Monday, September 09, 2013

Miley Cyrus Loses Her Vogue Cover

Anna Wintour was going to make Miley Cyrus a very happy person by putting her on the cover of Vogue. The operative word here being was. Apparently Anna didn't like Miley's VMA antics and has axed her from the cover and Miley isn't going to sniff another cover in the next few years. Someone who is going to get a chance at sniffing a cover for the first time and who would probably eat an actual meal if you told her is Victoria Beckham. Anna was at Victoria's show at Fashion Week and even though Anna has said in the past that Victoria isn't pretty enough to be on the cover of Vogue Anna is contemplating putting Victoria on the cover with David who Anna thinks is plenty pretty enough and didn't mind touching during Victoria's show. Anna just wanted to make sure all of those muscles were real and that the tattoos weren't Henna or something.


  1. How is Miley prettier than Victoria Beckham?

  2. somewhere katie holmes is binging on ice cream...

  3. Brava Anna!!! Finally, bad behavior not being rewarded.

  4. Miley Cyrus will never be "prettier" than Victoria Beckham. I'm not a huge fan, but I think the explanation for not putting VB on the cover is BS. I'm betting Nuclear Wintour thinks VB is trashy.
    Although, again, how she could possibly see the ChipmunkHo as LESS trashy is beyond me.
    Maybe dementia's seeping through AW's helmet hair.
    Offering the cover to Miley Cyrus is indicative of some sort of cognitive defect.

    1. This story would be compelling, IF TRUE. Its not. Miley just did pics for Harpers' and Vanity Fair, which would make them her 10th, and 11th mag cover, for 2013. Teen Vogue has tons of Miley pics, video links, this story is BS. Miley is doing just fine, regardless of people saying inane garbage about her online.

  5. Strip the makeup and the hair bleach, and I think Miley could be stunning. Posh is beautiful but in that I'm-sucking-on-a-lemon-for-nutritional-value sort of way.

    1. Miley can 'be made up' to look good, but as soon as she opens her mouth and flashes her horse teeth it's all over.

    2. I think it was over at evil beet where they pointed out that the Miley that Liam became engaged to was the one from the Backyard Sessions where she sang "Jolene." Now, I'm not particularly into country music OR Miley Cyrus, but (and its a BIG but) watching the clip reminded me of how pretty she used to be and actually highlighted the fact that the girl really has/had (?) a voice. She is so shockingly different, it is disappointing.
      Her eyes were totally dialated at the VMA's & the second she appeared, my husband (42) blurts out, "she's on X" I really think that's what it was. I don't understand why someone who likes all of their nice shit and fancy blah-blah would twist off into drugs and totally fuck their career or possibly their life.

  6. If you describe your style as white trash wtf would you even be able to be on vogue ??

  7. Remember back in the day when Annie Leibowitz photographed Miley semi sort of "topless" in Vogue, and everyone flipped and Miley claimed she was "embarrassed"? LOL.

    1. Anonymous8:15 AM


      Yeah i remember that. I did understand the big deal.

    2. Anonymous8:27 AM

      *didn't .. ... .

    3. Vanity Fair, not Vogue.

  8. Anonymous8:12 AM

    On Gawker they called her "the intimidating bob know as Anna Wintour"

    It would take a cutie like Harper to make that frosty, mega "munt" crack a smile.

  9. I just don't understand why Miley is the only one getting bad press and fail out from the VMA's?? While I think the whole performance was awkward and gross, she wasn't up there alone. Aren't these performances planned and rehearsed well in advance? The producers, MTV, and Robin Thicke had no idea what was going to happen? The foam finger just appeared on stage?
    Miley is making bad choices in trying to she'd her Hannah Montana skin, but it bugs the shit out of me how she is taking the fall for a performance that included TWO people

    1. Did Daft Punk ever make their "surprise" appearance? If they did, what a wasted surpirse.

  10. Ha ha, it serves Miley right.

  11. OMG! SHE'S SMILING. Harper has magical powers!

  12. I love Victoria!!!!! She can do no wrong...her style is impeccable.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Miley has a smoking body and her face is pretty enough to do the cover, but lets face it, this is probably something put out by her publicists to keep her in the news. Better news, that is.

  15. It looks like Anna Wintour is about to eat that poor child. Run, Harper, and take your daddy! My address is...

    1. Exactly what i thought, seven! She looks like she gonna take a big old bit of our harper!! Wintour is a hag.

    2. She doesn't eat the babies... She STEALS THEIR SOULS.

  16. Good grief. The first part was a blind from Lainey's site last week and today she posted about the fashion show with this picture (plus more) and thought maybe Harper would need to be on the cover with her.

  17. Victoria is becoming a Susan Lucci type of figure with her open desire for a Vogue cover. When she finally gets one, it will be an anti-climax.

  18. Oh No! It's not VB for the cover, its Harper and her Daddy!

  19. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Miley is powerful enough that if she says she wants to do her show a certain way then its going to be done that way. You think she doesnt know exactly how to make things go her way? I doubt shes shy about getting mouthy and demanding her artistic vision be honored. And she knows how to play the game....imho.

