Monday, September 16, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Diane Kruger and Joshua Jackson spend almost every second of every day with each other.
Anna Faris promoting her new movie.
A very rare sighting of the Goopster/Chris Martin combination.
Gwen Stefani is being quiet about her pregnancy but Eve isn't.
All actors want to be directors because they think this makes them look cool. Helen Hunt is no exception.
A photo of Isla Fisher without her new bff Kirsten Dunst.
Jennifer Aniston in Toronto with Justin Theroux.
Jane Lynch always looks happy.
Jimmy Fallon gives his daughter a kiss for the cameras.


  1. Anna Faris looks very different

  2. I can't help it. I love Chris Martin.

    I also love Helen Hunt.

  3. J.J. keeps her fix in his pocket. Works like an electric fence on a dog... Never more than 3 feet away.

    Anna Faris rules - it's not her fault people keep paying her to star in crappy movies. I'd take the money too.

    Oh Chris Martin, those Twinkies you're sneaking behind Goop's back are starting to catch up with you! Try smack - it has fewer calories and it will make dealing with Gwyneth so much easier.

    Gwen Stefani = Clown Whore (I've said it before, still feel the same.)

    Helen is trying to look as hideous as possible so when people say she looks awful she can say it was intentional.

    Isla looks like she's switched her diet to human flesh. Pretty soon we'll only see her at night.

  4. Diane Kruger looks like either a young Jessica Lange or a young Faye Dunaway in that photo. Can't decide.

  5. Jennifer looks good when she wears anything but her usual LBD.

  6. looks like Anne Plastice surgery is going down. Good. She looks pretty.

  7. Diane Kruger and Anna Faris look so different! Still love Anna and she's married to Chris Pratt!

  8. If I had Josh Jackson, I wouldn't be too far away from him either...

  9. Mr Aniston does nothing for me, I just can't see her with him.

  10. Justin Theroux looks like Stephen Colbert's trendy brother in that pic.

  11. Love Jimmy Fallen.

    Gwen looks so cute. She always rocks her pregnancies.

  12. I love Diana Kruger and Joshua Jackson together. They seem to really dig each other and I wish them a long, happy relationship. Pacey grew up really nice.

  13. I don't get the Eve/Gwen comment

  14. Anna Faris is adorable. Can't help but love her.

    I can't continue liking Isla if she continues hanging out with Kiki.

  15. Nothanks, Eve said Gwen was "preggers" in an interview.

  16. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Coldplay are boring, Justin is hot (and so is his cousin in a brainy kinda way).
