked? Has the crimson tide come early for you?

CeCe said...

I thought Patrick Stewart is gay? Am I remembering that wrong? I swear I read here or somewhere else that he came out several years ago.

Tempestuous Grape said...

ahhhhhh, Reese's shorts are to die!!!

Kelly said...

Cute pic of Stewart and wife. Maybe Reese's kid just loves her baby brother and wanted to carry him.

auntliddy said...

Reno, thats what i thought.

Alexa Rose said...

@Momster, I was just going to ask when the last time anyone spotted Freddie was lol. Very sweet picture of SMG taking her daughter to ballet.

Amanda Seyfried looks like she is baffled anyone would take her picture right then when she is clearly wanting to be left alone.

All teenagers should have to do a mandatory supervised babysitting of a baby, diapers and all, for one day instead of school. Would be the best birth control ever.

Hazeldazel said...

CeCe, you're thinking of Ian McKellan, who is out and also awesome.

Stewart is stupendous and has been with his wife for several years. How can he be soooo hot at 73 years old? And funny too.

Anonymous said...

I thought he was too! Glad to see I'm not the only one!

Leisa said...

i too thought Pink was Bieber and Enty was Jax.

DontRainOnMyPrada said...

I can't believe Simon's baby mama will tolerate this. It won't end well. Mezhgan is really possessive and jealous so if she's hanging out with him it's not just on a "friends" basis.

Tara said...

Freddie writes/produces for the WWE of all things, and probably spends a chunk of time in Connecticut, where one of the big headquarters is.

Anonymous said...

That chick with cowell TOTALLY called the paps and turned to give them a good shot of her because she is so interchangeable amongst the Cowell harem.

That sentence is atrocious, but I don't want to change it.

NaughtyNurse said...

Amanda looks like she is starving.

Anonymous said...

Best way to teach teens to be safe, have them take care of a particularly unruly child. That or watch a educational birthing video. Kryptonite.

sheit_ur_duinit_wrawng! said...

Sean Penn is on his way to Syria to pal around with THAT dictator. Its a pass time of his.

Amanda looks tired but beautiful without makeup. Natural beauty.

Funny how Reese is always caught strolling with her big purse down the sidewalk. Call paps much?

Simple Simon-he said in an interview he always travels with his "ex girlfriends". Sounds like a harem of "Sister Wives"

Steampunk Jazz said...

@ Cece, I think those rumors came about after he starred as a gay designer in the movie" Jeffrey" As a Trek TNG fan, I Never thought he was gay, lol.

Steampunk Jazz said...

@sheit,that purse hides the nip for both she and the baby.

Frufra said...

The Patrick Stewart ball pit comment is proof positive that Enty has a kid. Ball pits are NASTY dirty. Gives me the willies just to think about those dirty balls (I only wish I was just making a bad joke)!

di butler said...

Probably couldn't get a nanny, since they all hate her guts. Can someone put a pic of Freddy Prinze on a milk carton, or something?

KLM said...

I am so annoyed by the Nigella comment. Crimson is NOT the new black, Jax.

And momster - super funny post! I feel like Freddie Prinze might be the next Shelly Miscavige... Too bad there is no one to post an APB (maybe his daughter can?)

Unknown said...

Yeah, that was a rude and unnecessary remark about Nigella. Way to make fun of domestic violence Jax!

Danielle said...

The Reese comment pissed me off. "Making her" do what exactly? Carry her baby brother around? Why wouldn't she do so willingly. I have a baby sister 9 years my junior and not only did I try and hold/ carry her every chance I got. My mom "made me" do none of it. It also gave me all of my baby experience. Feeding/ diaper changing, etc. by the time I became a mom I was a pro. Baby classes not needed! :)

Count Jerkula said...

@Danielle: Do you think we should add Barren Baby-Hater to Fugazi Enty's title? This isn't government work, each title doesn't have a unique payscale. We can label the Mansogynist whatever we want.


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