  20. I'm shocked how people keep defending Miley. Shes a cheeseball has-been and will never be the "next Madonna" or whatever she claims to be. She doesn't deserve to be on the cover of Playboy let alone Vogue. She had a decent voice but so do alot of people. Her music has been and always will be horrid and she has enough money to just move to an island far away so she can tweak and twerk with the monkeys where she belongs. She is an attention whore and the thing that really irks me is one second she claims not to be into all the media hype etc. and the next she is doing whatever tacky shit she does to get more press. She is not a talented person nor interesting enough to be discussed. I think she has more in common with Kim Kardashian than say a Madonna or even Britney Spears

    1. Thank you Derek Harvey, for your post. I agree 100%. She is at best the Chloe, not even the Kim.

    2. I agree. Not understanding why this behavior is being defended, I'm all for Anna's decision.

  21. Rumor is Harper 7 has the December cover wrapped up...(just joking, but it would be fantastic)

  22. 1/Anna looks very interested by the adorable Harper

    2/ the deleted cover is not a surprise.It's Vogue,it stays classy and actually Miley is everything but classy
    I think i read somewhere it could have some negative effects on Miley's RP

  23. Anna Wintour is such a cunt. It's a travesty that Victoria Beckham has never had a Vogue cover. That woman IS style. The fact that Vogue would consider Miley Cyrus before Victoria Beckham is such bullshit. Now I remember why I cancelled my subscription. Vogue is so out of touch.

  24. and Victoria is beautiful. My cousins in England went to high school with her and said she was awkward and often teased for being well Victoria.

  25. Miley does NOT belong on a Vogue cover. She is tacky, and not pretty -especially with that butch haircut. She'd also be upset if she couldn't pose with her tongue out.

  26. Move along. Nothing to see here.

  27. best decision AW ever made.......hope she keeps her off the cover for a long long time.

    I actually love VB and her hubby and yes they are real and they are spectacular

  28. I'm disappointed that Anna had wanted Miley to be on the cover. However, things seem to have a way of working themselves out, hey?

  29. It's Anna's magazine; she can do what she wants. I happen to applaud this decision. However, she has no problem celebrating skanky junkies like Cara Delevingne, the "model of the year!" She best put Victoria B on that cover! A nice shot of Victoria eating a Big Mac. Now that is sexy!

  30. Harper is a magic baby--she made Anna smile.

  31. Even being on 12 consecutive covers of Vogue would not touch the level of publicity Miley got from the VMAs and is still getting aftershocks from now.

    I doubt she is crying over this.

    1. @ Unknown: it s still a sign that she s shunned towards the exit ... she s now the fool and the one nobody wants to be seen around with, she d better pay attention to the message.

  32. Thanks Anna for keeping it classy. Enough with trash as mainstream. Let Miley and Honey Boo Boo work with PMK to create their own empire far far away.

  33. Miley is getting great press out of the fact that she is not on the cover. Really now, is Miley heading in the the direction of Vogue covers? I think not.

  34. A lot of the models featured in Vogue all but have dirty syringes dangling from their underfed veins and suck/fuck anyone and their dogs to promote their careers--but I'm supposed to cheer when Miley doesn't get the cover? Why?

    It doesn't matter to me, either way. But let's not chalk this decision because of Miley's supposed bad behavior The pearl-clutching over it is just a new version of slut-shaming. Madonna, as I recall, dry-humped the VMA stage 30 years ago. Britney slithered with a python in the most least non-ironic publicity move ever.

    Miss Anna is probably horny and wants to snuggle up to Becks. She loves athletic types--she stayed in Roger Federer's guest box for years at his major matches. She's been cuddly with Amar'e Stoudamire and Tyson Chandler. Any male athlete with some fashion sense catches her attention. More power to her, I'm not mad at her game. But bad behavior dictating something? No. I don't think so. Not with this crowd.

  35. @Derek Harvey- well said, sir!

  36. It was a performance, people! Not 'bad behavior', FFS!

  37. I doubt Miley gives s shit. She still got paid, has some nice snaps-and tons of press because hagwoman changed her teeny tiny mind.

  38. This is the answer to Lainey's blind.

  39. That's pretty stupid of Vogue. What are we all talking about?? What are we going to notice on the newsstands? People would have bought it, even if it was just dudes for in the bathroom.

  40. Vogue is such a joke anyway. Don't Blake lively got like 3 vogue covers and she slept with married man, I don't have an issue with Miley she isn't hurting no one just rebelling and seem to be enjoying. She richer than have the people talk mess about her byway shell go back to the old Miley eventually.

    But I do believe Miley is prettier than Victoria beckham,

  41. Miley is being tut-tutted about, not shunned. She is getting a ton of publicity and there will be a long line of opportunities for her to exploit based on others looking to tap into that publicity / notoriety.

    And if she's smart and keeps it together -- and I bet she will -- then in a few years she'll change directions and generate a whole new wave of publicity as she goes more conservative and talks about the demons and hardships of her younger years.

    My take -- if she's happy, good for her. The reality is the business would have forced to her a level of exhibitionism just one or two notches less anyway, just like it does to everyone else in her business / position. She's probably thinking, might as well take it one notch further on my own, feel some control, and reap the rewards.

  42. That shit happens if you a fucked up white trash slut pig on drugs.

  43. Who cares, young people aren't all that into magazine these days anyway.

  44. @Jacq - not without first draining them of their innocent baby blood. How else do you think she's stayed alive for the past 800 years?

  45. Also, I like Miley. The girl's young, and she's finding her way. Perhaps not always in a smart way, but she'll grow up.
