Thursday, September 26, 2013

Nina Dobrev Will Regret Dating Derek Hough

Life & Style is reporting that Nina Dobrev and Derek Hough are dating. Normally I don't care who is dating who except as it relates to who is cheating on who. I do make exceptions for really mismatched couples or people who should not be allowed to date anyone ever and that person is Derek Hough. The guy is a leech who will suck every ounce of fun and life out of you. None of his exes have ever said anything nice about him. They run away from him as fast as they can. Cheryl Cole? She hasn't been the same since he dated her and not just because she almost died from the adventure he suggested. Shannon Elizabeth? Yes her career was already at the bottom of the hill but if you run into her before one of her poker games ask her about Derek Hough. I bet she shudders and asks for a blanket before answering. This is what Nina Dobrev is getting herself into. Yes she knows Julianne Hough and those two have partied and Julianne is a whole other story for another day. Nina thinks she knows Derek but she doesn't know anything. The happy go lucky guy turns into something different once there is a relationship. When it ends Nina won't say anything nice and she won't be hanging out with Julianne ever again either because when you get Derek you get Julianne too.


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